‘Science, Technologies and Innovation for Development’ of the World Bank and Japan; A Chance for Win-win Collaboration But….


On April 16th, I left Kyoto ‘ISN Nexus’ early in the morning to join the 10am meeting on ‘Science, Technologies and Innovation for Development’ with Mr. Al Watkins and his colleagues of the World Bank at the World Bank Tokyo Office.

I have been involved in this World Bank project since January 2008 which connected us to other ‘places’ such as  TICAD4 in Yokohama,  Toyako G8 Summit, and G8 Science Advisors’ Conferences (Ref.1,2),  moving us forward to ‘vertical and horizontal’ domains..

I have been to Washington DC to give speeches at the World Bank twice since January 2008 (April, 2009 (Ref.1)  andDecember 2009) and participated also in the discussions and workshops.

Details of these 3 meetings can be seen also at the web site ‘Science, Technology, and Innovation’ of the World Bank.

January, 2008 (Presentation)

April, 2009 (Meeting)

December, 2009 (Forum)

As you can see, the web site of the World Bank is getting better also.

In the meanwhile, Japanese science and technology policies are developing nicely, too.  ‘Building bridge of Japan-Africa’ under the ‘Science and Technology Diplomacy’ policy is one example of such efforts.  I think this is very good since the world is changing fast, too.

Bilateral supports (ODA) and supports through multi-national organizations such as the World Bank face a big challenge in adjustments and collaboration – how they adjust and cooperate with each other.

One of the goals of this year’s meeting was to find ways to match the policies of the World Bank and the government of Japan through such process.   I think our meeting was quite worthwhile, but challenging, and Mr. Iwase, Vice-Minister for Policy Coordination (he also participated in the World Bank Forum last December), Mr. Goto of JICA, and many delegates from ministries in charge were present.  You might be interested to know that the ODA policies of Japan are being highly evaluated by the World Bank.  It is truly something very wonderful.  I think we should let people in Japan as well as the world know more about goods things Japanese government does..

It is a well known fact, on the other hand, that Japanese staffs in World Bank are too few in comparison to the proportion of funds Japan contributes to the World Bank.  However, I heard that about 400 Japanese people applied recently to the 4 or 5 posts offered for Japan.  It is a good trend.  I would like to see more Japanese people participating actively not only in such opportunities but in general; at ‘outside’ of Japanese establishments and at various ‘International Organizations’.  It is not only for their own careers’ sake for many Japanese, but also for the sake of the future of Japan.

This world is huge and broad.  Countless opportunities and future friends and partners are waiting for you to work together.

Concerns of People who ‘See Japan from Outside’;‘GCMP’ of Active Youths who ‘Go Outside’


I had a breakfast in the morning of April 13th with Professor Emeritus of Princeton Hisashi Kobayashi of Princeton (I assume you have read about him in my past posting as elsewhere) and Dr. Masako Egawa, newly appointed board member of the University of Tokyo, a Harvard Business School alumna, who had been working to help build relationships with Japan and the HBS.

It was a day after the entrance ceremony of the University of Tokyo ? Professor Kobayashi came to Tokyo to give a speech (in Japanese) at the welcome ceremony of the graduate school.

Professor Kobayashi shares the same deep concerns with me ? the unbelievably insular mind set of Japanese university students in this global age.  I strongly advise everyone, especially to university faculties and students, to read his message which I have linked above

Dr. Egawa is also thinking the same and trying very hard to help do something about it although, as you may imagine, like other things, it is not at all easy.

In the afternoon, I received a visit from Saisho-kun of Waseda University  whom I have written about in this web site several times in the past.   A year ago, he took a leave of absence, went to Bangladesh, worked actively in‘GCMP’ setting up various projects, and recently has come as far as to obtain support from Dr. Yunus of the Grameen Bank.  It is amazing how much a student can grow.  I could see how good plans, business models they can develop through their own real experiences are so very important and valuable for young men and women to find what they can do to help others, leading to find what they want to do and to be.  Everybody is full of enthusiasm.  Mr. Saisho returned to Japan to extend his leave of absence for another 6 months from Waseda University since one year has passed already.  His mind is full of even more ideas, too.

Miyoshi-kun who was taking care of administrative works in Japan will now also take leave of absence and depart for Bangladesh.  I am looking forward to seeing more growth and expansion of their projects.  GCMP launched a few program last year.  One of their projects was 'to take some 20 Japanese undergraduate students to Bangladesh' for 3 weeks last summer to live and work there.  I understand that quite many of them are going overseas for the first time.  I was told that they changed a lot after the experience.  Already a few of them have actually gone to South America, India, etc. and are planning to start projects while they work there. This February, GCMP took about 10 students for 10 days to Bangladesh.  To my surprise, that Professor Seichiro Yonekura of the Hitotsubashi University, one of authorities of Innovation, accompanied this group and while all students lost their weight, he alone gained weight.  Good for him!

To make changes to the challenges of the world today, such ACT of going to the field abroad, acquiring the sense of the local site is so crucially important.

‘Let Us Take Leave of Absence from School’ -2: Interview with the President of Japan Foundation


Every now and then I write in this web-site that to have broad first hand experience, to find ‘what you want to do’, NOT ‘what organization/company you want to work for’ is very important in your life.  This same notion is clearly expressed in books such as ‘Insider’s Observation of the Failing of ‘Pay for Performance’ Policy by Fujitsu (original title: Naibu kara Mita Fujitsu Seikasyugi no Hohkai, in Japanese)’ and ‘Why do youth quit in 3 years?  Seniority-Based Promotion Ruins the Future of Japan (original title: Wakamono wa Naze 3nen de Yamerunoka? Nenkojyoretsu ga Ubau Nihon no Mirai, in Japanese)’ by Shigeyuki Jo, or ‘A Company Will Rot from the Head (original title: Kaisya wa Atama kara Kusaru in Japanese)’ by Kazuhiko Toyama.  For details, please check at ‘Amazon’.

Come to think of it, to most Japanese, men especially, forming their career on one single career path has been a common value.  We are in a society of seniority-based promotion, the ‘Tate Shakai (Hierarchical Society)’.  Since 1960s until 1990, Japanese economy continued to grow even though its velocity slowed down. Thus. social structure was built in accordance with this economic growth pattern.  For example, huge amount of ‘retirement lunmp-sum payment’, no sliding sideways (like moving from Mitsubishi Bank to Mizuho Bank…), etc.  People’s thinking adapted to this pattern, too.  This is prominent especially in Japanese men.

As I have written in my previous posting on ‘My lecture at Keio University SFC’, recently I am sending out messages by the key-word ‘Let us Take Leave of Absence from School’ for one year.  I am talking about this to many people including the government officials at the Ministry of Education.  I wish that universities get more actively involved in such programs.  What needs to be done is not to come up with reasons for why something cannot be done, but to think hard how it can be done and take action.

This was the topic of my conversation (in Japanese) with President Kazuo Ogura of Japan Foundation, too.  I have linked the interview.  What is your reaction to our message?

This similar message strongly appears in the article by Anne-Marie Slaughter, Director of Policy Planning of the U.S. Department of State, written two years ago when she was the Dean at Princeton University (I have mentioned this in my column) as well as in her recent lecture in February.

My speech at the World Bank also includes the same message.

‘Let Us Take Leave of Absence from School’ -1: My Message to the Freshman of Keio University SFC


Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus (SFC) organized a series of events to welcome 1,000 freshmen and on April 6th, I was invited to deliver a special lecture for this new class which is a great honor.  After having a brief conversation with Professor Jun Murai (Ref.1) (Dean, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies) and Professor Jiro Kokuryo (Ref.1) (Dean, Faculty of Policy Management), I talked for about 80 minutes at the θ Hall (I was told that the lecture was relay broadcasted at a separate room for people who were unable to be seated at the Hall.) 

SFC is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.  On April 4th they had a number of events (in Japanese) with alumni and faculty to commemorate its history.  I am very close to several alumni through my work.  Each and all one them are out of ‘Japanese common sense’ and has global careers….  And what makes it unique about SFC is that being ‘out-of-box’ does not seem so strange. I had an opportunity to hear about their future plans as well.

Their home page introduces the history of SFC, how it is like today, its campus, etc. and I am sure you can easily imagine how nice this university is.

I understand that about 18% of the newcomers are from overseas and a high percentage (about 40 to 50%) of the Japanese students have experience of having lived abroad.   The students are encouraged to study abroad while they are enrolled at SFC and they are also planning to make it possible for students to graduate by finishing all courses in English starting from next year.

My lecture will be uploaded in their web site, too.  In the latter half of my lecture, I showed in my back a series of views that were relevant to the content of my talk.  

By the way, I am making it a rule for these couple of years not to use power point slides at lectures (with 2 or 3 exceptions).  Why?  Well, it depends on what you are talking about, but to begin with, policy makers don’t use slides.  Have you ever seen President Obama or former Prime Minister Koizumi giving speech using slides?  I assume not.  So this is why.  The point is how you communicate the core message effectively.  After all, I am not presenting the outcomes of my research, so that is most important for me.

In my speech, I focused on the globalization of the world and the challenges that Japan face today along with background information such as Japan in 1992, the year most of the newcomers were born, and the overview of the changes of the world during these years.  This is the theme that repeatedly appears in various ways under different titles in my web site. 

Especially, most of the (Japanese) men used to be caught in the common thinking that ‘a Single Track’ career is authentic.  Women, on the other hand, were free to take ‘multiple tracks’ because the single track system did not benefit them ? they cannot go higher, especially in the latter part of career.  So, in recent 20 years, i.e. since about the time when these new students were born, we saw many women who succeeded in making most of their own ‘personal talents’ at overseas.  Men have more difficulty in spreading horizontally because their thinking and actions tend to go inside even they felt (or maybe they don’t feel so….) that something is wrong about their ‘Single Track’ career in our ‘Tate shakai (Hierarchical society)’.  

An Encouragement of Learning (Gakumon no Susume)’ (1876) by Yukichi Fukuzawa, the founder of Keio University was apparently the standard in modern Japan after the Meiji Restoration (Meiji Ishin).  Today in this global age, however, I don’t think it necessary for undergraduates to graduate in 4 years.  Take 5 years, and spend total 1 year (could be divided) doing social activities, studying abroad, getting involved in activities at overseas, living in various countries, travelling.  Go ‘Out’, feel and sense from ‘Outside’ and look at your ‘self’, see and learn the many aspects of the world, feel the difference, and hence see and feel Japan from ‘Outside’.  Through such experience students will make friends, relationships at multiple layers of the society, internationally.  Through such experience they will acquire sensibility to feel ‘difference, diversity’ that exists in this world. It is such sensibility, ability, human networks that enables youth to find their mission, their value to address to this global world.  It is for this reason that I propose “Taking Leave of Absence from School in College or Undergraduate”.  

To begin with, I don’t see much promising future in any enterprise that seeks to ‘informally hire students at their 3rd year of undergraduate school.’  Judging from global standard, Japanese society that gives higher evaluation to such universities and companies is very exceptional.  I honestly want people at ‘higher ranks’ in the Japanese society to wake up.  It’s about time.

In the end of my speech, I introduced just a part of‘my favorite 14 minutes speech’, by Steve Jobs, the icon of IT who brought about drastic changes to the world through invention and production of Mcintosh, iTune, iPod, iPhone, iPad, etc., which was delivered at the commencement of Stanford. I then I wrapped up my speech.

After the lecture, I had a wonderful time talking with many, many students who gathered around me.

I also received many powerful messages responding to my 3 tweets in twitter http://twitter.com/ which I have sent out during my rail travel from home to the campus.  This was a nice surprise, too.

Welcoming the President of University; KUSTAR and OIST


On Sunday, the next day of the MIT D-Lab which I have reported in my previous posting, I was on a plane again, now heading to Abu Dhabi for the KUSTAR Board Meeting.  KUSTAR is, as I have written repeatedly, a highly ambitious project which aims to become the center of higher education of science and technology of United Arab Emirates and the Region.  Human resource development  was one of the important requirements   in the competition of nuclear power plants of the Emirates, won by Korea, the issue which I have commented on several times in January in this web site.

At this Board meeting we had a very important agenda of selecting the President of this University, so we spent 5 hours with just 2 or 3 short breaks.  Tow of four candidates came to the meeting for interview; to express their visions, and discussion with the Borad.  Every candidate was wonderful and highly qualified.  I expect that the decision will be reached shortly.

Abu Dhabi is making a steady move towards nuclear energy.   They are trying to secure good human resource with  collaboration with IAEA.  I would like to see more Japanese come and work in various ways at Abu Dhabi on this project.  It was good to have had an opportunity to see several key people in this regard.  A meeting of IAEA on development of human resource took place just a couple of days ago where several Japanese participated.

Then, two days after I returned Japan, I flew to Okinawa to attend the Board of Directors’ meeting of OIST.  Here again, the big issue was selection of the President.  OIST is basically planned as a new type of ‘private university’ that is expected to run with the support of the Japanese government.  However, the process has been so difficult in doing anything because there are no precedents to follow.  Apparently, although the Board openly speaks about ‘University and Institution of the Global World’, in reality, even universities of Japan are still yet in the state of ‘intellectually closed country’, ‘Cartels of the Mind’

With rapidly growing Asia and the world moving forward to globalization, it seems obvious that the value and competitiveness of higher education system of Japan is wearing down: ‘nails that stick out’, youths who goes beyond old framework are being hammered down.  Business, policy makers, governments, universities, none of these sectors will be able to change under current circumstance.

During these 10 days I have been at A*STAR board meeting in Singapore, introduced the D-Lab of MIT in Tokyo, joined in the board meetings at Universities of  Abu Dhabi and Japan (Okinawa) to discuss issues of universities and scientific research.  Based on these experiences, I feel more concerned about the lack of speed and strong leadership quite clear when ‘Japan is viewed from outside’.

D-Lab of MIT – A Thrilling Day With Young Leaders Who Sought Careers Abroad


Early in the morning of 20th (Sat.), after arriving at Narita from Singapore, I rushed to my home, had a shower, refreshed, and went off to GRIPS, my base office.

Today at GRIPS, we, our ‘Innovation Team’ at GRIPS, host a day of D-Lab of MIT under the theme of “ ‘Universities’ X ‘Technologies’ X ‘BOP’” (in Japanese) .  D-Lab is, as I introduced several time in this web site, a new and exciting program for undergraduate students, preparing them for this global age.  The day’s event was organized by Tsuchiya-kunEndo-kun (Ref.1), and Riku-san , all involved in D-Lab at MIT.  Just 3 days ago in the evening, I saw Professor Miyagawa of MIT (Ref.1)  and talked about this event at GRIPS.  He was very pleased to hear our plan.

Quite a number of people signed-up online and our auditorium at GRIPS was nicely filled with participants.  Speakers and panels were all very good and there were lots of questions and answers, so I think the participants were quite satisfied with the event.  I wrapped up the session with focus on the meaning and impact of the ‘D-Lab’.

The reception continued for 3 hours, probably reflecting the high satisfaction and enthusiasm among the participants.  Everyone was quite excited.

You may find a site of D-Lab team in Japan(in Japanese) and a hot posting by Mr. Matsushita interesting.   Through a day session, I felt that many young people sensed the global age, opened their eyes to great goals, unlimited possibilities.  I thought that someone uploaded a live video-record on the web…. Trying to check it out…

I would say that the main driving force of the success of this event was the three young men and woman who organized this (in Japanese); Endo-kun (in Japanese)  and Tsuchiya-kun (in Japanese) earned their Master’s degree in Japan and now for Ph. D. degree at MIT/Harvard, Riku-san  studied undergraduate at MIT after graduating from the Japanese high school.  They apparently have been involved with D-Lab projects in various ways.  Now many young people in Japan saw and met these three mission and action-oriented three youth trying to reach out and speak their minds and hearts.

These three teach us clearly how ‘going for what you want to do’ is so important, how the experience make you see wider pictures and grasp opportunities.  I recommend that you too, by all means, make up your mind and why not try to see the wide world to find what you really want to do and what you can do to make the world a better place.

Water System and Business of Singapore


Singapore is a small island.  Historically, it has relied most part of its water supply to Malaysia, specifically from Johor Bahar.  Singapore bears all costs for building and maintenance of water plants there.  This was arranged by negotiation, and Singapore is on dependent side, so in the long term this dependence may turn out to become severe weakness to this small island nation.

In Japan, too, the rivers and the sea were contaminated by not-well-treated household waste or even industrial wastes until 1960s.  Minamata disease, mercury poisoing, is one example of the results of such industry pollutions.  ‘Silent Spring’ by Rachael Carson published in1962 was, as you know well, a warning to the modern society destructing natural environment through mass production and mass consumption of our modern industrial economy.  Until some decades ago, household wastewater and garbage were being thrown into the rivers in Singapore, too.

Aware of the situation, Singapore government launched a major water policy including its secured water supply plan  as one of her long-term national plans.

On March 19th , we visited Marina Barrage  (Ref.1) after the annual A*STAR Board meeting (Ref.1).  Not only the entire complex was grand and public-friendly, but its history, plans, processes, relations with other water industries, visions, strategies, project plans, and so on were very admirable, so I felt that this national project is good and strong as a whole.

Singapore organized Water EXPO in 2009 and displayed a package of water businesses that attracted people’s attentions.  On the other hand, exhibition of Japan appeared to be a gathering of good ‘components, parts’, a difference pointed out in the report of NHK television broadcast also.  This difference could be fatal in international competition because Japanese companies fail to present a ‘total package’ of the big system.

Singapore crafted and presented Singapore International Water Week  very actively this June, apparently working very hard to appeal to new developing countries its water supply and management total system.

Japan was known for its good water management technologies, and until very recently the world used to regard Japan as ‘the nation that has most reliable water supply technologies’ but where did this good reputation go, I wonder?  In truth, Japan is only competing over the quality and ability of parts products of less than 5% of the total water supply system such as salt water filter treatment.

Are we going to be ‘Galapagosnized parts manufacturer’ (Ref.1) in water business as we have been in cellular phones, nuclear plants, or solar panels?  Will we serve as subcontracts in this field also?

From Accra, Ghana – 3


March 10th started with a visit to Achimota Hospital (Photo) located at the suburb of Accra.  The hospital stands within the site of Achimota School the most prestigious school of Ghana established in 1927.  The school is known for producing a large number of talents through its high ideals as manifested in its school emblem; that (starting in the context of school life), black and white, male and female, should integrate and combine synergistically for the good of all.  This idea was revolutionary, especially in the 1920s when the school was established.  Achimota hospital used to serve to this school.  Many African leaders including three presidents of Ghana after independence are alumni of this school.  Achimota school reminds us that nurturing human resource through a long-term vision is always, in any time of history and any nation, the highest priority.

By the way, it is so a ‘British’ style that they have a Golf Course here.  It is the distinguished Achimota Golf Club.Top schools in Britain and U.S. often have golf courses within their school premises.

At the hospital, many nurses are working together with the director and doctors (there are four Doctors).  They have one computer for the whole clinic.  Patients are moved to larger hospitals in the city if surgical operations are needed.  About 200 pregnant mothers visit the clinic every day.  While we were there a baby was newly born. We were with Drs Greenwood and Were and all hospital people, nurse and patients, were happy to see Dr. Were being so popular.  She is truly the heroine of Africa.

We then moved on to ‘Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research’ established by the government of Japan. (Photos are included in the slide show above).  The Institute is located within the huge premise of University of Ghana (Ref.1, 2) at Legon, the suburb of Accra.  Scientists from University of Tokyo and Medical and Dental University are participating in researches on HIV/AIDS, H1N1, and so on.  It is very encouraging to see the progress of research projects moving.  I fully enjoyed the tour of the institute as well as active discussion with the scientists.

At lunch time, I looked up at the sky and incidently saw the ‘Circle Rainbow: Halo, (Photo on top) a rainbow around the sun just above us.  It was a nice surprise.

Leaving the Institute, we headed to next destination, the laboratory used by Hideyo Noguchi 82 years ago.  HIH Crown Prince has been here just a day before.  The lab is part of the University Hospital of University of Ghana in Accra city, separate from the Legon campus.  I noticed the signatures of HIH Prince and Princess Takamado in the guest book dated 1993.   What was it like to be here 80 years ago, I wonder.  Among the exhibition was a telegram sent from Hideyo to his wife in New York City.  The telegram was sent by
‘Western Union’ a telegram and communication service company which I wrote about in the context of ‘Japan as a closed country’.   Of course, I saw ‘Western Union’ offices here and there in Ghana and Botswana as I traveled.   The service is operated throughout the world except 5 countries including Japan.  This is truly a strange situation for a country like Japan.

In the evening, I was invited by HE Ambassador Katagami to a dinner at the Embassy of Japan.  The embassy was beautiful with a large garden.  This day the weather was not too hot which was a treat for us.  ‘Takai’, a specialty of Ghana was served as digestif.   The taste was somewhat like Tia Maria, very nice, and I had to control myself from asking for too much.

By the way, Ghana is known for produce of cocoa.   It is the nation’s major industry.  Also, oil was discovered at Off Shore recently.  ‘Ghana’ chocolate is very popular in Japan, but here the chocolate will not melt even at this high temperature.  I was told that its taste does not match Japanese or many people, thus may not have commercial value..

Late in the evening, I left to Accra airport heading for Narita via London.  I have traveled 18 days since February 23th and thia last leg is for two nights on the plane.

Now this trip is coming to an end.

From Accra, Ghana – 2: Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Symposium


‘Hideyo Noguchi Afriza Prize Symposium’ was  held for one full day on March 9th.  The venue of the Symposium is also within this hotel. http://www.gbhghana.net/la-palm/meeting-facilities

I am here as the Chair of ‘Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize https://kiyoshikurokawa.com/en/2008/05/hideyo-noguchi.html http://www.cao.go.jp/noguchisho/index-e.html Symposium’.  Hideyo Noguchi Prize, as I have reported several times in this web site, was inaugurated two years ago as the first and only prize under the auspices of the government of Japan.  We had the honor of the presence of HIH Crown Prince of Japan at the symposium.  I understand that this is his first visit to Sub-Sahara.  The winners of the inaugural Award, Drs Greenwood and Were also joined with us.

The program opened with my welcome speech, and speech by the Vice President of Ghana, Mr. John Mahama and HIH Crown Prince of Japan.  After the speeches Drs. Greenwood and Were gave lectures.  HIH Crown Prince and the Vice President left the venue at the end of these speeches and lectures.

In the afternoon we had a nice lively panel which closed with a presentation by two young people from UZNA foundation (founded by Dr.Were) of a “picture-story show of ‘Story of Hideyo Noguchi’” and recitation of a poem. The performance was quite moving. I asked Dr. Were to video-record this last session by all means and post it on the website of UZMA.  I will post its URL once it appears on the web.

In the afternoon speakers and panelists were presented to HIH Crown Prince who has returned for this occasion.  A reception followed as is reported (in Japanese) in the March 9th posting in the blog http://blog.canpan.info/sasakawa of Mr. Sasagawa, President of Nippon Foundation, one of the panelists.

HIH Crown Prince is following a very tight schedule, I understand.  I sincerely hope that the Crown Prince will be spared from excessive fatigue during the rest of his travel.

In Ghana, Japan, and elsewhere, televisions, newspapers, on-line medias are covering the event.  I assume that there are many more but here are some examples.
Ghana news coverage;

<Japan Times Online>
<Royal Family News (in Japanese)> http://worldtimes.co.jp/today/photonews/100310/100310-1.html
< Daily Sports (in Japanese)>
< Sanin- Chuo newspaper (in Japanese)>
<47 News (in Japanese)> http://www.47news.jp/CN/201003/CN2010030901000989.html

From Paris – 2


After the evening of L’Oreal Award, I visited American Hospital of Paris (AHP) next morning to see Madam Christiane Guerlain (famous perfume), a member of the Hospital's Board of Governors since 1977, with other members of the Board, Mr John Crowford, Drs Bloch, the head of the Hospital, Drs Kyhayat, and other staff Drs Bard, Matsushita, Mimura and so on.  After listening to them, I was guided to a tour to its major facilities including the new Dialysis Center.   Dr Mimura, a newly appointed Japanese Doctor at AHP from last autumn to lead its Japanese section, is apparently earning good reputation and I was happy to feel the welcoming mood among his colleagues and staffs.

In the afternoon, I had a 2 hours’ teleconference on Global Health with 10 people or so from Canada and other countries, then from 4 pm, joined two executives in charge of technology from Schlumberger Paris head office (I understand that one of them, Mr Ashok Belani from India is the youngest of all board members).  We had quite a stimulating conversation/discussions over interesting topics including possible international collaboration with Japan on global issues.  Schlumberger has placed a branch office in Japan  30 years ago and has been active in many areas ever since.

In the evening, Drs Jean-Louis Armand and Yves Mieux who used to work at the Embassy of France to Japan, Drs Mimura (husband and wife) and I went out to have dinner at KGB ‘Kitchen Galeise Bis’ (Ref.1), a nice restaurant that is quite popular recently (reservations are full 3 to 4 weeks ahead, I was told).  Menu was original and interesting, and everything was so delicious.  The reputation did not betray us.  So, naturally we enjoyed conversation with high spirits.

The next day was Sunday.  HE Ambassador Hattori of OECD invited me for lunch at his residence which was a very relaxing experience.  I have had the honor of knowing him since he was the Ambassador of Japan to Vietnam when he supported us in many ways at Science Council of Asia which we held at Hanoi.  It’s been a very long time since then, and I thank him so much for his unchanging kindness

After leaving his residence, I spent time at Musee Bourdelle  (Ref.1) enjoying the exhibition of ‘Isadora Duncun’.  Musee Bourdelle is a compact but beautiful art museum.  Ms Duncan is a highly unconventional dancer born in San Francisco having performed mainly in Europe and Russia.  I assume people may describe her today as ‘a scandalous, eccentric woman’.

Duncan socialized with Rodin, sculptor, and his close friend Carrier, painter so the exhibition included sculpture of Isadora by Rodin as well as sketches by Carriere and Bourdelle.  The fact that Rodin and Carriere were very close friends is well known and I have mentioned it in my keynote lecture on ‘Molecular Imaging’.  I also summarized the lecture in a essay.  
Next noon I took a flight from Charles de Gaulle CDG airport heading to Accra, Ghana via Heathrow, London.

Paris is always beautiful.  There are so many interesting places to visit.  It is such an attractive city.

I have traveled for more than two weeks, visited two African countries, worked in Paris, and had some private time in Bourgogn to enjoy (which I haven’t have had for a long time).