California-3 after a long time, Address at the Stanford University.


On the 6th, it was a gloomy weather since morning. Was raining a bit. First, I met Ms. Shizu Munekata of Enhance Inc. (is she is known as “Ms. Shizu”?) and spoke with her on broad topics and we spent a very good time. Then at lunch, I met Dr. Kaneko who is becoming a legend in bio technology (also profiled in the “Going through the digital era” of Mochio Umeda) after 3 years, and Ms. Chika Watanabe of blog and “ Human 2.0”.   It was a strange feeling like knowing the person well, even though all were meeting for the first time.

After lunch, I met the people of the biotechnology venture of Circulatory organs in the Silicon Valley. We discovered many common friends in the board members of the companies, like coming in groups. This is really what excites me. You can never tell who you will meet as you visit places. The reputation of every person spreads unknowingly, and it gets established in this “Flat” society. This will become “Individual power”, moreover “Trust” of the global era. It is hard to understand who is connected to whom. Therefore it is necessary to be alert. In every case one should give his best with honesty and sincere efforts, and should improve his ability.

From 3 pm to Stanford with Prof. Mr. Dasher. It was raining a little, like needing an umbrella depending on the walking distance.   After visiting his office, I did the last lecture on the series of “Innovation of Asia” from 4pm. Not only the students, but also foreign students, faculty members from Japan, many other people from outside the campus , and local celebrities were there to many of whom I was introduced to.


Photo 1 At the Seminar Hall with Dr.Dasher

The title of my lecture at the seminar was “Innovate Japan”.  I started my speech by explaining how Japanese people start any discussion with a sort of apology or humble attitude like “Thank you for coming today despite of the bad weather”. The point of discussion was what I already said before, (In this case Web cast)-that the Noble prize for peace for 2006 and 2007 represents the key to the innovation boom of the globalization era, and that Silicon Valley as the resource of free unrestricted ideas is now turning into the “Clean Green Valley”, the mecca of “Clean Green Technology”. This seminar will be on the web soon so please wait for the contents and the questions and answers.


Photo 2 With some of the participants after the seminar.

Nevertheless, this is the frightening aspect of the information era. Any one can see this picture all over the world. This essentially is the frightening aspect of the “Global era”.  The image has more impact than just the words, just like live, nothing can be concealed. In most of the cases, everything is almost instantly seen and known in real time. In the “FLAT” world, anybody can see it.  Who is he? What does he do? What can he do?  How good does he do it?  Within no time, it is widely known throughout the world in a form that anybody can see. A title does not have much power. The value of the “Individual power” that crosses the national borders, is the essence and the message by Dr. Ishikura and me in our Japanese book “How to make a world class career”.   Now the whole world knows how much the value of  “high” title in the Japanese society actually is. This cannot be concealed no matter where you go or what you say. Higher the position in society, if there is “difference in the actual ability”, then in the global era, it affects the liabilty of that individual, the organization, the society and the nation to which he belongs.

To tell the truth, I am scared. However, actually this is a good education.   We should get a feedback from the people, students and from the counterpart and self-analysis should be done. Here we have to learn and make the best use of it. I think this is important. To watch oneself and learn in modesty and move to the next step is what  “Self Improvement” process is all about.

Many questions came out after the lecture. After we finished with the questions, I was with everyone as usual (Picture 2). Many young people from the Japanese industries (mainly big industries) and from the universities had participated. One woman had come from the nearby high school, she wanted me to come to the school and speak and so I replied her through e-mail that I would come in the next chance. Thank you everyone for coming in spite of the bad weather. Thank you.

Thanks to Mr. Yagi of IMAnet for attending and for writing about this in his blog. Thank you.