A course of Prof. Mario Tokoro, e-mails in English


Dr. Mario Tokoro of SONY CSL whom I have introduced to you in my posting of August 24  is also a Professor at Keio University (actually he moved to SONY CSL from Keio) and is offering a course on “Innovation” for graduate school students of science and engineering.

I was invited to give a lecture at the Yagami campus of Keio University.  The audience was about 120 students (master course and doctoral course), and I spent very enjoyable 90 minutes talking to those earnest students and answering to their questions.

In the end, as always, I requested them to listen to the 14 minutes’ commencement speech of Steve Jobs at Stanford in 2005.  I asked the students to listen and understand this speech by the creator of Apple, iTune, iPod, iPhone, etc. and tell me by e-mail via my website their reaction to it; what they felt or thought.

In the evening of that day, I received 4 e-mails.  I sent reply to all of them.  But after that – none came.

After having waited for several days in vain, I telephoned Dr. Tokoro to ask why.  He said “I think the students couldn’t believe that an important person like you could really mean what you said.”  So, I asked Dr. Tokoro to “Please tell the students to send me e-mails.  No need to be shy.”  Few days later, a flood of about 50 e-mails came in in two days!  Many of them were written in English.

I read the mails for 2 nights, sent my response to each one of them, and reported so to Dr. Tokoro.  I included Dr. Tokoro in CC to some of my responses since I thought he would enjoy reading them, too.  I stayed up for most of those two nights, but well worth it because there were so many things being said, including reactions to my lecture, in those e-mails.  Being able to exchange views with the students is also very amusing.

About a week later, one student sent me a message saying “Dr. Tokoro said that you responded to all e-mails from the students.  But I’m afraid I haven’t received your reply.”  I rushed to my PC to check.  Yes, I missed just one.  It was a fairly long, good writing.  I started my response by an apology for overlooking his e-mail.

By the way, I write my e-mails in English most of the time.  Even to the messages in Japanese, I reply in English.  When Dr. Tokoro introduced me to the students, he said “Dr. Kurokawa’s e-mails are always in English” so quite a few students challenged sending me an English e-mail.

Why English?  It’s not because it’s cool.  I have mainly 4 reasons.  My typing is not fast and not blind touch, to begin with…

1. Writing in Japanese needs converting typed letters to Kanji etc. which is time consuming.

2.  If I mistype one key of a word or phrase, I have to repeat all over again for that word or phrase, which is time consuming.

3.  In English, the meaning is understood even if I misspell a bit so I don’t have to be too nervous about hitting wrong keys.

4. And most importantly, language reflects culture.  In Japanese, ‘vertical’ relations such as titles or positions in society must be considered when deciding how you begin the letter.  You must first write some phrase of greetings such as “It’s been long time since I contacted you last time…” and so on (not a short one), to show respect politely.  Sometimes when I read those messages, I wonder what their point is.  English of course also has many polite ways of expression, but since people are basically “equal” as a person you can go straight and clear into the point without being rude.  In a ‘vertical’ society like Japan, one has to be mindful of the social positions of his/her counterpart; superiors vs. subordinates, professors vs. students, etc.  In my case, since most of the people I correspond with are younger than me, such as those students, it should be convenient for them to use English because they do not have to worry about greetings or being polite.  But I do have an impression that Japanese people are not used to writing in English.  My advice is ? ‘just get used to it’.

Writing e-mails in English has an advantage of being able to convey your message clearly without worrying much about misspellings.   But sometimes your expressions could be too straight forward and there are times when you have to be fairly careful about it.

Sony’s magic lab ? a place where geniuses and super-talents pop up


This is a title of a book that was recently published. (in Japanese)

The book was written by “Mario Tokoro and Nobuko Yuri”, and on the Obi (a belt like sheet of paper over the cover of the book) it reads: “A secret of the ‘wonder lab’- The Sony Computer Science Laboratories Ltd. – home to Hiroaki Kitano, Kenichiro Mogi, Hideki Takayasu, and Jyunichi Rekimoto ”, “Haven’t you heard those names somewhere before?”

“Hiroaki Kitano is….. one of the inventors of pet dog AIBO…..founder and top scientist of the new field of “system biology” …. Kenichiro Mogi is known for analysis of the function of brains such as “Qualia”, “Aha experience”…..original point of view and keen observations, fluffy hair, calm baby-face…….idol of media, books, TVs, games…..Hideki Takayasu is…..a best-seller author by his book “Fractal”…. started “Econophysics”, a field that is currently spreading throughout the world.  Junichi Rekimoto ……has developed a series of technologies that smoothly connect real world and the virtual world .. … these four were co-workers at one laboratory…. (Chapter one,  p.11)

This book is describing the 20 years of “Sony Computer Science Lab. (SONY CSL)”
since its foundation.  It is also a story about Mario Tokoro who devoted himself to the opening of the lab that produced number of geniuses and great talents.  Dr. Tokoro is by himself a “great talent, out of box type” but he is also a wonderful manager and a very attractive person.  His “out of box (henjin)” character was clear even from his childhood that his friends used to call him “Tokoro-henjin-Mariops”  (Chapter one, p.78)

SONY CSL – a laboratory that produced so many “henjins” who helped starting of a number of epoch making new fields, presenting new concepts to the world-, is but a small institute with only a little over than 30 members including administrative staff. And those 5 described above are not the only unique people that this lab produced.  There are many others.

I have had the privilege of working with Drs. Tokoro and Kitano in many ways for these several years (Ref.1, 2, 3)

Although the topics we talk about are quite serious, I always enjoy talking with them.  This book tells us that there are so many young people with great possibilities (including Tokoro and Kitano), the importance of setting up a “place” to nurture their talents, that in such place one can find the essence in things, create true values, and feel the excitement and challenges that are accompanied with discoveries.  The stories in the book are wonderful – it is truly an attractive book.  Partly this is due to the deep philosophy Dr. Tokoro and the extraordinary quality of his management skills.  Also Yuri, the co-author, contributes by her splendid talent on story telling and writing.

The content of the book is as follows:
1. It all began with a draft written in one day.
2. Working at the cutting edge of computer science
3. What is the essence of research management?
4. Escape from computer science
5. Broader, deeper
6. What the SONY CSL means to me
7. The future of science and SONY CSL

Chapter 2: “Tokoro says; ‘There are only two things that I do.  One is to decide the direction this lab must go.  Another is to manage human resources; hire those who fit in, help those who graduate, and ask anyone who seems to be a mismatch to leave.’” (p.62)

Chapter 3: “Most important is to open a new field of science, make a new culture.  If we succeed in this, it would not just skyrocket the brand value of Sony but will be without doubt an immeasurable contribution to humanity.” (p.75)

“The management that Mario Tokoro put into practice was clearly out of the “Japanese Standard”…..often we heard people saying “it’s insane”…..but “that insanity started to shine as they went on for years.  Oh, it was such a unique lab that they made.  Was it only possible because it was a private enterprise?  No, a private company will not have a way for such thing.  Well done!”

“Tokoro is known for being flexible and straight….  Even the editor in charge said, as Tokoro recalls, ‘Dr. Tokoro throws only straight balls’”

In Chapters 4-6 interesting episodes are introduced about how Tokoro met researchers such as Kitano, their backgrounds, and thoughts.  Tokoro sees their essence.  I recommend this book as reference to young researchers, or even non-researchers, for some lessons on life.

Kitano says “Synergy between fields that appear at first to be so irrelevant will not enhance unless we understand the fundamental idea that lies within each field.  However, that broadness is the only way to access to a new area or deep understanding of nature.”….”With the progress of computer technology, we are now able to handle sophisticated systems that involve many elements.  This opened the door to a new framework of science by breaking the walls between fields of information science, bio, sociology, economy, and so on and connecting them by new perspectives or methods.”  These words of Kitano become very convincing as we read through the works of seven (footnote 1) scientists that are introduced later.

Footnote 1; Junichi RekimotoLuc SteelsHideki TakayasuKenichiro MogiKazuhiro SakuradaFranc NielsenFrancois Pachet .

Two women helping them as staffs comment in the book: “I go to the presentations of researchers… and their way of thinking or ideas astonishes me quite frequently.”  “I am stimulated…… by the small words that the researchers utter in every day life”, “The researchers are all gentle and kind….of course there are many aspects in them that do not fit in to the standard value of company or ordinary life, but for matters outside research, they are basically nice people.” (p.226-227)

It seems that Dr. Tokoro’s philosophy is about finding unbelievably out of box “henjins” that have high potentials and creating a “place” to enable them grow freely. Maybe it has to do with his experience of being at several western laboratories working together with first class researchers.  Because of this experience SONY CSL is able to say that “…fresh PhDs…young inexperienced researchers are treated as colleagues, fairly, openly, and also with strictness….this atmosphere…. is a manifestation of very pure spirits that has nothing to do with disguise or connivance……” “….even in the presence of the most distinguished professors, no matter what they may say, SONY CSL researchers will not flinch” (p.216-217)

In Chapter 7, Dr. Tokoro proposed an “open system science”  as one possibility in facing future challenges and has published a book by this title  early this year in celebration of the 20th anniversary.

Anyway, I recommend this book strongly to anyone who is interested in research or anything fun, and to students in universities or graduate schools.

And as I repeatedly point out in this site also (please ‘Search’ by keywords such as ‘out of box (henjin)’, ‘nails that stick out’ or ‘common sense’),  it is these “out of box (henjin)”, “nails that stick out” “non-common sense” that go beyond the frontier, create new values, and change the world.  My conviction is even stronger after reading the stories of many scientists introduced in this book.

To Okinawa; Asian Youth Exchange Program, Influenza, and Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology


August 20, I came to Okinawa.

The visit is for the Asian Youth Exchange Program (Ref. 1)   that started last year.  As I have reported before it is a project of having youth from Asia and Japan spend 3 weeks together in Okinawa.  This year, 35 international students (15 nations) and 42 Japanese students (14 from Okinawa) participated. Their age was mostly 15 or 16.  This kind of exchange programs should be more actively expanded.  Experience of mixing with other young people in their youth is the basis of formation of broad perspectives towards the future and constructing networks of friendship.  The whole world sees this as especially important (Ref.1) in this global age and is moving based on this notion.

6 students from the Asia Pacific University  who participated as Tutors last year were also present as well as students from the University of the Ryukyus and Okinawa University.

But this year, the swine flu spread rapidly in Okinawa including 3 mortalities and when I arrived some participants were taking rests because of fever.  My topic was “The Global Age and Innovation”. I was told that there were several sessions on “Water”, and students divided in several groups according to their views had variety of discussions on the problem of “Water”.  So, I asked each group what they discussed about “Water” and we had a dialogue along that line.

The participants were all very lively and active.  I enjoyed being with them.  The overall program was full with seminars, transfer to islands, snorkeling, home stay, and so on.  Maybe a bit more of free time could have done them good.  I do imagine, however, that looking after such active youths must be exhausting!

Anand Ivannanto of APU, a participant of last year (who unfortunately could not be in my seminar because of sudden fever), and other university students are voluntarily setting up website and Networks such as FaceBook.  I would like to encourage all to spread such activities.

I have mentioned this last year too, but the ratio of male and female of Japanese participants  was again ‘1:2’ this year.  There are much less applications from male students.  Why is it so?  I wonder.

I went to see the site where construction of Okinawa Institute of Technology (OIST)  was going on.  Grand campus buildings were being built and I look very much forward to their completion.  Of course, there will be many obstacles that we should overcome along the way.

Reformer of Education for the Global Age


After the Rehman shock, Japanese economy’s status is worse than it was initially anticipated by domestic authorities and the weakness of the structure of industry is rising to the surface.  ‘The 1955 Regime’, beginning of ‘Iron-Triangle Regime’ of Post-War Japan coming to a deadlock may have something to do with this.  When situations like this take place, it is always the case that some people start discussing “Leader theory” that sounds nostalgic of the activities of the people in the Meiji era such as in the novel by Ryotaro Shiba, “Saka no Ue no Kumo” (Ref. 1).  However, the situation is very different today and their viewpoints seem irrelevant. 

Changes in the world today will not wait for Japan to catch up.  If we think of 5, 10, 20 years ahead from now, it is perfectly clear that the producing future human resources should be the most important basis of national policies (in Japanese).  Search in this site by keywords such as “human resources”, or “education” since there are many columns that I have written on this theme.

Budget for education is extremely small in Japan compared to other developed countries.  Political parties at last came up with manifests with budgets for “children, education” included for the next Shugi-in election ? a speed not at all impressively wonderful.

However, though reinforcement of conventional budget on education is important, it is much more necessary to create strong policies for producing variety of talents for the future challenges.  At present, the changes in this nation are too small and timid even at the level of university education.  I have been pointing this out so many times in this site (Ref.1, 2) and although I do notice some good drastic attempts they are unfortunately too small to become big trends.  Such activities at Asia Pacific University or Akita International University , for example, are not well known even in Japan.  Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, HItotsubashi University  is a revolutionary program open to the world and is evaluated highly by international standards.

By the way, reforms are underway in many of the Western universities as well as in the field of education utilizing IT technologies such as internet where totally new potentials are being sought after or being put into practice.  In this respect there are several Japanese active in overseas universities such as Dr. Miyagawa who was involved in the development of MIT’s OpenCourseWare  or Dr. Iiyoshi, who is seeking for new possibilities having recently moved to MIT from the Carnegie Foundation.

I met Dr. Iiyoshi in Dubai last year (Ref.1, 2)  Recently he edited and published a book “Opening Up Education” together with Dr. Vijay Kumar.  The book is highly evaluated as you can see from the book reviews written by people such as Dr. Charles Vest (who was the President of MIT for many years.  Search for topics related to him in my site.)


Photo: Dr. Iiyoshi and I at GRIPS

Recently, I had an opportunity to see Dr. Iiyoshi.  I learned that there is a possibility of unimaginably big change in the field of education in this “Flattening” world.  People of the world are very much devoted in effort to produce leaders who will lead the politics, industries, universities in the global societies with clear vision, strong will, and strong energy by strengthening the potentials of young generation, their spirits of challenge, minds not afraid to change in the face of this global age.

I strongly advise people of Japan to listen open mindedly to the opinions of educators such as Drs. Miyagawa and Iiyoshi, who have minds full of love for the nation (see footnote), working actively at “outside”, seeing Japan from “outside”

Footnote: Person with love for the nation as I understand is “Patriot” not “Nationalist”.

Asian Innovation Forum


Mr. Nobuyuki Idei is one of the globally active business leaders.  I agree very much with his philosophy as well as his view of the time.  After retiring from the position of Chairman of Sony, he started a new challenge by setting up a new business consulting/investment firm named “Quantum Leaps” .  Many talented young people are gathering there to start new businesses or to support inception of new businesses.  His commitment as the great senior of business world is so admirable.

One of Quantum Leaps’ various activities is Asian Innovation Forum which was initiated in 2007.  I have the honor of joining in this forum to offer some help.  Unfortunately, I had to miss the 2007 meeting but did participate in 2008.  A great rise of energy and enthusiasm was felt in the air.

This year’s forum will take place in Tokyo on September 14th and 15th.   Dr. Hirotaka Takeuchi (Dean, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy at Hitotsubashi University, also well known in connection with the Davos meeting etc.) and I will participate as senior advisors but most of the plans and discussions will be carried out by young members.  We all share Mr. Idei’s vision and the event should be very enjoyable.

Search with keywords such as “Idei” or “Takeuchi” in this site and I am sure that the search engine will come up with many “hits”.

The forum posted an announcement ad on Nikkei newspaper .  I whole heartedly wish that new businesses – driving force for the growth of economy – will emerge from such networks as in this forum.

I feel that wonderfully energetic young people; capable of developing “personal” power, open-minded to the world, spreading networks with high speed, are emerging one after another.  Each one of them are the resources we need for the good of this nation’s future.  They are our hope, and I intend to help them in any way I can.

University Students of the United Arab Emirates visit Japan


The United Arab Emirates; UAE has a strong relationship with Japan.  Dubai and Abu Dhabi are probably the most popular among the cities of UAE.  Please search for these cities in this site since I also have had several opportunities to visit UAE since 2007.

Especially, Dubai had been the topic of the whole world for its fast growth but now things seem to be halting as if to see the trend probably partly due to the global economic crisis.

Among the Emirates, Abu Dhabi is the largest, producing most of the oil of UAE.  50% of its export goes to Japan, and 25% of oil import of Japan comes from Abu Dhabi. Thus, Japan and Abu Dhabi have been building good relationship and Abu Dhabi is known for being a pro-Japan city.


Photo; Students from Khalifa University, Faculty members of Keio University, people from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, His Excellency Hatano. In white clothes are the students from UAE.  This clothes are called Kandura (Ref.1)

Students from Khalifa University (it is a university of science and engineering) in Abu Dhabi visited Japan twice for about a week in a group of about 15 each time.  The first group was all female and the second group was all male.  I had an opportunity to meet the latter group.  I was told that they had quite a full time by visiting Keio University and the research facilities at Tsukuba.

Exchanges of young people are very important for the future.  They will all be partners in the global world.

Most of the students were from UAE, but some came from Sudan Palestine, Lebanon, or Syria.

Emirates Airline that uses Dubai as the hub base is famous, but an airline of Abu Dhabi, Etihad is also scheduled to operate in Narita from 2010.

The Post-American World


Fareed Zakaria (born in 1964) is a young, aggressive journalist – most active and "hot" in the world today.  Besides being an editor of Newsweek International Edition he runs his own web site.

In 2008 Zakaria published a book titled "Post-American World".  The book is very interesting – with rich, inspiring contents.  Apparently Zakaria has wonderful lucidity, exceptionally good writing ability, great vision and broad views.  This is without doubt one of the books that I would like to recommend to all – especially to young people.

The book consists of following contents (The English translation of the titles in Japanese edition are given within the parenthesis for your reference);

1. The Rise of the Rest (The Rise of "All Nations Except America")
2. The Cup Runneth Over (Power is Shifting in a Global Scale)
3. A Non-Western World? (A New World Where "Non-Western" and "Western" World Mix)
4. The Challenger (China Heads Toward "Asymmetrical Superpower")
5. The Ally (India – A Nation Burdened with Destiny of Democracy)
6. American Power (Will America Keep on Falling?)
7. American Purpose (Can America Globalize Herself?)

The book not only introduces a view of the world that holds America and China as the center of policy and economy but naturally, as Zakaria was born and brought up in India until age of 18, also takes into account the medium-long perspective and challenges of India that makes this book even more interesting, offering a slightly different point of view compared to other books under this kind of a theme.

"The Post-American World" is a world where America ceases to be the only superpower and "The Rise of the Rest" takes place.  In that respect, China and India will have exceptionally strong impact in the world because of their large population although their tremendous growth will inevitably be accompanied by countless challenges.  His insight here is quite something.

Zakaria studied at distinguished schools in Dubai, continued education at Yale University, earned his PhD in Politics at Harvard.  At an astonishingly young age of 27, he was appointed to the chief editor of Foreign Affairs (a publication of Council of Foreign Affairs), and from 2000 to date is working for Newsweek.

His view of America as a "Big Island Country" matches with my view; I also talk about it in lectures and other occasions.  In the last part of chapter 2 Zakaria writes (p.47-48);

"American politicians constantly and promiscuously demand, label, sanction, and condemn whole countries for myriad failings.  Over the last fifteen years, the United States has placed sanctions on half the world’s population.  We are the only country in the world to issue annual report cards on every other country’s behavior.  Washington, D.C., has become a bubble, smug and out of touch with the world outside."

"The 2007 Pew Global Attitudes Survey (Pew Research Center; one of the nonpartisan think tank of America = footnote) showed a remarkable increase worldwide in positive views about free trade, marets, and democracy.  Large majorities in countries from China and Germany to Bangladesh and Nigeria said that growing trade ties between countries were good.  Of the forty-seven countries polled, however, the one that came in dead last in terms of support for free trade was the United States.  In the five years the survey has been done, no country has seen as great a drop-off as the United States."

"Or take a look at the attitudes toward foreign companies.  When asked whether they had a positive impact, a surprisingly large number of people in countries like Brazil, Nigeria, India, and Bangladesh said yes.  Those countries have typically been suspicious of Western multinationals.  (South Asia’s unease has some basis;  after all, it was initially colonized by a multinational corporation, the British East India Company.)  And yet, 73 percent in India, 75 percent in Bangladesh, 70 percent in Brazil, and 82 percent in Nigeria now have positive views of these companies.  The figure for America, in contrast, is 45 percent, which places us in the bottom five.  We want the world to accept American companies with open arms, but when they come here ? that’s a different matter."

"Attitudes on immigration represent an even larger reversal.  On an issue where the United States has been the model for the world, the country has regressed toward an angry defensive couch.  Where we once wanted to pioneer every new technology, we now look at innovation fearfully, wondering how it will change things."

"The irony is that the rise of the rest is a consequence of American ideas and actions.  For sixty years, American politicians and diplomats have traveled around the world pushing countries to open their markets, free up their politics, and embrace trade and technology.  We have urged peoples in distant lands to take up the challenge of competing in the global economy, freeing up their currencies, and developing new industries.  We counseled them to be unafraid of change and learn the secrets of our success.  And it worked: the natives have gotten good at capitalism."

"But now we are becoming suspicious of the very things we have long celebrated ? free markets, trade, immigration, and technological change.  And all this is happening when the tide is going our way.  Just as the world is opening up, America is closing down."

"Generations from now, when historians write about these times, they might note that, in the early decades of the twenty-first century, the United States succeeded in its great and historic mission ? it globalized the world.  But along the way, they might write, it forgot to globalize itself."

Footnote: Recently the Center supported a research related to international arguments on whaling and I participated in some of its meetings.  This April, the Center produced "A Roadmap for US-China Cooperation on Energy and Climate Change" in collaboration with Asia Society.

Zakaria also points out that the best industry of America is "University Education". 
His early education was in "Asian" method ・・・in which the premium is placed on memorization and constant testing・・・I recall memorizing vast quantities of material, regurgitating it for exams, and then promptly forgetting it."

"When I went to college in the United States, I encountered a different world.  While the American system is to lax on rigor and memorization…..it is much better at developing the critical faculties of the mind, which is what you need to succeed in life.  Other educational systems teach you to take tests; the American system teaches you to think." (p.193)

"Tharman Shanmugaratnam, until recently Singapore’s minister of education, explains the difference between his country’s system and America’s.  "We both have meritocracies," Shanmugaratnam says.  "Yours is a talent meritocracy, ours is an exam meritocracy.  We know how to train people to take exams.  You know how to use people’s talents to the fullest.  Both are important, but there are some parts of the intellect that we are not able to test well – like creativity, curiosity, a sense of adventure, ambition.  Most of all, America has a culture of learning that challenges conventional wisdom, even if it means challenging authority・・・." (p.193,194)

I think this argument is persuasive since America’s higher education contributed much to Dr. Zakaria’s success in becoming a world class opinion leader at such an surprisingly young age.  Compare this with Japanese higher education and think very hard, please.

Zakaria says, however, that "America remains by far the most attractive destination for students・・・All these advantages will not be erased easily, because the structure of European and Japanese universitiesp―mostly state-run bureaucracies―is unlikely to change."  He also points out that "・・・while China and India are opening new institutions, it is not that easy to create a world-class university out of whole cloth in a few decades." (p.191)

Trainings of Indian IIT students in Japan



ASIMO Demonstration@Honda Aoyama Welcome Plaza from Kihoko Suda on Vimeo.

Indian Institute of Technology is well known as one of the top universities in India that produces world class leaders.

For these excellent undergraduate students of IIT, Honda Foundation is organizing Young Engineers and Scientists project since 2007.  5 winners are selected in India each year and Dr. Pachauri of IPCC and I delivered speech to congratulate the winners at the first awarding ceremony of last year as you may have read in this blog.

The Foundation then invited 4 winners to Japan for 2 months' research and trainings.  This way, young people of India will not only learn more about Japan but will come to like Japan, and will eventually act as "Ambassadors to Japan."  It is such a wonderful project.  I certainly would like to see Japanese students given more chances of the same experience.

This year, all of the 5 winners spent 2 months in Japan.  2 students at Okazaki National Institutes of Natural Science in the field of gene technology, two at the research institute of Honda (in Miyazaki city, Miyazaki prefecture and Asaka city of Saitama prefecture), and one at Shibaura Institute of Technology.  They apparently enjoyed the stay and told us enthusiastically about their experience in a different research environment of foreign country, different city environment, different values, about punctual train operations, hospitality of Japanese people, etc.

Upon their returning back to India, we arranged a farewell dinner with people from the Honda Foundation, Dr. Sunami of GRIPS, and students from IITN (it was a pity that one student could not make it).  3 people from the meeting of the other day, which included graduates of IIT, were also present making the gathering even more stimulating.

Encounter with foreign country or different culture at an early stage of life is an valuable asset.  It would broaden one's view, as well as one's alternatives of life.  It can also very possibly help "Connecting Dots" in the "Flat World."

Many thanks to people of the Honda Foundation, faculty members who were involved in the training of the students, and everyone who supported this project.


ACP Japan Chapter


This institution is quite unique.  Why does American College of Physicians (ACP) have Japan Chapter?  This is exactly the point.  Please refer to my "Message from the Governor" (in Japanese) at the start of Japan Chapter and my blog (in Japanese) for explanations.  Ever since its foundation, we organized annual meetings (reports in Japanese) with the presence of the President from the headquarters.  The first meeting was held in April, 2004.  I have been involved since the beginning, and am scheduled to serve as Governor for another year.

The annual meeting of ACP-Japan Chapter is different from other domestic meetings in that participants do not care much about his/her position/hierarchy.  I hear this especially from young people, i.e. medical students and residents.  Here are some of the scence from the meeting for you to enjoy.  I posted a report on annual meeting of last year in my blog also.

This year’s annual meeting was, like others, held in Tokyo in April with support from The Japanese Society of Internal Medicine.  Many enthusiastic discussions took place on topics such as activities of female doctors, case studies, etc. This conference lets us feel high spirits, particularly of young generation.

Two weeks after Japan meeting, the annual meeting of ACP headquarters was held at Philadelphia, and many Japanese members participated in spite of their tight schedule.

A report on series of activities of ACP-Japan Chapter is now uploaded on its web site (in Japanese).  Anyone interested are cordially invited to have a look and learn about their activities or browse through messages from the members as well as various photos.

Two days full of intellecutal inspirations; with Drs. Azimi, Miayagawa, and Ikegami


Last Friday (June 26), I have been to Hiroshima.  It was the last Roundtable for Dr. Nassirine Azimi upon her resignation from director of the UNITAR Hiroshima office where she has served for 6 years. Professor Shigeru Miyagawa and I gave lectures under the theme of 'Diversity'.  A crowd of Dr. Azimi's fans, well aware of her wonderful activities during these 6 years, gathered at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum hall where the event took place.  I had a nice relaxed dinner with Dr. Azimi and her staffs in the evening.

The content of the lectures as well as handouts are posted on the web site of UNITAR and Chugoku Shinbun newspaper.

Next day, on 27th , Drs. Azimi, Miyagawa and myself went for a walk at Miyajima.

Back to Tokyo in the evening of the same day, I enjoyed a lively dinner with Dr. Miyagawa of MIT and Dr. Eiko Ikegami, who is also working very actively in the United States.

Dr. Miyagawa is one of the faculty members that developed the 'Open Course Ware' of MIT, showing how the educational materials should be in the internet age.  He is also offering a very unique, exciting course called Visualizing Cultures with Professor John Dower, well known in Japan also for his book 'Embracing Defeat'. This course uses materials such as Commodore Perry's visit to Japan, Russo-Japanese war, atomic bomb damage at Hiroshima, Shiseido, etc.  I recommend that you visit these sites.

Dr. Ikegami is the author of 'The Taming of the Samurai', (Japanese edition title 'Honor and Adaptation; socio-historical study on the Samurai Spirit') which I have introduced several times in my blog (in Japanese), and more recently has published 'Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture' (Ref.1 Japanese edition title 'Bonds of Beauty and Civility; Political Origins of Japanese Socializing Culture'), both books being great elaborate works on the history of Japanese Culture.  I have been corresponding with her via e-mails but this was the first time to see her in person.  The books were written originally in English (published from Harvard University Press and Cambridge University Press respectively) and were translated into Japanese, which is truly amazing.

It was a very, very full and intellectually inspiring two days.