RedHerring and Steve Jobs


Have you heard of RedHerring?

It’s a famous media in Silicon Valley. They held a 2 day conference from July 22 to 24 in Kyoto, for the first time in Japan. Venture entrepreneurs and venture capitalists gathered. I was asked to make a speech on “Innovation” so I went to participate. You can see part of the program, speakers and panel in RedHerring Japan 2007 site. I was new to such kind of gatherings, so to get a grasp of what it was like, I took part from the first day.  People like Mr. Semmoto formerly from KDDI (also met him in St.Petersburg in June) and Mr.Idei formerly from Sony (I introduced him in my blog in April “From Camarague”) were familiar to me, but to know the audience before I speak is very important, so thought that it was a good opportunity.

Approximately there were about 150 participants. Half were Japanese and the rest were diverse, but all young. 70% of the Japanese were from Silicon Valley. Half of the foreigners were based in Japan and there were a lot of Koreans from Silicon Valley. Most of them were ICT related ventures and not so many bio people.

Mr. Fredrick Haren from Sweden talked about “Creativity, Innovation” which was very unique and full of impacts. (Some people may say that he is an "out of box" type.)   He introduced his book called “New Ideas” and later, as we got along so well, gave me the book saying he brought some with him. I seem to be compatible with queer people. Maybe because we share something like Don Qixote? Sounds odd, though.

Well, since it was like that, I listened to other people’s story and changed my slides back and forth. Eventually, I used the slides at GIES2000 and part of Prof. Jorgenson’s slides that was used at the Workshop in June. These were updated slides based on Prof. Jorgenson’s latest book, 「Productivity: Information Technology And the American Growth Resurgence」(MIT Press, 2005). This is a perfect guide to learn about the growth in the US industry and IT related companies after the IT bubble burst in 2000.  For everyone in the industry, policy, university related field, please read it thoroughly. This is another example of dynamism of United States that many such books are published from universities. I closed my speech referring to Steve Jobs’ 2005 commencement speech at Stanford University. It goes like this.

1) you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something…
2) You’ve got to find what you love. Don’t settle.
3) Death is Life’s change agent.

To grasp the meaning of these, you have to read his speech thoroughly.  Go to the link that I cited above. I think it is a wonderful message. I envy the graduates for being given the chance to listen to his live speech. By the way, Bill Gates delivered a commencement speech this year at Harvard, and this is also a very touching speech. Their words are based on their true experience, therefore convincing more than anything else.

Since I closed my speech with this slide, President of RedHerring, Mr. Alex Vieux who acted as MC totally got happy and added his story after my speech. I was delighted.

The participants were obviously not the Japanese businessman type that I usually see. They enjoy their work, young, energetic, outspoken, and spoke out without caring whether their English was good or bad. It was quite interesting.

I met with Ms. Etsuko Okajima, a friend of Yoko Ishikura and met many other people. You can see photos of the party etc. at (My photo was posted too!)

Hideyo Noguchi Africa prize and a speech by former Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro Koizumi


In the blog of June 19 (“A few words about the low plublicity of Japan, from Paris”), I have quoted three cases as an actual example but all these three were about the large contribution of Japan in Africa. The contribution of Japan in Africa is not much recognized domestically or internationally as compared to its contribution in Asia. This may be due to geographical conditions. As I have mentioned in the above column, my article “Challenges for Japan’s Scientific Community in the 2008 G8 Summit” appeared in Business Daily Africa, one of the newspapers in Kenya, as “Analysis: G8 Summit will provide a major test for Japanese scientists”, “Comment: Challenges for Japan’s Scientific Community in the 2008 G8 Summit”. It is only at individual level but I want the world to know a little about the contribution made by Japan. World today is On-Line age, isn’t it?

After 8 years, Japan is hosting the next year’s G8 summit (which will be held at Toya Lake in July).  Japan is going to play a leading role, and the fourth meeting of  TICAD(Tokyo International Conference on African Development)(Ref., a groundbreaking national  undertaking  that was started with the United Nations 15 years ago as a part of  aid to Africa, which is held once in every 5 years, will be held in Yokohama in May. This conference is well recognized by various countries in Africa and the heads of more than 50 countries from Africa will gather in Tokyo for this conference.  However, how many people in the world know about it? Recently, the media is only concentrating on the topic of China reaching to Africa…….

Last year, Prime Minister Koizumi visited Africa.  He had been to Ethiopia and Ghana on this visit. Why Ethiopia and Ghana will be discussed later.  Accra, the capital of Ghana, is the place where Dr. Hideyo Noguchi passed away due to the yellow fever and there is Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Institute.  At this institute, Prime Minister Koizumi has declared the foundation of “Hideyo Noguchi Africa prize” by the government of Japan. This is an international award that acknowledges medical research and medical services that contribute to control the infectious disease in Africa. It will be given to an individual who has contributed in these two fields (It is introduced on Internet TV of the government also). The Awarding ceremony will be held once in every 5 years and we are planning to announce the first prize next year at TICAD. Currently, the selection is in process. As you know, issues like development in Africa, HIV/AIDS, poverty etc. are the serious problems of the world.

The other day, Mr. Koizumi, former prime minister went to the board meeting of "Japan Federation of Economic Organizations" to address the board for the fund-raising of this award. I heard that his speech was excellent. It was a short speech without any note, addressing about 200 business leaders including Chairman Mr. Mitarai. I heard that the atmosphere in that hall has changed dramatically after the speech. Please download and see the file, since the content of the speech is posted with the permission of former prime ministers’ office.

Down load the (PDF) “Introduction by Junichiro Koizumi, Member of Parliament, in standing committee meeting of Japan Federation of Economic Organization" (In Japanese only)

How do you feel about it?  Isn’t it really an excellent speech? I think it was a very lively speech full of wit. I am thinking of translating this speech into English and transmitting it to the media in Africa.
If you think carefully, we can certainly say that the business people got hypnotized by “Koizumi magic”. This means Prime Minister Koizumi is very genius and “out of the box”. Actually, from the historical viewpoint, people who changed the world and the society through science and technology were all ”out of the box” , having imagination beyond the common sense of the people in that era. I have also mentioned this once in front of Prime Minister Mr. Koizumi at the meeting of Council for Science and Technology Policy that was held at his official residence. Everyone started laughing but I was quiet serious.

It is the same opinion as in the blog of June 4 ("St Petersburg, then from Mr. Deguchi to Don Quixote") as well as in the mail magazine of Mr. Deguchi  (in Japanese only)that “Don Quixote" is very important in all-times.

From Singapore. Participation in World Economic Forum on East Asia


I returned back home after finishing the overseas work in Slovenia and Paris. Then I worked one day in Japan and came to Singapore for participating in Asia-Pacific/East Asia conference, “Davos Forum” (World Economic Forum), which is held annualy in January. The events of the conference can be viewed at Website of World Economic Forum.

Davos meeting is held every year in January at Davos in Switzerland, and recently it is widely known in Japan as well. I have been attending this conference since last 6 years and have written about  the events of the conference. (Year 2007 etc.). Furthermore, besides this conference, they have been deploying various activities worldwide. Refer to

This East Asia conference has been held since past few years and last year it was held in Tokyo, Japan for the first time. I participated in India Economic Summit, conducted in New Delhi, last year  and this time I will be participating in panel called Innovation “Mantra”.

The photographs and video of this panel can be viewed at the following sites.

The participants from Japan were Dr. Heizo Takenaka, Economic counselor, Mr. Khono from ministry of foreign affairs who is going to work as Sherpa for the G8 summit next year, Mr. Hirotaka Takeuchi, whom I have introduced in my blog  6/8, Mr. Tsukamoto from JETRO and Mr. Yokoyama from Social System Design.  They all are my associates, friends, and good debaters. Mr. Wakabayashi, the state minister for the environment,  participated in this meeting also and talked about principles and position of Japan in G8 summit.  This was very good, too.

After returning to Japan,  Mr. Fujisue of Democratic Party promptly wrote about this on his own website.

Whenever opportunity arises, we must report, ask questions, and write relevant details about the topics and queries. Presence of Japan should be improved much, much more. 
I would like to express my recognition and appreciation to all who have participated in the conference for their hard work.

From Chronicle


In May, I was interviewed by Britain’s Chronicle newspaper reporter Mr. David McNeill. The article was published in “The Chronicle of Higher Education” of June 1st. The contents are as follows (in italics). Please be patient as the contents are little lengthy., Section: International, Volume 53, Issue 39, Page A37)
●Kiyoshi Kurokawa doesn’t mince words. As the government’s first handpicked science adviser, he wants to completely overhaul Japan’s higher-education system. And he believes he has the passion and ? at a sprightly 70 ? the energy to do it.
●"I stay young because I am so angry," he says in his Tokyo office, overlooking Japan’s parliament building. "I am almost exploding at the way the university system bangs down the nail that sticks up" ? a common Japanese proverb about the pressure to conform. "Our young people are not being allowed to excel."

We should not "bang down the nail that sticks up", i.e. discourage people who excel in talents.

●Prime Minister Shinzo Abe apparently agrees. Last October he asked Mr. Kurokawa, a former University of Tokyo professor of medical science, to advise his cabinet on science issues and to chair the Innovation 25 Strategy Council, a panel of professors and industrialists charged with forecasting Japan’s science and technology needs until 2025.
●A key structural weakness, most agree, is the country’s universities, which struggle to generate cutting-edge research and, with few exceptions, languish far down the list of internationally ranked universities. The council published its draft report in February, and the scramble is on to influence policy.

In this Global era, University reform is urgently needed.

●Unlike the chairman, the report is light on specifics and heavy on rhetoric, particularly about the need for "innovation." But Mr. Kurokawa sees it as a vision statement to inspire change. "Politicians don’t understand detail, so my comments have to be succinct," he says. "I keep my message to the prime minister simple."
●His suggestions include a huge increase in spending on higher education ? currently just 0.5 percent of GDP, compared with 0.9 percent in the United States, according to Japanese government statistics ? and abolishing the inflexible one-day entrance exam that largely determines where one attends college in Japan.

The “National Center Test for University Admissions” has to be stopped. It decides course of many people just by one test. Though the national budget for education is small, trying to pour in more budgets will rather hinder the reform unless we promote a drastic one.

●He wants to force the big universities to teach 20 percent of their courses in English. Just a handful of the most prestigious private universities are even close to this figure. And he wants to send thousands of students on foreign exchange programs.
●For good measure, Mr. Kurokawa would boost the number of foreign undergraduates to 30 percent of enrollment, up from 9 percent now, and appoint more women to senior academic positions. He points out that just one out of the 87 national-university presidents in Japan is female. One of his key reforms when he was president of Japan’s Science Council was increasing the number of women among its 790,000 scientists.

Top universities have to start the reform first. Nothing will happen unless they show examples. Drastic recruitment of women is also necessary.

Influence From Abroad
●Mr. Kurokawa’s educational philosophy was shaped by 15 years spent practicing and teaching in the United States, where he eventually became a professor of medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles. He says he was initially startled by the "flat" social relations of universities there.

●"I was expecting to be told what to do, but I was told by my mentor: ‘You are a kidney specialist, and if you think this is wrong, you say so. We are partners.’ That shocked me," he says.
●It was this experience that led him to diagnose what he calls the "fundamental defect" of university education in Japan: "The system here is so hierarchical."
●He wants to shake up the koza system, under which a senior professor dominates the intellectual life of each academic department and forces junior colleagues to wait years for promotion.

University is a place to bring up future talents.

●"That kills creativity and innovation," he says. "It has to be reformed so we can nurture our talent." Universities could then become the drivers of new technologies and environmental solutions, he believes.
●It is an ambitious program, and, as he is first to recognize, blocking its way is the deep conservatism of Japan’s educational guardians. Education Minister Bunmei Ibuki recently said that the country should "treasure" the fact that it is "fundamentally, one ethos, one culture, one ethnic rulership, one language, one belief system."

It is difficult to nurture creativity in such universities where the system is hierarchical.

●Prime Minister Abe is cut from the same political cloth, but his natural conservatism appears to have been trumped by fear that Japan’s universities are trailing the rest or the world.
●Whether Mr. Kurokawa’s ideas gain traction remains to be seen. If Mr. Abe loses his bid for re-election this summer, then the former professor may no longer have a soapbox to stand on.
●When he is told how difficult it will be to open up Japanese higher education, Mr. Kurokawa says, he always brings up sumo wrestling, a once ultra-traditional sport now increasingly dominated by foreigners and popular abroad.
●"We want to achieve the sumo-ization of universities," he laughs. "That is my goal."

It is the sumo-nization of universities.

●His aggressive ideas have won praise among some of Japan’s more innovative business leaders. But even they say it is hard to change the country. Mr. Kurokawa is not discouraged. "Revolutions sometimes happen slowly," he says.

Reformation is certainly difficult any where, in any field. “Education, Education , Education”- if you really want to change Japan, then "Education" has to be changed. No one would say that current “Education” is good but too many people in the board discuss education with personal sentiment for the good old days. I wonder how well education specialists perceive what is going on in this world of global era, think, speak, and act from a higher perspective? Anxiety is huge when I think about the young generation.

Earlier, I introduced a book on Jiro Shirasu (Japanese edition only. Shirasu is a politician). The author, Yasutoshi Kita, of that book has now published a book on “Fukuzawa Yukichi” (a Japanese author, writer, teacher, translator, entrepreneur and political theorist who founded the Keio University). Jiro Shirasu and Yukichi Fukuzawa are really excellent people considering the historical background of that time. Can we think of any such people nowadays?

G8 Science Advisors’ Conference, from Slovenia


After leaving Okinawa on 14th I arrived to Paris airport on 15th in the morning. I joined Mr. Tsugita of cabinet office who arrived in Paris one day earlier; and we went to Ljubljana, capital of Slovenia.  We got into a car and came to Bled, the place which is 30 minutes away from the airport.  It is a very beautiful place with green landscapes and is somewhat similar to Hakone in Japan.  We checked into the Hotel ‘Vila Bled’ near a lake known as “Lake Bled.”  I hear that President Tito stayed at this hotel in the time when Slovenia was part of Yugoslavia.  This hotel is pretty good.

I think many people remember Slovenia as a place of Yugoslavia strife along with Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia etc.  Fortunately, Slovenian troubles related to the separation from Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ended within a short period of 10 days and with a small sacrifice, it became independent in 1991.  The population is about 2 million.  Population of capital city Ljubljana is 300 thousand out of which 50 thousand are students, so it is the city of young people.  The town is calm and beautiful.

Photos1-4: Scenery of Vila Bled and Lake

I came here to participate in the G8 Science Advisors’ Conference (alias, “Carnegie conference”). This conference was started 15 years ago under the initiative of Carnegie foundation and is held twice every year.  Though the name of Carnegie still remains, now it operates independently.  Originally it was G7 conference but it became G8 as Russia has joined due to the breakup of the Soviet Union. EU is also a part of it.  From England, America, Canada and Japan Science Advisors of government leaders attend this conference; where as from EU the cabinet ministers taking care of scientific policies participate. So from some countries in EU, Ministers of education are attending.

This time, the host is Minister (Commissioner) in charge of science of EU and since Dr. Janez Potocnik from Slovenia is the Commissioner of Science and Technology of EU, this conference is held here. I heard that he has specialized in Economics. He is a young, well-organized and brilliant person. It is no wonder that he is working as the commissioner of EU for 3 years.

Photo5: Dr. John Marburger, Advisor to President Bush and Annette Schavan, Minister of Education of Germany.

Photo6: with Dr. Marburger

Photo7: with Dr. Andrei Fursenko of Russia and Dr. Schavan, Minister of Education

Photo8: Fabio Mussi, Education Minister of Italy (in the center)

Photo9: with Sir King of England

Photo10: with Sir King and staff of Dr.Potocnik

Photo11: with Dr. Potocnik

Photo12: with Dr. Arthur Carty of Canada

(Dr. Valerie Pecresse, newly appointed Minister of Higher education and Science of France have also participated but unfortunately, I could not get an opportunity to take a photograph since she returned on the same day.)

At the G8 summit in Germany (Heilgendamm summit), as was expected, it turned out that the discussion between EU headed by Dr. Merkel, Prime minister of Germany and United states regarding the issue of emission of carbodioxide did not get to agreement (so it seemed and I heard the same observation directly from officials of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister) and the matter seemed to have settled to current status of common target “50% in the Year 2050” proposed by Prime Minister Abe after the break.  This agreement was appreciated by American and British scientific advisors.  Since the political situation in Japan is too loaded with problems, it seems that the mass media did not cover much about what happened here (I haven’t checked the reports in Japan either since I was at overseas during G8 Summit).

Thanks to my Sherpa who lead the way and Mr. Tsugita from Cabinet Office of Japan who accompanied me.

Next G8 Science Advisors’ Conference will be held in England in December and the one after next will take place in Japan before the G8 Summit (Japan) in April next year.


Nikkei Discussion with President Yonekura of Sumitomo Chemical and Professor Jeffrey Sachs


Discussion with President Yonekura of Sumitomo Chemical and Professor Jeffrey Sachs, who visied Japan in March is published on THE NIKKEI WEEKLY(Vol 45, No.2, 287/May 28, 2007)

"Extreme poverty can be ended, not in the time of our grandchildren, but our time."

Source: THE NIKKEI WEEKLY(Vol 45, No.2, 287/May 28, 2007)

Sending out “Innovation 25” interim report


I have been reading the comments in media and blog etc. about “Innovation 25” interim report which I mentioned in my column on February 28th. A discussion at Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy presented something similar to my thoughts which I expressed in my blog on March 12th. Finally university reform seems to be aiming at the same direction. However, expecting universities to carry out reforms spontaneously is difficult and it is not surprisingly so when you come to think about the history of their establishment. If you look at Mr.Deguchi’s DND , you will find lively discussions going on about this also. I appreciate it.

I am also sending out more messages. It is important to do so because it gives me an opportunity to listen to your thoughts and opinions. In the March 2007 edition of “JST News” I am talking about the “keyword” of innovation under the title of “A society that nurtures out of box talents, heterogeneity and nails that stick out”. It was broadcasted on cable television as part of government’s PR activities. I received calls saying “I saw you on TV”, but unfortunately I missed it because I am not a cable TV user.

In the column “economics classroom” of Nikkei newspaper March 27th edition, I touch upon the essence of innovation under the title “Social system reform is the essence”. The top headline is “Overcome environment and disparities; don’t fall behind in policy competition”, sub headlines are “A flat world that can not be turned back”, “Conquer the logic of suppliers and collaborate” and “Social entrepreneurs gaining importance”.

The executive summary of “Innovation 25” English version is now posted on the web site of Prime Minster of Japan and His Cabinet. A bit late, but isn’t it something unique for a Japanese policy? British Ambassador Sir Fry whom I met at a certain gathering gave me an immediate response to this and told me that he has read the report. I think it is important to send out this kind of messages and to get feedbacks.

Anyway, Japan is not so visible from the outside. Government, private sectors and academic societies do not even think of sending messages out to the public. What are they to do in this world of flat and global era with such a stance, I wonder.  Every now and then I write and say “open your eyes, heart and think”. The world is indeed broad.

Meeting with the President of Kenya


Today I had a 2 hours meeting with President Kibaki of Kenya. I understand that the country was in much confusion 4 years ago when the former President was ruling the country, but now situations are getting better. President Kibaki is a reformist since then. He started our conversation by saying “Don’t hesitate to address any issue” and recognizing the importance of this WHO Commission, he ordered to organize a committee in Kenya. There are only 2 countries in the world, Brazil and Kenya, whose head of the state have directly organized such committee domestically, to deal with WHO CSDH(Commission for Social Determinants of Health). Since Kenya’s political situation is relatively stable in Africa, Kenya may become a model case for Africa’s policy, and he said that it is also for Kenya’s benefit to do so.

To the slum
In the afternoon, I went to a slum called Kibera in the suburbs of Nairobi with Ms.Ngilu, Minister of Health. I heard that half a million people live here, but this place is totally unbelievable. They say many people live in this small “house” made by mud and corrugated roof with no window. There is no toilet or kitchen in this “house”. Electricity and water supply is available to the slum itself, but it doesn’t reach the “houses”. They say 70% of the people who live here buy water out of their precious money.
The clinic was also a disaster and there were many AIDS patients. Nationwide, AIDS patients decreased from 14% to 6% out of total population, but in the slum area itself, it reaches more than 30% of the population.

At Payao village in Thailand, when I was involved via JICA in 1997-2002, they didn’t have any medicine. But here, medicine was distributed so I thought it was a little better.
Here in Kibera, I visited 2 elementary schools. One is located in the slums and operated by a church. It was in a poor environment, but the children welcomed me by singing a song. Another is a public school (grade 1 to 8) located in the outskirt of the slum. They say that this school is a model of the country and one of country’s top class students gather here to study. In the classroom, 3-4 students sit around one small desk and it was full of children.

The children were all cheerful, and I saw future in them. The school made them “wash their hands after going to the toilet”. It is a pity that at the “houses” they can’t afford to do it. Even in such an environment, the children were happy and they lived with shining eyes. I was deeply touched from the bottom of my heart.

The teachers were also marvelous. They are all filled with pride. Since there is no electricity at “home”, they stay at school until 5:00 and take the children’s hands to their long way home.

I wrote in the school book “The most moving experience in my life, I see the future of the nation”. Maybe some of my blog readers might see this message one day.
When I returned to the hotel, the lady who was the hotel manager turned out to be from the slum. I was surprised to hear that she graduated the school that I just visited in the outskirt. There are yet a lot of poor countries in Africa. Why not take a little bit of your time to participate in such activity?

Kenya1Photo At the Kenya’s Presidential Palace. With the President (center) and Commssioner, Dr. Ndioro Ndiaye