California-3 after a long time, Address at the Stanford University.


On the 6th, it was a gloomy weather since morning. Was raining a bit. First, I met Ms. Shizu Munekata of Enhance Inc. (is she is known as “Ms. Shizu”?) and spoke with her on broad topics and we spent a very good time. Then at lunch, I met Dr. Kaneko who is becoming a legend in bio technology (also profiled in the “Going through the digital era” of Mochio Umeda) after 3 years, and Ms. Chika Watanabe of blog and “ Human 2.0”.   It was a strange feeling like knowing the person well, even though all were meeting for the first time.

After lunch, I met the people of the biotechnology venture of Circulatory organs in the Silicon Valley. We discovered many common friends in the board members of the companies, like coming in groups. This is really what excites me. You can never tell who you will meet as you visit places. The reputation of every person spreads unknowingly, and it gets established in this “Flat” society. This will become “Individual power”, moreover “Trust” of the global era. It is hard to understand who is connected to whom. Therefore it is necessary to be alert. In every case one should give his best with honesty and sincere efforts, and should improve his ability.

From 3 pm to Stanford with Prof. Mr. Dasher. It was raining a little, like needing an umbrella depending on the walking distance.   After visiting his office, I did the last lecture on the series of “Innovation of Asia” from 4pm. Not only the students, but also foreign students, faculty members from Japan, many other people from outside the campus , and local celebrities were there to many of whom I was introduced to.


Photo 1 At the Seminar Hall with Dr.Dasher

The title of my lecture at the seminar was “Innovate Japan”.  I started my speech by explaining how Japanese people start any discussion with a sort of apology or humble attitude like “Thank you for coming today despite of the bad weather”. The point of discussion was what I already said before, (In this case Web cast)-that the Noble prize for peace for 2006 and 2007 represents the key to the innovation boom of the globalization era, and that Silicon Valley as the resource of free unrestricted ideas is now turning into the “Clean Green Valley”, the mecca of “Clean Green Technology”. This seminar will be on the web soon so please wait for the contents and the questions and answers.


Photo 2 With some of the participants after the seminar.

Nevertheless, this is the frightening aspect of the information era. Any one can see this picture all over the world. This essentially is the frightening aspect of the “Global era”.  The image has more impact than just the words, just like live, nothing can be concealed. In most of the cases, everything is almost instantly seen and known in real time. In the “FLAT” world, anybody can see it.  Who is he? What does he do? What can he do?  How good does he do it?  Within no time, it is widely known throughout the world in a form that anybody can see. A title does not have much power. The value of the “Individual power” that crosses the national borders, is the essence and the message by Dr. Ishikura and me in our Japanese book “How to make a world class career”.   Now the whole world knows how much the value of  “high” title in the Japanese society actually is. This cannot be concealed no matter where you go or what you say. Higher the position in society, if there is “difference in the actual ability”, then in the global era, it affects the liabilty of that individual, the organization, the society and the nation to which he belongs.

To tell the truth, I am scared. However, actually this is a good education.   We should get a feedback from the people, students and from the counterpart and self-analysis should be done. Here we have to learn and make the best use of it. I think this is important. To watch oneself and learn in modesty and move to the next step is what  “Self Improvement” process is all about.

Many questions came out after the lecture. After we finished with the questions, I was with everyone as usual (Picture 2). Many young people from the Japanese industries (mainly big industries) and from the universities had participated. One woman had come from the nearby high school, she wanted me to come to the school and speak and so I replied her through e-mail that I would come in the next chance. Thank you everyone for coming in spite of the bad weather. Thank you.

Thanks to Mr. Yagi of IMAnet for attending and for writing about this in his blog. Thank you.

From California-2, Palo Alto after a long time, Secret of the Silicon Valley


On the evening of 5th ,  I arrived  at  the San Francisco airport after a 2 hours delay, and was welcomed by Mr. Deepak Bangalore  (Called as DB), who was also with me at the Global Innovation Ecosystem 2007(GIES2007),  his daughter  who attended the Oxford University  and Ms. Hoshi of the Panasonic whom I met at the  World Knowledge Forum held in Seoul . We went straight to Palo Alto, the town of the Stanford University, at the heart of Silicon Valley (SV). We went to “TiE”(The Indus Entrepreneurs).

As the name suggests, this organization has several offices and many SV Venture Capitalists and entrepreneurs were there.   The members mainly consisted of Indians many of them  connected to each other in some way or other.  If you look at the website, you realize that it is full of activities every day.

It looked like they were mostly Indians.  Around 100 people gathered around the table and exchanged opinions and information having wine and light snacks.  It was clearly an atmosphere of casual confidential talk.  Many people were introduced and visiting cards were exchanged. I was told that such extremely open gatherings took place every 2, 3 days a week.  How energetic. Can such gathering be imagined in Japan?
Maybe few attend every time but I never thought that so many people, may it be entrepreneurs or scientists or investors, would gather together so frequently. This is probably one of the secrets of the SV strengths. The “TiE” network has been spreading widely in the world. I am impressed with the Indian strength of organizing and providing this.

This evening, Dr. Burton McMurtry who is called the “Pioneer of Venture Capitalist” did an interview style speech at Stanford University Chair, Board of Trustees.  It was wonderful. This kind of people are the regulars. Even Mr. McMurtry looked like a lay person and didn’t appear to be so special.   But lots of Venture Capital information is exchanged through such gatherings, and human resource training/education, business strategy network building, result achievements are discussed and put into practice. This might be the secret of SV success. It is incredible to have many such extremely open places.

I left early for dinner with DB and his daughter, Ms.Hoshi, Mr. Hirose of Hitachi, Mr. Masa Ishii (former McKinsey, a Venture Capitalist established in SV), joined later by Prof. Richard Dasher (our host at Stanford visit), who had just returned from a meeting of Tohoku University. Well, we had a lively discussion on wide range of topics, and there was an after dinner session with Mrs. Ishi. This evening’s host of “TiE”, the incoming chairman Mr.Vish Mishra were also with us. It was a long but enjoyable day.

From California-1, UCLA after a long time


Dec. 4th, I flew to California.  First of all, I had lunch at Napa Valley Grille at Westwood, with my ULCA mentor, Dr. Kleeman(Photo1) and his wife.  Then, I went to the newly established California Nanosystems Institute(CNSI)(Photo2).  This is yet to be fully opened but some work has already started.  There are joint research programs with the University of Tokyo and National Institute for Materials Science(NIMS) at Tsukuba, and I am happy to hear it.  I met there Prof. Matsui of Kyushu University Silicon Valley Office was also visiting.  Since the research conducted over here is a joint work related to medicine, engineering, and chemistry, the research laboratory is constructed right in the center surrounded by these departments, and various ideas are applied to the system of how the researchers will participate.  This NanoTech Center aims to collaborate with Bio and also works in collaboration with Univ. of California Santa Barbara (The place where Mr. Nakamura Shuji who discovered Blue Diode was head-hunted) which focus mainly in the Nano material area.  I met several researchers and also met 2 Japanese scientists.  They are doing very interesting research projects.  They are involved in their research from past 10 and 20 years, respectively.  They are working hard.  I wish both all the best.

On the next day, I met Dr. Gerald Levey, Vice-Chancellor of Health Affair and Dean of School of Medicine. We knew each other for some 12 to 13 years.  We greeted each other and talked for an hour.  Then I had a meeting with the professor of pediatrics, Dr. McCabe(Photo4), who is a friend of Dr. Eto of Jikei University, both work in the same field, thus genetics of pediatrics deseases.  Dr. McCabe raises horses at the Doublestrand Ranch from the time he was at the Colorado University.  He is not only brilliant but the scale of activities is big.  I am envious.


Photo1 With my Mentor at UCLA, Dr. Kleeman.


Photo2 In the UCLA California Nanosystems Institute(CNSI).


Photo3 With Dr. Gerald Levey

Photo4 With Dr. McCabe, Dr. David Lundberg(In-charge of UCLA-CNSI international cooperation administration).

I still miss my university where I studied for quite a long period.  The penetrating blue sky of California which seems to beckon me to come back.  The unending bright campus, the University town, Westwood, I miss every part of it.  This is my 24 hours visit to UCLA, that I feel I wished I could come back.

I headed towards the airport and went to San Francisco.  By the way, the flight was late by around 2 hours and I reached in San Francisco at 5: 30 pm.


Japan-Arab conference at the Alexandria library


I arrived the Kansai airport from Haneda on the evening of Nov. 19th.  Then I flew to Dubai and now arrived at Alexandria, Egypt.  This was my 3rd visit to the Dubai airport in last 4 weeks.  I arrived at Alexandria on the 20th at 11:30 and headed directly to the Alexandria Library.  This about 2300 year’s old library is the world’s first scientific academy, and the magnificient buliding was reconstructed 5 years ago.  The contents have also been reinforced under the leadership of Dr. Serageldin, the library chief.  He is also my friend and has developed several excellent programs.  I am also a member of the Board of Trustees of the library for past 3 years and I visit this place for the meeting conducted in spring.

I arrived to the Library just in time.  I had an interview from 1:00 pm with Mr. Helal, the Education Minister of Science and Technology.  I have met him several times in past few years.  He is a scholar and a splendid person.  There is a considerable support from Japan.  It is delightful to hear that an opera house is being constructed recently in addition to the plans of establishing a science and technology institute with the support of Japan.  I mainly discussed about the academic exchange with Minister Helal.

Egypt01Photo1  On the library terrace

There were about 120 people from Japan and 150 people from Arab countries participated in the Japan-Arab conference.  The conference had various sessions and sub-sessions and a full discussions were conducted about a wide range of topics, such as politics, economics, science, technology, environment, health care, culture, and art, etc..  From Japan, the group was headed by honorable former MInister Mr. Taro Nakayama besides honorable former Ministers, Mr. Koji Omi, Ms. Yuriko Koike.  From the business sector Mr. Jiro Nemoto of honorary chairman of Nippon Yusen, Mr. Sadao Umeda of chairman of Kajima Corporation.  Dr. Masahisa Yamauchi, a professor of Middle East politics, Mr. Daisuke Nishimura, a foreign ministry environment personnel, and Mr. Youji Yamada, a film director who directed "The Twilight Samurai" was also present since this film was to be shown there.  I chaired the environment and water panel and went to several panels.  I was happy that several people I know had come as representatives from the Arab world.

Also I have a good time with former Ambassador Mr. Arima Tatsuo, the busy Japanese government representative on the MIddle East Affairs.  We had planed to meet up before but our timelines never matched until this time.  Needless to say that Mr. Ishikawa, an ambassador to Egypt, and from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Katakura and Mr. Sudou, the former ambassadors to the embassy of Egypt, participated.  This kind of gathering of three ambassodor was extremely rare as I was told.  Also, an ambassador to Morocco, Ms. Haruko Hirose(Also introduced in the blog of Ms. Mayumi Moriyama, a member and worked as No.2 in UNIDO) had come over there.  Since she is working with the United Nations for a long time, even a minor opinion she say shows a fine taste on international relations.

Egypt02Photo2  In the Hernan Palestine Hotel.  From right, Mr. Kaoru Ishikawa, Mr.Takaya Sudo(Chairman of Research Institute of International Affairs Disarmament Center, Former Ambassador to Egypt), Dr. Masayuki Yamauchi(a professor at The University of Tokyo), Ms. Aiko Douden(NHK Commentator), myself, Mr. Numata Sadaaki(Chairman of Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership, Former Ambassador to Canada), Mr. Shinsaku Sugiyama(Councilor of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Middle East Africa Bureau)

Historically, there has been little religious conflicts between the Middle East and Japan.  Since good relations are built from the past, it is a region in which mutual exchanges need to be continued.and strengthened  The basic understanding with both parties is that current exchange with Japan is solely in relation to petroleum, and Arabs are not very aware of Japan and vice versa.  It was agreed that there should be more and more exchanges in various fields.  In addition to this, it was also agreed that the contribution of Japan towards environment, clean energy and water problems was immeasurable.

A congress member, Ms. Yuriko Koike, appeared live-broadcasting on the Cairo T.V. on the night of 21st about an hour.  There was one to one interview in Arabic and the theme was about “global warming” and “CoolBiz” in fluent Arabic language which actually was quite something.  A tree plantation is going on in the deserts from past 10 years and currently there seem to be 14,000 trees now.  This year, the Cairo University is celebrating its 100th anniversary.  Ms. Koike, a graduate of Cairo University, is quite admirable that she has many friends and influential people over here.

On the afternoon of 22nd, I left Cairo.  Since I had a time at Dubai about 5 hours for transit, I had dinner with Ms. Lama Farsakh(Photo3).  She is from Palestine and her husband is from Egypt.  They have two daughters.  We mostly talked about the Israel-Palestine issues.


Photo3  With Ms. Lama Farsakh

Discussion about the sister cities /countries of Sendai city and Finland, aged society and then a much awaited active role of women in Japan


In the week of Nov 12, I had an opportunity to give speeches everyday in the week.  On 13th (Tuesday), I was at the Future Innovation Forum.  On 14th (Wednesday), I was at the Sir Martin Wood Certfication cermony in the British embassy and I gave a speech about the lifestyle related diseases on the 15th (Thursday).

The Sendai city is in collaboration with Finland.  On the 16th (Friday), a symposium was conducted by both the hosts with a theme "The Aged Society."  There seem to be several issues regarding it.  The Finnish Ambassador to Japan, the Sendai city mayor Mr. Katsuhiko Umehara (he was at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry before becoming a mayor) also addressed the symposium.  One of the deputy mayors (2 out of 3 are females), Emiko Iwasaki (She is a doctor who is seems to have been to Africa. The mayor had recruited her which is amazing), myself and a person from Finland gave a keynote speech.  In Japan we have major problems of declining birthrate and also delayed social progress of women.  But nothing has been done about it.  The women activity in Japan is in stark contrast to Finland.

In the afternoon, I headed to Tokyo for the speech "Scienctific technology and the nation" on the 50th anniversary of Asahi newspaper science department. I participated in the panel after the key speech "Out of the frying pan into the fire" given by Mr. Takashi Tachibana.

I was back to Sendai the next day.  There was an invitation from Dr. Noriko Osumi at the Tohoku University meeting "The 6th Gender equality symposium" and a male delivered a keynote speech for the first time.  The panel consisted of eminent people.  According to Mr. Tateo Arimoto ( JST, Japan science and technology agency), the Education Ministry seems to have complained when the first President of Tohoku Universty, Dr. Sawayanagi Masatarou enrolled females for the first time in the University, which was unheard before.

Tohoku University has a support program for female researchers called the Science Angels.  There was again a presentation and award ceremony of "5th Sawayanagi Award (Tohoku University Gender Equality Promotion Award)" and the 3rd award winner gave a presentation.  All of you have done a wonderful work.  I am very happy.  Congratulations.  I have presented the image of the Tohoku University at that time.  Please have a look at it.


Photo1: Award winners of the Sawayanagi award

Both the Human Development Index and the Gender Development Index are as high as entering the Top 10 (UNDP etc.) of the world.  The Gender Empowerment Index of Japan is ranked 43rd in the 75 countries of UNDP.  It stands at the 91st of 128 countries in the recent World Economic Forum.  It is a pity not to nurture the talents of women.

From Abu Dhabi-3; Dubai, and the Japanese environment technology.


On Oct. 26th, I was in Abu Dhabi and then stayed in Beijing and arrived at Narita late at night.  The following day, there was a meeting presided by Dr. Uzawa and I enjoyed this Saturday event.  The next week Monday to Friday was very busy.  Then I once again departed to Abu Dhabi in the early morning on Saturday.

This time it was a very different task. At both Abu Dhabi and Dubai about twelve Japanese companies collaborated under the leadership of Nikken Sekkei Ltd. to display and introduce the environmental techniques which are pride of Japan.  I gave a speech from the point of view of a scientist.

However, to visit Dubai Airport and Abu Dhabi twice within ten days was something I never would imagine, despite the fact that there were many coincidences that led this to happen.

After arriving in Dubai, a reception at the official residence of the consulate took place.  After staying there overnight, I went to Abu Dhabi again after a gap of "10 days."  I met the Ambassador His Excellency Hatano, some businessmen, and the Director General of INSEAD Abu Dhabi School.  I brought Japanese sweets for the students of the Japanese school as I promised at my previous visit and handed them through Mr. Yoshimura, the principal.  At night there was an excellent Japanese display of the environmental techniques and a video introduction of a proposal of new urban development.  There was also an interview with His Highness the Prince in between and after that I addressed to the gathering.  The speech given by His Highness the Prince was very earnest and made us aware that more efforts were needed for education.  A part of his thoughts now in action is to enroll the local students in the Japanese school and he seemed to be very thankful to Ambassador Hatano for sharing the same view.

The climate in Abu Dhabi in this time of the year is very pleasant. It is somewhat like Los Angeles.

Img_0884 Photo1: At the Abu Dhabi Golf Club, from left myself, His Excellency Hatano, Director General of INSEAD Abu Dhabi school Mr. Peter Jadersten, my friends Mr. Nomura, Mr. Saito

Img_0885 Photo2: At the Abu Dhabi Golf Club, myself and Mr. Saito

Img_0887 Photo3: In front of the residence of the consulate, from left Mr. Saito, Mr. Nomura, myself

Img_0888 Photo4: Having omelet rice at the terrace of the consulate residence. From left, Mr. Korenaga, myself, Ms. Yoro, His Excellency Hatano, Mr. Saito, Mr. Nomura

25% of Japan’s petroleum imports are from Abu Dhabi.  On the other hand, there is a future urban development plan called MASDAR over here which in the long run does not emit CO2 by using clean energy. It is incorporated very ambitiously.  This ambitious project was also reffered to in the speech.

※A copy of the speech
"Planet in Peril: Nation with Clear Vision as a New Global Leader of Sustainable Urban Development, Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates"

The following day, I gave another speech which was slightly different and referred to the recent ambitious project "Enpark."

I arrived at Narita at night on the 6th.

From Abudhabi-2 To come across historical people unexpectedly


It’s been a while from my last posting. The laptop which I normally use failed. I am trying to catch up slowly.
As mentioned in “Abudhabi-1 “, I stayed in Abu Dhabi from October 22. The Festival of Thinkers started with a opening ceremony and then there were various excellent programs.  I will  introduce to you  some related sites.
They supplement contents of this blog.
Yoko Ishikura blog (1, 2, 3)(in Japanese)
New York Social Diary (1, 2) Lots of wonderful photographs which include myself are posted.

In the opening and the morning special lecture, Ms. Maathai of Kenya who won the Nobel Peace Prize of Year 2004  gave a speech which shook everybody’s heart.
This was after winning the Nobel prize, when she visited Japan during the tenure of Prime Minister Koizumi, she was moved with the Japanese word “mottainai – wasteful" and have been spreading this word across the world.
My photograph (photograph 1) was also on the rear screen of the stage in the opening ceremony. I was happy to see this.


Photograph 1   Opening ceremony. Can you see my photograph?


Photograph 2 Site- Emirates Palace, Ambassador His Excellency. and Mrs. Hanato, Dr. Ishikura and  myself


Photograph 3 Same place. Mr. Ikenobo, Dr.Ishikura, Myself and Dr. Cassim

Dr. Ishikura, myself and   President of the Asia Pacific University APU sponsored by the Oita Ritsumeikan University Dr. Cassim  participated in the Panel related to Japan named as Theme 7  “The Rising from the Ashes-Japan special”.   The purpose and contents of this panel as it appears in the program pamphlet of the Festival of Thinkers were written by Dr. Azimi, the Director of UNITAR Hiroshima.   It was a very good writing.   She was also a Keynote speaker.

This session included greetings by Ambassador Hatano and Dr.Cassim.  Professor Sasaki gave a demonstration of flower arrangement and Mr. Ikenobo talked about the form and mind behind flower arrangement of the Ikenobo school.   Later, a panel was conducted wherein Dr.  Cassim, Dr. Azimi, Dr. Ishikura and myself participated. The blog which I have mentioned earlier includes the description of this panel.

Then, I also participated in the panel that was conducted later Theme 8 “Moving Beyond Conflicts”, check the program site for the contents.

Seated on my right side was the son of President Castro of Cuba, his name also Fidel Castro, a physicist who was educated in the former Soviet Union and a scientific advisor of the President.  I had met him around 4 years back in the United Nations University and we met again after a long period.An American panelist was seated at the left end.  In his self introduction, he said “I have a poor vision and it is inconvenient while walking, but I have a vision which is clearer than the present President of the United States of America".

After this panel was over, I discovered that this was Theodore ‘Ted’ Sorensen who wrote the main speech for late President John F Kennedy and who was also the advisor for JFK (he was only 31 years old in 1961 when  JFK became the President and he participated in the advisor committee) and was the most trusted.

He did not reveal his current status and briefly touched upon that the day before was the 45th year anniversary of the “13 th day” of the missile crisis in Cuba that continued for 13 days from 15 th October 1962,   the crisis that nearly touched the nuclear war “in the Cold War” (there is also a film named “Thirteen Days").  He has also interviews and commentary regarding the above. What do you think about him?  Isn’t he a great person?
The panel was over and during Q&A session, one person said "He is the person whom I wanted to meet the most, the advisor of JFK who saved a nuclear war which might have occurred in the Cold War, the person who wrote for JFK.  Ted Sorensen". And everybody was surprised.  Through those words, not only me but everybody felt his respect towards JFK. In the blog which I introduced earlier, articles about this panel by Ted Sorensen and Mr. Castro are given (my "Proud Moment” with the panel is also seen). It was an unexpected pleasant experience .


Photograph 4 From left, Ted Sorenseon, Fidel Castro Jr, Myself and Dr. Azimi, Director of UNITAR

At night, we again went to Ambassador Hatano’s official residence.  Then I went to a meeting of WHO conducted In Beijing via Dubai

I thank everybody in Abu Dhabi for their cooperation and help.

By the way, after a few days when I returned to my country on finishing the meeting in Beijing, Mr. Castro and Cuba Embassy Officer visited my office and met  Dr. Teruo Kishi, President of NIMS (National Institute for Material Science)  and Satoru Tomita at the Riken,  regarding the nature of Nanotech study.   This is a practice of what I always say "Science as a Foreign Policy".  It is a powerful diplomacy.

Impossible? It’s a Matter of Vision and Will to Challenge!

On July 3rd, after I returned from G8 Science Advisors meeting in beautiful Slovenia, I had a briefing in Press Center, Tokyo, with foreign correspondents on ‘Cool Earth 50’.  I thought the session went well with a lot of questions and discussions.  I received more than few e-mails from those who attended this briefing, saying it was very enjoyable because I was quite open, frank and receptive to any question, thus quite different from any previous press briefings by the Japanese government officials.  They indicated that government press briefs are not so amicable and usually provide little more than what are already on the web.  Of course, this may be the case since the government officials are extremely cautious what they say.  In addition, they have to deal with foreign press in English with the language barrier.

Mr. Von Martin Koelling reported my interview in Technology Review (in German) and I enjoyed reading his report.  Its English translation, with some editing by me, is here for you to read.  Enjoy it.

   "Impossible? It’s a Matter of  Vision and Will to Challenge!"
   Technology Review, July 10, 2007

From Seoul


I went to Seoul from October 13th to 17tth.

Departing early morning from Tokyo on the 13th, this is to join the reunion I organized of Mr. Sadamu Sasaki, the first grandson of Dr. Gozo Sato who devoted his life to the modern time Korean medical education and Dr. Sato’s 3 students (ages 83-86), which took place in the evening of 13th.  Exactly one century has passed since Dr. Sato went to the Korean Peninsula as a staff doctor of a hospital.  It also marks the 100th anniversary of the Korean Medical Institution (now the Seoul National University College of Medicine).  Mr. Sasaki was born and lived in Seoul with Dr. Sato for his initial 14 years.  He returned to Japan in 1945 after the end of the world war and this was his first visit to Korea ever since then.  What a surprise, what a centennial coincidence.  We also visited the house where Mr. Sasaki used to live.


Photo1  from left Dr. Ishida, Mr. Sasaki, Dr. Ju, and myself


Photo2  With Dr. Ju (Vice Chairman of the Korean Academy of Sciences)


Photo3  At the Korean Medical Institution


Photo4  Keijo Imperial University School of Medicine (now the Seoul National University College of Medicine)

I hope that this visit helps to further our understanding of our history between the 2 closest countries and opens a new door to the future.  The detail of this visit is reported in Mr. Deguchi’s mail magazine (Oct. 10 and 17 edition) who joined this trip: his background is a journalist, thus write much better and professionally.  As he wrote properly of our encounter, the story is much real and very touching; I hope you have a look.

The following day, Mr. Sasaki, Dr. Ishida and I strolled around places associated with Dr. Sato.  At night, we had a “luxurious” dinner where fresh fish were cooked in front of us at the fish market.


Photo5  At the fish market in Seoul

On the 15th, I met with a charming woman scientist, Dr. Narry Kim of the Seoul National University (Photo 6).  I wanted to pay this visit because I recognize her outstanding achievement on micro RNA.  I wanted to know how she could establish her independent research as an assistant professor while being a mother of 2 children.  I will touch upon this on a different occasion.  There are things that I can’t disclose at the moment, but please look forward to the story sometime later.


Photo6  With Dr. Narry Kim of the Seoul National University

On the 16th, I joined the World Knowledge Forum held at the Walkerhill Sheraton.  The following day, on the 17th, there was a Keynote Lecture by Mr. Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State of USA. With no paper, no memo, he talked for 45 minutes right off the reel about Vietnam War, his stay in Korea, his visit to the former Soviet Union during the Cold War, his visit to China, his secret rendezvous with Gorbachev before the end of the Cold War, etc.  He shared some specific episodes with us and talked about the current China and expectations for the future.  It was such an outstanding well constructed and presented speech with full of grace.

As for me, I joined a panel with Dr. D. Bangalore who is playing an active role in India and Silicon Valley, and Yoko Ishikura who is my co-author of the book “How to build a world class career.”

After this panel, I went straight to the airport to catch a flight back to Haneda.

The young people and the leaders of the world, and Sir. David King of the British Embassy ~Issues and Expectations of Japan as seen from the world


This is an activity report from October 7th to 9th from the following day after I returned back Japan from the selection of UNESCO-L’Oreal prize in Paris.  8 o’clock in the morening on October 7th, I went the BioCamp.  This is a “Camp” conducted once in a year by Novartis, the global company, for about 40 young Asian people since 2005 (Refer:1, 2).  The first camp was conducted in Taiwan, and the keynote was addressed by Dr. Yuan T Lee, the 1986 noble prize winner in chemistry.  The second camp was conducted in Singapore, and the keynote address was given by the Science Minister Mr. Philip Yeo.  And this time, Mr. R. Horwitz of MIT, the winner of medical student noble prize of 2002, and I made the keynote address.  There were probably about 40 participants and the male : female ratio was 5 : 5.   Amongst them, there were 15 participants from Japan and the ratio was 7 : 3 which shows the large number of male participants (this means that there were more female participants from other countries).  I was a bit sad as I had just selected a woman researcher in Paris the previous day.

I came to know later that the event was telecast in the "Mino-Monta’s" morning show on the following day for about 90 seconds, included some parts of my speech.  The program reported this camp as an example of that the private enterprise’s contribution towards the growth of young people.

I had to go Kyoto just after the address.  There was the 4th STS Forum.  There was a short greeting by Prime Minister Fukuda in the morning session.  I could not reach in time for his speech and so I participated from the afternoon session.  This year, the event attendees have considerably increased to about 4 times.  It was a wonderful opportunity to meet the leaders, friends and have new acquaintances (Picture1~4).  The discussion, such as about problems and policies of the world, have progressed quite well since the last year’s conference.  After all, there is no doubt that the climate changes or sustainable society are the main issues of the world, from the last year’s conference.  In this world’s issues, there are huge expectations to Japan, I think・・・.


Picture1 From left myself, Dr. Yuan T Lee, Dr. Yoshikawa and Dr. Waldvogel


Picture2 From left myself, Mr. Charles Vest and Mr. Youngsuk Chi


Picture3 From left myself and Dr. Serageldin, Egyptian ambassador and Alexandria library superintendent

Picture4  Mr. George Atkinson and Ms. Nina V. Fedoroff, the science advisor of Ms. Rice Secretary of U.S State Department

After the STS Forum, I came back to Tokyo on the 9th and I headed towards the University of Tokyo, Institute of Medical Science, from the Shinagawa station.  I participated in the speech about the vaccine development with Mr. Seth Berkley, a founder of International AIDS Vaccine Promotion Plan (IAVI).  (We know each other since the Davos Economic Forum in 2 years ago, and we both participated in this STS Forum)

In this evening, I went dinner with the Science Advisor of British Prime Minister, Sir. David King.  Of course the topic was mainly about the G8 summit in July 2008 in Japan.  4 of my staff (member from the Cabinet Secretariat, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Council on Science and Technology and Science Council of Japan) were also participate.

Japan is the host country for the G8 summit, and deals with the problems of the world,  How are we trying to solve the climate changes and the problems in Africa?  How about Japan’s leadership in Asia?  I feel this might be a crucial moment for Japan at the beginning of the 21st century・・・.

In the G8 summit in Germany, Japan’s contribution was very high though (comparatively I do not think the evaluation within and outside of Japan was good.  It is as usual because of lack of communication strategy), then what can Japan do about the climate change, now?  In addition to this, TICAD will be held in May 2008 in Yokohama.  In spite of the marvelous opportunity for taking leadership about the Africa issue, it is irritating that "intention of the nation (National Policy)" was not conveyed to the world in any of the themes.

I feel this is common sence of the world that Japan cannot be seen in the "rapidly moving world."  This can be said that because of the unexpected change of the cabinet, though.

Well, what do you think about this?  It’s tiring, isn’t it?