Washington-2: Atlantic Council


There are many think-tanks in Washington.  Among them CSIS, Brookings are well known in Japan also.  Some Japanese go to these think-tanks to study, but I think their number is too small for a nation of the 2nd largest economy in the world.  It is important to be in those think-tanks not only to gain knowledge but also to make connections in Washington, to understand how the politic works and how policies are made.  We should be more seriously involved in this.

Atlantic Council is another example of those think-tanks.  Its works are very closely related to politics.  Mr. Kempe, after a long and prominent career at Wall Street Journal, has become President and Chief Executive Officer of the Atlantic Council and its activities are expanding ever since.

National Security Advisor is known to be the most important post in the White House and General James Jones, the former Chairman of Atlantic Council, was appointed to take this position.

As you may see from the website of Atlantic Council, the organization was established in recognition of the importance of relations of Atlantic community of both sides.  To meet the challenges of this global age, the Council is actively working and reporting on U.S.-China relations, new energy, etc. as well as on Asia.  Here again, I must say that Japan’s presence is extremely weak.

I attended 2009 Leadership Award Dinner by invitation from Mr. Kempe. About 900 people were there.  Please visit the website by all means.  Since this year was the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, awards were given to the top of the United States and West Germany of the time; former President Bush (the father) and Prime Minister Kohl as well as IBM Chairman of the Board Mr. Palmisano, General Petraeus, and Thomas Hampson (a singer).

Former Secretary of State Mr. Colin Powell, Secretary of Defence Robert Gates and many government high officials, legislators, Ambassadors from 46 countries, etc. were there at the party. It was truly a fantastic gathering.  My seat was next to Ambassador Fujisaki.

Speeches by the recipients were nice too – they all looked very comfortable in giving speeches. General Petraeus’ "joke" was fun. I invite you to listen to them on the web.

I also saw several friends from China.  They were all at one table inviting Chinese connections.

President Obama’s speech and science & technology policies


I am now in Washington DC.  In the evening of 27th, the night before my departure, I saw and heard in Tokyo via internet the speech of President Obama on Science and Technology Policies given at the National Academy of Sciences annual meeting.  President Obama is the fourth president to address the National Academy and it has been 20 years since the last.  You are able to see, hear, and read the transcript of the speech at this website.  It is a strong message with clear vision for the future that has great content and wonderful structure.

President Obama set a goal of investing 3% of the nation’s GDP to R/D of Science and Technology.  Also, as the most important policy for the future, he showed a clear commitment to education in math and science through raise of budget with quite a concrete description on how this will be done.  These policies are based on recommendations from independent "think tanks" such as National Academy so their objectivity is trustworthy and evidence is clear.  Budgets were set to carry out these policies. Such process is important.

In today’s economic crises, a "clear message for the future," i.e., clear vision and commitment for the future, is very important.

For the large scale supplementary budget or new budget of Japan during this economic crisis, I would recommend 1) budget for the care of current bleeding 2) budget to create jobs for the next 2-3 years, and support social infrastructures such as social securities, health care, etc. (in short, provide a sense of being safe), and 3) more investments on new industries and their growth that can draw picture of the future society – i.e. basic research providing the "bud" for the possible new industries and education – (although I don’t think it pays to invest in current education system expecting it to provide good education for students of the global age.  In the first place, Japan’s budget for teachers is too small when compared to other OECD nations・・・) and so on.  Policies made by ministries and governmental offices are not enough to make changes.  Take a look at recommendations that were given by experts to the Prime Minister at the Kantei (residence of the prime minister).  See for yourself how much those recommendations (in Japanese only) have the viewpoint of "1, 2, and 3" as I have described above.  Apparently everybody is trying hard.  My recommendation is also uploaded in the section of "low carbon and environment."

The leadership and message of policy makers have power to encourage so many citizens, but・・・.

“Todai and Nobel prize” Young people that do not aim for frontier


“Global world” and “Education・Human resources” are themes which I frequently come back in my Blog.

In this age of global competition investment by the government to science and technology is important for tackling global issues.  However it is after all each individual who carry the tasks out.

In “Innovation 25”- a report and recommendation that I chaired in its drafting-that was approved by cabinet of Abe administration, we pointed out that for innovation, a “creation of new social values”, the key factor is “human resource” and  “Deru Kui (nails sticking out/out of box)” type people are very important.  Although the report is an official government paper, a casual phrase of “Deru Kui” appears repeatedly in it.

Now, last year, four Japanese scientists won Nobel Prize and this good news was welcomed by everybody.  If you review their CVs, you will notice that they are all apparently so to say “Deru Kuis” or “Out of Box”.

A nice biweekly series titled “GLOBE” started from last October in Asahi Shinbun appearing on every other Mondays.  I wrote a piece under the title of “Why Todai has difficulty in producing Nobel Prize winners (in Japanese only)” in March 18 issue.  Believe it or not, Dr. Koshiba is the only Nobel laureate who is Todai alumnus who also carried out the award winning research at Todai.

Some of the Todai faculty members reading the article might have felt uncomfortable, but what do you think?  To jump into the broad world and compete away from home ground is an important fundamental principle that should be taken seriously.

A new “bud” of talent would not shoot up and grow to be a “big tree” if that precious genius keep hiding in its shelter.  It is such a waste -“Mottainai”.  As the saying goes, “I no nakano kawazu taikai wo shirazu (the frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean)”. (You may think you know but you don’t.)



Tahiti (Ref.1) is a place anyone would dream of visiting once in a lifetime, it’s image is a beautiful resort far off in the Pacific Ocean.  Bora Bora Island in the Tahiti island chain is especially a popular destination for honeymooners.

This is a follow up of my last blog and I feel very lucky to have an opportunity to come to this place as an attendee of Pacific Science Association, a distinguished academic conference that has a history of 90 years.

Since I may not have so many chances to come back, it would be a waste if I didn’t enjoy the nature at least a little, like swimming in the coral sea or canoeing.

So, I made some time to drive around the Tahiti Island. I also drove to the foot of Mont Orohena (2,241m) stands high in the center of the island.  Further in the heart of the mountain, there is a hotel called Le Relais de la Maroto Mountain Hotel and "marae" which is a sacred place for the local people where they do open air rituals for the local god (Ref.1).

I also went to the Gauguin museum (although I wasn’t able to go inside), enjoyed canoeing, and snorkeling in a small island far off.

Dr. Ichida said that there are not so many butterflies or birds here and the species are few.

But the blue sea, blue sky, white sand and green trees are fantastic and I recommend you to come here by all means.

I have uploaded some photos in Picasa for you to enjoy.





For the first time, I came toTahiti, a southern island far away from Japan. It was an 11 hours’ non-stop flight by Air Tahiti Nui from Narita. The Narita ? Tahiti Island(Papeete) flight flies twice every week.

I am visiting here to attend the Inter-Congress of Pacific Science Association. At the venue, they even had a large tent set up at the beach(Photo1), which was very nice in atmosphere. You could see Moorea Island, an island often used for movie location because of its very Tahitian view, was right before your eyes. The Congress was held last time at Okinawa two years ago as I have written before.


Photo2: Moorea Island

Since Tahiti is a part of French Polynesia the French government also strongly supported the conference and the number of attendee reached up to 800 people. Many of the speeches given on the opening day sounded very patriotic, maybe a bit too much, at least from my point of view.


Photo3: Opening Session

There were so many topics connected to Pacific Ocean such as climate change, coral reefs, wild life diversities, human society v.s. nature preservation, etc. and I think it was what characterized this Pacific Science Association Inter-Congress.

Dr. Ichida, who is an expert on bird watching from the BirdLife International and Professor Isao Nakajima, Director of eHealth, ITU, also came and they each delivered wonderful speech on relations between avian influenza and migratory birds, and the feasibility of observation of the birds.


Photo4: With Dr. Ichida


Photo5: Dr. Nakajima at lecture

At night, receptions were held by different hosts every day. The first night was co-hosted by the Chairman of this meeting, President of French Polynesia, and High Commissioner. The second night was hosted by PSA and President of French Polynesia, and the last night was a farewell party hosted by PSA with performance of charming Tahitian and Polynesian dances.

I have uploaded some photos on Picasa for you to enjoy.

From Rome, Drafting Global Health Agenda of G8 Summit



On 11th, I went to Paris by the usual Air France last flight departing at 21:55.  I have been on this flight so many times for these 3-4 years.  You are able to work full day before going to Narita so it is convenient for flying to Europe.  London, for instance, it may even be possible to make it for a morning meeting if connection is good because you will arrive by 9:30 or so.

I arrived at Rome via Paris at 9:00 on 12th.  The hotel was elegant St. Regis Hotel I joined with Mr. Banno who arrived from New York and together we prepared for the next day’s “Global Health Forum”.  This Forum is held under the auspices of our Health Policy Institute and Aspen Institute Italia .  Other institutions such as Rockefeller Foundation, etc. are also giving support.

We are trying for the first time to reflect the process of "Global Health Summit; Toward TICAD, G8 and Beyond" (which we have organized last year) to the G8 Summit which will take place in Italy this year.  For this purpose, we held a preliminary meeting last December (Ref.1, 2).  Next day, the 13th, the meeting started at last.  Venue is within this gorgeous hotel.  The opening was "Welcome Speech" by Professor Petroni of Aspen Institute Italia, the joint organizer, and myself.  In the end of my speech, I mentioned that the Global Fund was founded through the active work of Japan and Italy at 2000, 2001 Summit, and that the host of 2001 Genoa Summit was current Prime Minister Berlusconi .

Participants were seated in circle around television screens for discussion.  I will show you more photos once they are ready.



Photo2, 3:  The conference


Photo4:  Mr. Massolo, the Sherpa and Dr. Chan of WHO.


Photo5:  Minister Tremonti.


Photo6:  From right, Minister of Health, Dr. Hatem El Gabaly, WHO Executive Director, Global Health Workforce Alliance Dr. Sheikh, Executive Secretary of GAVI Alliance Dr. Julian Lob-Levyt, ActionAid International delegate Dr. Noerine Kaleeba(Dr. Kaleeba is from Uganda).

Many important people such as WHO Director General Dr. Margaret Chan, Aspen Institute Italia President and current Minister of Finance, Dr. Tremonti, Sherpa of Summit in Italy, Dr. Massolo gathered for this meeting.  Mr. Keizo Takemi was also present.  As we were acquainted with each other through participation in Toyako Summit, I informed him about the outcomes we’ve achieved so far.  The members of this meeting were just outstanding.  Everyone participated actively in enthusiastic discussions.  At a time of such economic disaster, wouldn’t it be great if we could contribute to this year’s G8 Summit in Italy, however small the contribution is?  It would also be good for the presence of Japan in global society.

On this very same day, our article “Italian G8 Summit: a critical juncture for global health” was published in The Lancet, February 14th, 2009; volume 373, number 9663, p.526-7.  We wrote this mainly from “Japan’s experience on Global Health”. Most contents of The Lancet are free for access On-line for any users with registration.  I strongly recommend you to register.  Here, I will provide links to the On-line version and PDF for your reference.

G7 Finance Ministers' meeting will start from tomorrow in Rome so tonight there will be a reception, I hear.  Next week H8 meeting for discussion on health issues among G8 relations will take place as well as G8 Sherpa meeting.  Naturally, people involved are moving very busily.

In the evening, Dr. Peter Singer (Univ. Toronto) (Ref.1, 2) , Dr. Rajeev Venkayya of Gates Foundation, Mr. Banno and I went to a nice restaurant well known around here.


Photo7: From right、Myself, Dr. Peter Singer(Univ. Toronto) , Dr. Rajeev Venkayya at Gates Foundation, Mr. Banno.

Dr. Vankayya said he had seen me more than a decade ago when I was Professor of Medicine at Todai.  I started Chief Resident Exchange Program with University of Michigan then, and he was one of the visitors to Todai under this Program.  What a coincidence!


Again from New Delhi


I arrived at New Delhi from Davos via Munchen early in the morning of February 2nd.  This is my 3rd visit during this past 12 months.

Many of you might feel that India is difficult to understand or mysterious.  Let me introduce you an interesting blog (in Japanese only).  It is quite fun with lots of humor.

Now, like last summer, I am here this time as a team member of Jeffery Sachs to participate in the meeting of international advisory council organized by the Minister of Health and Welfare of India which is held twice a year (I did not attend last February) (Ref. 1, 2).  Main topic is "Rural Health".

Right after checking in at the Taj Mahal Hotel were briefings from Indian researchers and people from NGOs on current status, analysis, issues, etc. followed by discussions.  After a short break in the afternoon was a reception.

Next morning, we worked for about five hours straight (even lunch was during the meeting) listening to the reports by government officials, discussing, exchanging views.  Same as last time, the Minister had very clear understandings on almost all issues and was able to further explain or join in the discussions.  He is a specialist of this field ? Rural health (medicine).  He has an excellent understanding of the situation.  I could clearly see even from the data that the project has developed remarkably (though yet much more to go) within this one year.  It is truly amazing.


Photo1: The advisory meeting.  Indian side in front row, fifth person from left is Minister Rmadoss.


Photo2: Likewise, the advisory meeting committee side.  From right, Prime Minister Dr Tore Godal of Norway, myself, Health Minister of Kenya, Dr. Sachs, Health Minister of Malawi, Health Minister of Rwanda etc.

Although background of the situation in India may be different and there could be many parts where even India might be better in comparison,  Ministers of Health and Welfare from Kenya (Professor Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Minister of Medical Services), Rwanda (Dr Richard Sezibera), and Malawi (Minister Khumbo Kachali) also came to join in the meeting in hope to find some issues or references that apply also to Africa.  The content of the meeting was very useful for them, so it seemed, that here again we succeeded in having active and constructive discussions.

I left the hotel in late afternoon for airport to return to Narita.

From Davos-4


Dsc00566 Photo1

The first event of  31st was a speech by British Prime Minister Mr. Gordon Brown.  Next was Prime Minister Aso, whose speech also had impact (Ref. 1, 2).  I was glad that he touched upon topics which would be highly evaluated by the audience, such as Japanese aid to Afghanistan of building and reconstruction of schools/clinics combined with financial and human resource support, recovery of Kabul International Airport, activities at Palestine, increase in the volume of aids to Africa, etc.  These facts deserve to be actively publicized domestically and internationally, but that they are fresh news even to us in a place like this is something awkward.  Overall, the speech delivered strong message

Prime Minister Aso then had several interviews and lunch.  I was invited to the lunch also.  Here again, he exchanged views with many leaders of the world through active questions and answers.  To have lively conversation is very important.

Dsc00561_pmasoPhoto2~3: Prime Minister Aso at speech and lunch meeting.


Dsc00575_ogata Photo4: At the lunch, Chairman and CEO Hayashi of JETRO, Dr. Ogata and her husband, Director General Matsuura of UNESCO.

Surprisingly, "UNIQLO" sponsored the lunch that gained good evaluation.  The room was decorated with cool displays and many beautiful screens (see photo at the top).  I heard that the lunch boxes they served were also appreciated for its tastiness.  In short, the presence of Japan this day around noon was outstanding.  Good work, everyone!

It seems that Mr. Saito, Minister of Environment, accompanied the Prime Minister.  He chatted with Professor Daniel Esty of Yale, who happens to be my friend also.

Dsc00579_three_with_kkPhoto5: With Minister Sato and Professor Esty.

On February 1st, the final day of Davos meeting, I participated in Global Agenda Council. 

The last session was with Archbishop Tutu of South Africa (known for oppositions to Apartheit and following commitment to human rights issues, etc.  He was awarded Nobel peace prize for 1984), having dialogues with young people.  As cleric and activist of human rights, his communication skill is high and the session was extremely interesting.

Dsc00599_panelPhoto6: Archbishop Tutu in dialogue with the young people.

The details are available in the summary PDF of this year’s Davos meeting which symbolized the age of turning point of the world.  Several photos are also posted on web.

Dsc00604_india_and_kkPhoto7: With Mr. Yunus

I happened to come across with Mr. Yunus at the lobby as I was checking out (Mr. Yunus is Nobel peace award laureate.  I have been introducing him in my speech, blog, etc. constantly as good example of social entrepreneur which is a strong trend in this global era.) .  He is founder of Grameen Bank that contributed to the financial independence of women in Bangladesh through Microfinance.  It was a good opportunity to inform him about our motivated young people in Japan.  He will be visiting Japan in March again.  We said good-bys hoping to see each other if our schedule meets.  It would be great if the meeting actually take place.

After talking with Mr.Yunus, I left the hotel for Zurich Airport to take flight to New Delhi.

From Davos-3



A new session of "IdeasLab with・・・" started this year, so I adjusted my schedule to create time to join in this session with Yale University.

Four professors presented summary of issues, each for five minutes (Power Point could be used, so "visual" effect was important), after which followed group discussions on each theme so as to produce a number of conclusions.  Very nice style.  Davos meeting is creative in many ways.  At the Yale session, presenters were two professors on economics, my friend Dr. Daniel Esty(a member of Obama’s transition team, specialist of environment), and especially Dr. Robert Shiller’s presentation about the history of collapse of housing bubbles was extremely interesting.  The last presenter was President Richard Levin who started with recent scientific topics in Yale.  Everybody was good, but Dr. Levin was especially impressive in・・・so to say "performance."  Indeed he is a cream of the crop. 

Dsc00547_presentation_1 Photo2: From right, Professor EZ Ponce de Leon of Yale University raising an issue, Professor Richard Pascale of Oxford University acting as Facilitator, Professor Robert Shiller and Daniel Esty of Yale.

Dsc00548_in_front_of_the_screenPhoto3: Professor Shiller at presentation.

Among the discussions that followed, I mainly participated in the group of Dr. Levin, which was very interesting.  Admitting the strength of American/European Universities and research careers that develop individual talents by systematically supporting constant competition away from home ground, the argument followed that this is exactly the point where Asia, especially Japan, is weak.  All participants quickly agreed on this point, and I also repeatedly point this problem out on many occasions.  Especially, at this timing when progress and global competitions are inevitable, one of our conclusions was to recognize the mission of higher education for developing talents and potentials of the younger generation.

Dsc00549_screen_with_photos Photos4~5: Presentation by President Levin.


In the evening of 30th, I accepted invitation to seated dinner hosted by UBS where David Cameron, Leader of Conservative Party, gave speech.  British politicians are extremely good at speeches. 

After dinner I left the place to participate in a meeting of Cambridge University starting from 10:30pm.  It was a small gathering, but opening address by Vice-Chancellor Allison Richard(I have explained why the head of Cambridge University has this unusual title in my blog in 2006) was charming, starting with comment on the 800th anniversary Cambridge is celebrating this year.  President Komiyama of Todai, President Susan Hockfield of MIT were also present.  The meeting continued till late at night as we enjoyed conversation.

Presidents Richard and Hockfield represent epoch-making changes in global age which I stress repeatedly in my blog.  Both of them were Provost of Yale University before being recruited to the presidency of Cambridge and MIT respectively.  Dr. Hockfield was successor to Dr. Richard at Yale, both personnel transfers having been managed by President Levin whom I touched upon earlier in this column(Dr. Levin told me personally several years ago that Provost is appointed by President.) .  I am amazed by Dr. Levin’s outstanding insight.

In any organization or institution- universities, companies, government offices, etc. -leaders must be likewise.  After all, ultimately, the essence is education.  It is all about bringing up talents.

From Davos-2


Dsc00522 Photo1

Weather is beautiful again today.

Meeting as a whole is on the web site – from varieties of sessions to reports.  Enjoy them with ‘clicks’ when you have time.

Participation of young Japanese people from industrial sector is increasing steadily and becoming notable.  Their words and presence are positive and I am glad about that.  Since people of the world thinks that industries of Japan are represented by "Keidanren," it would be even better if young people increased more to liven up the place and impress the presence of Japan.

This year’s meeting has very different atmosphere from previous meetings because of market meltdown and the prospect of economy’s continuing downfall.  People argue a lot about why finance relations are not punished for creating problems, when other industries will, as a matter of course, be given penalties should they put defective products into market.  "Greed," "Loss of Style" may be the keywords.  I heard much talk of this sort going on at personal levels.  In the Gaza issues panel (see Webcast), the prime minister of Turkey stood up before the panel was over and left for home protesting that he was treated unfairly compared to President Perez of Isreal in terms of the allocation of time for speech, and the (bad) timing of speech.  I haven’t seen that scene in person, but naturally it was a hot topic and judging from media reports, people in Turkey are paying much attention as seen in the frantic welcome at the homecoming of the prime minister.  After watching the Webcast, what is your impression and opinion?

Dsc00533_4peoplePhotos2~4: Breakfast meeting. You might know some of them.



On 30th from 7:30am, I was invited to a breakfast meeting of "friends who worry that Japan is vague to the eyes of people in the world because it sends too little information," as they called it (Photos2~4).  It is so moving.  I think many of Japanese participants were told something like this, at least in private situation.

I also had opportunities to have lively discussions with various people, such as Mr. Okabe, Editor in Chief of Nikkei, Mr. Hayashi, Chairman and CEO of JETRO.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to see each other in Japan because everybody is busy.

Dsc00537_2_japanese Photo5: Mr. Okabe, Editor in Chief of Nikkei (right) and Mr. Hayashi, Chairman and CEO of JETRO

As for myself, I had panels on Day 2 and Day 3.  I fully enjoyed them, making lots of new friends at the same time. 

I think part of the panels may be viewed at the website of Davos Meeting (29th, 30th, and the final day).

From media, Mr. Funabashi, editor in chief of Asahi Shinbun newspaper, Mr. Okabe of Nikkei newspaper, Mr. Fujisawa of NHK television, etc. were present.  Ms. Waki (residing in London) from Reuter is also working actively as reporter every year recently.