19日、台風を迎えつつある広島に国連機関のUnited Nations Institute for Training and Research(UNITAR)の講演に行ってきました。所長のイラン人でスイス育ちのAzimiさんは、大変に教養のある素敵な女性です。彼女からこんな嬉しいメールをいただきました。皆さんにご紹介します。
※UNITAR Roundtablesで行った講演の内容はこちらです。
Dear Professor Kurokawa
Your expose of yesterday was like lightening — and it clearly touched the minds and hearts of many: since this morning I have been receiving numerous impressed, thoughtful and, clearly, moved testimonies from some of yesterday’s participants. I think part of UNITAR’s duty is to contribute to elevating the thinking and the conversation wherever we are, and I think I speak if not on behalf of everyone at least on behalf of my own colleagues at UNITAR — you most definitely succeeded in doing so. Thank you for your presence and also for your generosity in sharing with us what must have taken you decades to learn, think through and understand.
We normally do not do a summary of the roundtables after the event — however in light of the importance of yesterday’s topic we intend to produce a brief summary and post it on our website. I will send this to you for your review, as well as an official letter requesting that our website be linked to the Science Council’s site.
I hope you were able to make your way back peacefully and safely to Tokyo and that the typhoon did not cause any concern?
with my warm personal regards.