Visit to Washington and then New York


On January 6, I went to Washington DC from Narita airport.  It was very warm just like last year.

In the afternoon, we went to the Holocaust Memorial Museum along with Mr. James Kondo, my colleague at Health Policy Institute, our “Think Tank.”  The plan and building of the museum had been well designed but I felt the stupidity of mankind.  With only slight differences, the same things are happening again and again even today somewhere in the world and it is madness.  Preserving, exhibiting and exposing such historical records and documents are very important.  Otherwise nothing can be learned and the same things could happen again and again.  It’s foolish isn’t it?

The following day, on January 7, there was a meeting with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in the morning. (Photo1).  Lunch for me was arranged in the members’ lounge, exclusively for the members of National Academy by invitation of Dr. Nina Fedoroff, Scientific Advisor of U.S. Department of State.  It occurred to me then I could have used this lounge since I was a member of Institute of Medicine (IOM) too and we talked about various topics with Dr. Fedoroff and Mr. Arimoto.  We were able to network with various people while talking and Nina was kind enough to making several phone calls.

Photo1  From left-Dr. Goldin, former director of NASA, Dr. Cicerone, chairman of National Academy and introduced many times, Dr. Serageldin, Director of Alexandria Library


On that day, there was a board meeting of IOM coincidently, thus I came across my old friend, Dr. Victor Zhau (Mentor of Dr. Ryuichi Morishita of Osaka University, well known in Digital New Deal a forum to support as a cheering group member of ‘Innovation 25’).  Dr. Zhau is now a powerful person running every thing from the medical school to the hospital at Duke University.  I also met Dr. Fineberg, President of IOM with whom I had lunch just 1 year back.  It is good to have professional friends.

(By the way, I had been selected as ‘DND person of year 2007’ in Digital New Deal, mentioned just before.)

I also met Dr. Bruce Alberts, the President of the National Academy for 12 years, who had devoted his special attention to support developing countries.  This is the first time we had met since last October.  He told me that he has returned back to the University (UCSF) but the work is becoming monotonous.  He will become an Editor-in-Chief of “Science” magazine this coming March.  So I joked with him “You will be famous won’t you!.”  In the afternoon, I visited the World Bank and met Mr. James Adams, Vice President of East Asia and Pacific Region and Mr Alfred Watkins, Science and Technology Program Coordinator.  I gave a lecture about 'Innovation for Development' for about 45 minutes in the auditorium.  You can watch it on the webcast.  Though it was the beginning of New Year, lots of Japanese were in attendance as it seems Japanese embassy announced.  Many questions were asked and it was fun.


Photo2, 3  After lecture in World Bank (In Photo2, the person on left in front of me is Mr Watkins.)


Photo4  At the exit of World Bank, with Mr. Ebata of Japan embassy
(Mr. Ebata had been previously assigned to Samawah in Iraq)

In the evening I visited Dr. Marburger, scientific advisor of President Mr. Bush (Photo5, 6). After that, I returned back to the National Academy and met Dr. Charles Vest, who has been a Principle of MIT for more than a decade (Photo6).  In this way I could meet heads from all three academies of the National Academies in one day.

Photo5, 6  In the conference room of Mr. Marburger
(Photo6 Joan Rolf, administrative secretary. He had been in Japan for about 2 years and is fan of Japan.)




Photo7  From left-Myself, Dr. Goldin, Dr.Vest and Mr. Arimoto

I had to excuse my self during dinner and returned to New York from Ronald Reagan Airport.

It was one busy day!  The temperature during the day was 18 degrees and really warm. The temperature last year was more than 20 degrees. Is this proof global warming?!


From Bath – city of World Heritage


On 14th, it took me about 2 hours from London to Bath by car. The Hotel Luckman Park(picture 1)on the outskirts of Bath which is an extensive manor was used as the venue for the conference. They hunted fox in the olden times.   I have been to such places in Britain several times, one can feel the British wealth. Presently there is a conference, but  it is so cold and looks like it will rain and I do not feel like going outside. Anyhow, we had lunch after we arrived and after taking some rest for a while most of the time was spent for the Carnegie meeting which is our objective.


Photo 1 The entrance is seen from the “Main building” door

The conference started with Lord King, Corporate Advisor of UK the host country, Mr. Marburger, Corporate Advisor of US, Minister Fursenko of Russia, Corporate Advisior Carty of Canada, Mr. Hicks of Mexico (Director, National Council for Science and Technology)and myself. The science policy trends in each country and measures against the climate change, etc. were the points of presentations and lively discussions followed.   The Potocnik Minister of EU arrived late as the airplane was delayed. The France minister Pecresse arrived early in the morning on 15th. German minister Schavan was absent due to some sudden official business(Had met Mr. King and Carty in October for the Kyoto STS Forum

Photo 2 Last line from extreme left Canada, UK, France,
Next line from left Russia, USA, Mexico, EU, Japan

On the 15th, all the members except from Germany participated in the conference. I offered topics such as the G8, TICAD etc. to be held in Japan in 2008, Millennium Development Goals which is on its half way stage in 2008, and newly developed Environment Council report draft. The news flash of “COP13” of Bali was in the afternoon, and in the evening there was live coverage on TV by staffs from London and Lord King responded.  This nice media work and swift response of British government is impressive.


Photo 3 From left EU, Japan, UK, Mexico, and USA

At night we had a tour of Bath. The guide guided us very politely. The temperature was below zero and it was very cold. We walked in the town for about 30 minutes. We had the dinner at Luckman.

Photo 4 Choir before having food

On the 16th there was a meeting in the morning with Shelpa. We discussed on the 2008 G8 summit, macro level science policies, low carbon technologies etc.


Photo 5 From left, Minister Nishigahiro, Myself, Counselor Itakura


Photo 6 In front of the door with First Secretary of the Consulate, Mr. Matsuura

After the conference, I had a brief chat with Minister Nishigahiro, First Secretary Matsuura etc. who had come the previous night from London. After relaxing for some time, went to the Heathrow airport with Counselor Itakura. I arrived at Narita on 17th Monday afternoon. A short trip is nothing new to me but altogether it was a 100 hours journey which was tiring..

From London


Well, its just 3 weeks before year end. I left for London on December 13. From 14 to 17th, there was the Carnegie meeting where G8 Scientific advisors  and Ministers gather.

As soon as I arrived in London, I took some rest and headed towards Royal Society. I visited the chairman, Lord Martin Rees( Photograph 1). Ever since the 2005 Gleneagles G8 Summit, there is a close cooperation between the Royal Society and the Science council of Japan. Some activity is expected from the Science Council of Japan in the next G8.


Photograph 1  At the Royal Society with Lord Martin Rees, Mr. Matsuura, the First Secretary of the Embassy

Photograph 2 With Mr. Barnie Jones, Lord  Rees in the balcony of the Royal Society
(It is bit hazy but the orange colored “Eyeball like thing” behind me at the right is Big Ben. The thing seen on the left is the Ferris wheel.)

I had dinner (I also had dinner in January this year) on the 13th with His Excellency Nogami at his hotel.  Mr. Nishigahiro, the Secretary General of Science Council of Japan up to beginning of this year, Mr.Takaoka, the Minister, Mr. Matsuura the First Secretary, Mr. Itakura, Counselor and Mr. Nomura from the Venture Capital who specialized in “Clean energy” at London base , who also participated in Abu Dhabi in November were with me.   Mr. Nogami, the Ambassador is not just in politics but is also familiar with economics as well. He also participates in events such as the annual meetings of British (POW) who were Japanese captives during the World War II and if anybody expires, attends their funeral services at any cost. This may not look very spectacular but such inconspicuous action is the basis of diplomacy.  It is after all human beings who connect to each other.

At any rate, the GDP of England has grown up to 40% in 10 years. It is mainly centered on the service industry but the financial power is also formidable. Lately the transaction amount of the City has exceeded the NYSE. In addition, due to subprime crisis in the USA, investment and people both are coming towards City. I came to know later that the investment including entire bonus of the City this year is enormous (one trillion yen!) which reflects the prosperity of the business conditions. The information related to this, policies, sudden drop in the popularity of the Prime Minister Gordon Brown etc.   Analysis of the Ambassador Mr. Nogami is quite something.

The talk just went on and the dinner meeting continued till midnight. Thanks to Ambassador Nogami and to all of whom I had pleasure to meet.

‘Japan Specials’ in recent issues of leading international business journals

Recent issues in two leading business weekly journals have highlighted Japan. One is The Economist and another is Newsweek of its international version.


Cover Page of The Economist

The Economist, December 1st, states in the cover, ‘A 14-pages special report on business in Japan’ and the title is ‘Going Hybrid’, consisting of five reports; they are;1)Message in a bottle of sauce; 2)Still work to be done; 3)Not invented here; 4)No country if an island; and 5)JapAnglo-Saxon capitalism(no spell error!).

Though the title of reports may look attractive, the special issue as a while emphasizes as might be expected, that business in Japan is moving perhaps toward to right track, but the speed is the issue. If you see the subtitles of each, the message may be a bit clearer even without reading it.

1)Message in a bottle of sauce; Japan’s corporate governance is changing, but it’s risky to rush things;
2)Still work to be done; Japan’s labour market is becoming more flexible, but also more unequal;
3)Not invented here; Entrepreneurs have had a hard time, but things are slowly improving;
4)No country is an island; Japan is reluctantly embracing globalization; and
5)JapAnglo-Saxon capitalism; Have Japan business practices changed enough?


Cover Page of Newsweek

The special in the Newsweek, December 10th issues, is more straight. The caption in the cover reads ‘How Japan Lost Its Groove; The Asian powerhouse struggles to explain its stumbles in hot technology’ and the title of the report is ‘Why Apple Isn’t Japanese’ .

My friend, Yoko Ishikura, was one of interviewees and her comments can be read in the On-line version as stated in her blog.

The world is watching what Japanese business will do, is trying to become of, and what it will act upon.

From California-1, UCLA after a long time


Dec. 4th, I flew to California.  First of all, I had lunch at Napa Valley Grille at Westwood, with my ULCA mentor, Dr. Kleeman(Photo1) and his wife.  Then, I went to the newly established California Nanosystems Institute(CNSI)(Photo2).  This is yet to be fully opened but some work has already started.  There are joint research programs with the University of Tokyo and National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS) at Tsukuba, and I am happy to hear it.  I met there Prof. Matsui of Kyushu University Silicon Valley Office was also visiting.  Since the research conducted over here is a joint work related to medicine, engineering, and chemistry, the research laboratory is constructed right in the center surrounded by these departments, and various ideas are applied to the system of how the researchers will participate.  This NanoTech Center aims to collaborate with Bio and also works in collaboration with Univ. of California Santa Barbara (The place where Mr. Nakamura Shuji who discovered Blue Diode was head-hunted) which focus mainly in the Nano material area.  I met several researchers and also met 2 Japanese scientists.  They are doing very interesting research projects.  They are involved in their research from past 10 and 20 years, respectively.  They are working hard.  I wish both all the best.

On the next day, I met Dr. Gerald Levey, Vice-Chancellor of Health Affair and Dean of School of Medicine. We knew each other for some 12 to 13 years.  We greeted each other and talked for an hour.  Then I had a meeting with the professor of pediatrics, Dr. McCabe(Photo4), who is a friend of Dr. Eto of Jikei University, both work in the same field, thus genetics of pediatrics deseases.  Dr. McCabe raises horses at the Doublestrand Ranch from the time he was at the Colorado University.  He is not only brilliant but the scale of activities is big.  I am envious.


Photo1 With my Mentor at UCLA, Dr. Kleeman.


Photo2 In the UCLA California Nanosystems Institute(CNSI).


Photo3 With Dr. Gerald Levey

Photo4 With Dr. McCabe, Dr. David Lundberg(In-charge of UCLA-CNSI international cooperation administration).

I still miss my university where I studied for quite a long period.  The penetrating blue sky of California which seems to beckon me to come back.  The unending bright campus, the University town, Westwood, I miss every part of it.  This is my 24 hours visit to UCLA, that I feel I wished I could come back.

I headed towards the airport and went to San Francisco.  By the way, the flight was late by around 2 hours and I reached in San Francisco at 5: 30 pm.


Japan-Arab conference at the Alexandria library


I arrived the Kansai airport from Haneda on the evening of Nov. 19th.  Then I flew to Dubai and now arrived at Alexandria, Egypt.  This was my 3rd visit to the Dubai airport in last 4 weeks.  I arrived at Alexandria on the 20th at 11:30 and headed directly to the Alexandria Library.  This about 2300 year’s old library is the world’s first scientific academy, and the magnificient buliding was reconstructed 5 years ago.  The contents have also been reinforced under the leadership of Dr. Serageldin, the library chief.  He is also my friend and has developed several excellent programs.  I am also a member of the Board of Trustees of the library for past 3 years and I visit this place for the meeting conducted in spring.

I arrived to the Library just in time.  I had an interview from 1:00 pm with Mr. Helal, the Education Minister of Science and Technology.  I have met him several times in past few years.  He is a scholar and a splendid person.  There is a considerable support from Japan.  It is delightful to hear that an opera house is being constructed recently in addition to the plans of establishing a science and technology institute with the support of Japan.  I mainly discussed about the academic exchange with Minister Helal.

Egypt01Photo1  On the library terrace

There were about 120 people from Japan and 150 people from Arab countries participated in the Japan-Arab conference.  The conference had various sessions and sub-sessions and a full discussions were conducted about a wide range of topics, such as politics, economics, science, technology, environment, health care, culture, and art, etc..  From Japan, the group was headed by honorable former MInister Mr. Taro Nakayama besides honorable former Ministers, Mr. Koji Omi, Ms. Yuriko Koike.  From the business sector Mr. Jiro Nemoto of honorary chairman of Nippon Yusen, Mr. Sadao Umeda of chairman of Kajima Corporation.  Dr. Masahisa Yamauchi, a professor of Middle East politics, Mr. Daisuke Nishimura, a foreign ministry environment personnel, and Mr. Youji Yamada, a film director who directed "The Twilight Samurai" was also present since this film was to be shown there.  I chaired the environment and water panel and went to several panels.  I was happy that several people I know had come as representatives from the Arab world.

Also I have a good time with former Ambassador Mr. Arima Tatsuo, the busy Japanese government representative on the MIddle East Affairs.  We had planed to meet up before but our timelines never matched until this time.  Needless to say that Mr. Ishikawa, an ambassador to Egypt, and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Katakura and Mr. Sudou, the former ambassadors to the embassy of Egypt, participated.  This kind of gathering of three ambassodor was extremely rare as I was told.  Also, an ambassador to Morocco, Ms. Haruko Hirose(Also introduced in the blog of Ms. Mayumi Moriyama, a member and worked as No.2 in UNIDO) had come over there.  Since she is working with the United Nations for a long time, even a minor opinion she say shows a fine taste on international relations.

Egypt02Photo2  In the Hernan Palestine Hotel.  From right, Mr. Kaoru Ishikawa, Mr.Takaya Sudo(Chairman of Research Institute of International Affairs Disarmament Center, Former Ambassador to Egypt), Dr. Masayuki Yamauchi(a professor at The University of Tokyo), Ms. Aiko Douden(NHK Commentator), myself, Mr. Numata Sadaaki(Chairman of Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, Former Ambassador to Canada), Mr. Shinsaku Sugiyama(Councilor of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Middle East Africa Bureau)

Historically, there has been little religious conflicts between the Middle East and Japan.  Since good relations are built from the past, it is a region in which mutual exchanges need to be continued.and strengthened  The basic understanding with both parties is that current exchange with Japan is solely in relation to petroleum, and Arabs are not very aware of Japan and vice versa.  It was agreed that there should be more and more exchanges in various fields.  In addition to this, it was also agreed that the contribution of Japan towards environment, clean energy and water problems was immeasurable.

A congress member, Ms. Yuriko Koike, appeared live-broadcasting on the Cairo T.V. on the night of 21st about an hour.  There was one to one interview in Arabic and the theme was about “global warming” and “CoolBiz” in fluent Arabic language which actually was quite something.  A tree plantation is going on in the deserts from past 10 years and currently there seem to be 14,000 trees now.  This year, the Cairo University is celebrating its 100th anniversary.  Ms. Koike, a graduate of Cairo University, is quite admirable that she has many friends and influential people over here.

On the afternoon of 22nd, I left Cairo.  Since I had a time at Dubai about 5 hours for transit, I had dinner with Ms. Lama Farsakh(Photo3).  She is from Palestine and her husband is from Egypt.  They have two daughters.  We mostly talked about the Israel-Palestine issues.


Photo3  With Ms. Lama Farsakh

From Abu Dhabi-3; Dubai, and the Japanese environment technology.


On Oct. 26th, I was in Abu Dhabi and then stayed in Beijing and arrived at Narita late at night.  The following day, there was a meeting presided by Dr. Uzawa and I enjoyed this Saturday event.  The next week Monday to Friday was very busy.  Then I once again departed to Abu Dhabi in the early morning on Saturday.

This time it was a very different task. At both Abu Dhabi and Dubai about twelve Japanese companies collaborated under the leadership of Nikken Sekkei Ltd. to display and introduce the environmental techniques which are pride of Japan.  I gave a speech from the point of view of a scientist.

However, to visit Dubai Airport and Abu Dhabi twice within ten days was something I never would imagine, despite the fact that there were many coincidences that led this to happen.

After arriving in Dubai, a reception at the official residence of the consulate took place.  After staying there overnight, I went to Abu Dhabi again after a gap of "10 days."  I met the Ambassador His Excellency Hatano, some businessmen, and the Director General of INSEAD Abu Dhabi School.  I brought Japanese sweets for the students of the Japanese school as I promised at my previous visit and handed them through Mr. Yoshimura, the principal.  At night there was an excellent Japanese display of the environmental techniques and a video introduction of a proposal of new urban development.  There was also an interview with His Highness the Prince in between and after that I addressed to the gathering.  The speech given by His Highness the Prince was very earnest and made us aware that more efforts were needed for education.  A part of his thoughts now in action is to enroll the local students in the Japanese school and he seemed to be very thankful to Ambassador Hatano for sharing the same view.

The climate in Abu Dhabi in this time of the year is very pleasant. It is somewhat like Los Angeles.

Img_0884 Photo1: At the Abu Dhabi Golf Club, from left myself, His Excellency Hatano, Director General of INSEAD Abu Dhabi school Mr. Peter Jadersten, my friends Mr. Nomura, Mr. Saito

Img_0885 Photo2: At the Abu Dhabi Golf Club, myself and Mr. Saito

Img_0887 Photo3: In front of the residence of the consulate, from left Mr. Saito, Mr. Nomura, myself

Img_0888 Photo4: Having omelet rice at the terrace of the consulate residence. From left, Mr. Korenaga, myself, Ms. Yoro, His Excellency Hatano, Mr. Saito, Mr. Nomura

25% of Japan’s petroleum imports are from Abu Dhabi.  On the other hand, there is a future urban development plan called MASDAR over here which in the long run does not emit CO2 by using clean energy. It is incorporated very ambitiously.  This ambitious project was also reffered to in the speech.

※A copy of the speech
"Planet in Peril: Nation with Clear Vision as a New Global Leader of Sustainable Urban Development, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates"

The following day, I gave another speech which was slightly different and referred to the recent ambitious project "Enpark."

I arrived at Narita at night on the 6th.

Things that should be abundoned.


So busy again this week.  I thought to myself why is it so?

I returned to Japan from the Middle East on the 6th (Tuesday).  So it is a matter of course that I was busy as it was necessary to have the normal contacts, briefings and appointments with various people from the next day.

On the 7th (Wednesday) afternoon, I had a video interview with Dr. Takeshi Yourou (will describe later).  In the evening, a speech which I agreed to do because it was related to the inauguration of "Innovation Courier."  It was great to be with Dr. Yonekura of the Hitotsubashi University.

On the 8th (Thursday) morning, I met Dr. Hisao Endo at a scheduled breakfast meeting of the NPO Health Policy Institute which I preside.  In the afternoon I met several people and discussed about work.  In the evening there was a reception of the President Council of the University of Tokyo where chancellors of more than 10 universities of China and Korea attended.  The vice minister of Ministry of Education of China was also there.  It was a great success. The chancellor of the Uiversity of Tokyo, Dr. Komiyama is a very active person who speaks and acts toward public very positively.

The next day on the 9th (Friday), I had a meeting of the President Council of the University of Tokyo.  I met Dr. Yoshino of the Harvard Business School after a long time.  I think the trend of the debate moved towards the direction I wished, but the speed is somewhat・・・.  Although I understand, it is still irritating.  In the evening was UCLA Alumni association meeting.  The Alumni members have increased under the leadership of Dr. Akada and it has become livelier.  The young people are gradually participating and preparing together.

It was raining since morning on the 10th (Saturday).  I attended the 130th anniversary of the University of Tokyo at the Yasuda auditorium. A President Council was held for this and several people from overseas participated as members. There was also a panel by Nobel Prize winners, Drs. Esaki, Ooe and Koshiba.

On 11th (Sunday), I gave a keynote speech along with Mr. Kamoshita, the minister of environment in a seminar of environment problems at the Sophia University (photo: with the minister Mr. Kamoshita and his wife).  There was a lovely harp, cello and violin performance before and after the speech which gave a great feeling.  I ended my speech with a note of Mr. Gandhi, 'the earth can meet our need, but not our greed' which received a huge applause.

Cimg3515shophiaunivnov12 Photo

This has become a habit but I was again busy this week.  I know I must make up my mind to skip or abandon something.


Impossible? It’s a Matter of Vision and Will to Challenge!

On July 3rd, after I returned from G8 Science Advisors meeting in beautiful Slovenia, I had a briefing in Press Center, Tokyo, with foreign correspondents on ‘Cool Earth 50’.  I thought the session went well with a lot of questions and discussions.  I received more than few e-mails from those who attended this briefing, saying it was very enjoyable because I was quite open, frank and receptive to any question, thus quite different from any previous press briefings by the Japanese government officials.  They indicated that government press briefs are not so amicable and usually provide little more than what are already on the web.  Of course, this may be the case since the government officials are extremely cautious what they say.  In addition, they have to deal with foreign press in English with the language barrier.

Mr. Von Martin Koelling reported my interview in Technology Review (in German) and I enjoyed reading his report.  Its English translation, with some editing by me, is here for you to read.  Enjoy it.

   "Impossible? It’s a Matter of  Vision and Will to Challenge!"
   Technology Review, July 10, 2007

Beijing WHO, Discussion on medical policy with Dr. Uzawa at Tokyo and blog


I arrived at Beijing from Abu Dhabi via Dubai on 24th October to participate in the conference of WHO Commission. This year’s conference was held at Geneva in January and at Vancouver in June.  We are working hard towards the release of the final report which is scheduled next year. Things being at this phase, the programs were mainly closed sessions by the Commissioners.

On 24th, Vice Minister of Health that commensurate with Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan (Photo1) hosted dinner.  The Vice Minister is a surgeon with specialization in liver transplantation etc.  I hear that even today, he sometimes does surgeries in the hospitals. Dr. Chen Zhu, my old friend, whom I have known through IAP etc. for more than 5 years, is the Minister of Health. Unfortunately, we could not meet this time.

Beijin012Photo1: Commissioner Yan Guo, Commission Chairman Sir Marmot, Vice Minister of Health and myself

26th was the final day of the conference.  Late in the afternoon, many flights from Beijing airport were cancelled due to fog.  Fortunately, my flight departed with just 1 hour delay and I reached Narita at 10:50 p.m.  However, there was neither a bus, nor a train or a taxi at that time of a day.  I couldn’t believe it!  Is this an international airport in the capital of a country of "Giant Economy"?

Next day 27th was a rainy Saturday as typhoon was approaching. I have attended the anniversary symposium of "Life and Medical Sciences" at Doshisha University organized by Dr. Hirofumi Uzawa, whom I very much respect (I have mentioned his name many times in this site, so please search it).  Dr. Uzawa wrote a prospectous of the symposium (PDF)which conveyed his great enthusiasm.  In it, he mentioned about my "University Hospital Revolution."  I was happy, honored and shy at the same time.  Not knowing so, I have arranged to give the book to all the participants so it turned out to be a good timing.

Uzawa013Photo2: With the always energetic Dr. Uzawa.

I really enjoyed talking with him.

Afterwards, the speech of both Dr. Uzawa and myself (the beggining of my speech was also used in the Lecture at Helsinki this August) was introduced in a blog (only in Japanese) very positively.  I was glad and sent comments of gratitude to the writer.