Is Todai Label Good Globally?


There is a young legislator by the name of Kotaro Tamura (in Japanese) (I think he is at Yale now).

I have seen him several times. Each time I see him I am impressed and charmed by his very sophisticated and direct character.  He has a website where he writes with unique aggression about his background, his beliefs and principles, his thoughts on fashion (which all seem to be fairly colorful), and more.

Of course, he writes blogs and posts on Twitter, too.  I recently found a a highly provocative article by Mr. Tamura called, ‘The Todai Label is Not Good in Global Settings: Nada High School’s Top Student Chose to Go to Yale University’  (in Japanese).  (This Nada Student, by the way, was accepted to Harvard as well, but he chose to go to Yale…)

Life at Yale University described in this article is admirable and  exciting.  I wonder how high school or college students, or the so called ‘leaders’ in Japanese universities, companies, government, and media think about this?

At any rate, read this article, and enjoy.  I intend to discuss this again in the not so distant future.

Recommend Taking a Leave of Absence From School: Support Youth Who Go Abroad!


Throughout 2010 I have recommended that people, especially students, take a leave of absence from school. Response from the youth is not bad.  I’ve gathered that this idea is spreading gradually so I sent an article to Asahi Shinbun and it appeared on the ‘My Point of View’ column in the Jan. 14th morning edition.

In a quite limited space, I argued as below, which I summarized in a list. The title of my article is the same as this posting.  Please forward this article to your friends in any way you please, like e-mails, blogs, or twitter. 

Japanese youth are by no means insular minded. Youth are reflection of the society of the time.

Governments, industries, and educational institutes should do better.  Mind you, youth is our only hope and resource for Japan tomorrow.

 “My Point of View

  • I have recommended taking a leave of absence for some time now.  It is because I sincerely wish that youth can broaden their horizons while they are still undergraduate students.
  • A broad human network is a strong tool for leaders to be, in whatever field.  As globalization continues, international friends you make through your travels who are not affiliated with any one particular organization are a huge asset. Sharing meals together, and experiencing the world together is so important.
  • You can take courses at universities, join NGO activities at the developing countries, or maybe experience internships at global enterprises.  What bothers me now is that currently we do not have any good, stable system to encourage youth who wish to go abroad.  From the emails and conversations I have with students, the most urgent problem to be addressed is the problem of tuition.
  • National universities waive the tuition during the period students are on leave, but private universities sometimes continue to charge tuition.  You get an impression that those universities are putting management before education.  What a disgraceful and sad thing to do.  Can’t they exempt tuition while students are on leave?  This, however, is not the problem of universities alone.  I believe that there are many things that government could do.
  • There are of course other problems beside tuition.  For instance, we need better system that will acknowledge the experience gained overseas; such as exchange of units or transfer of students for a certain period.  I would like to know the thoughts of the university administrations.
  • For Japanese youth, my advice is not to be insular minded, but to challenge, to go abroad.  I have an impression that both students and their parents, because they seek too much of a safe and stable life (especially after the economic bubble burst), tend to avoid the risk of international study.
  • Typically in Japan, students busy themselves with company interviews (shu-katsu, in Japanese) in their junior year at university.  The students think of nothing else but to get a job offer from as many companies as possible, as quickly as they can.  This is not a way to nurture global talents.  If we cannot educate the talents of the next generation, we cannot stop this nation’s decline.  Even now, existence of Japan is fading away in many international political, economical, and diplomatic scenes.  I am deeply concerned.
  • Youth in other nations are aggressively working their ways to the top universities of western countries. These are the locations where many of the world’s leaders emerged. These universities not only provide high quality education, but offer you settings to develop multi ethnic, multi national human networks.  The more you are exposed to friends from different histories or cultures, the clearer vision you will have for your future.  International education is not good only for the individuals, but will also play a significant role in the making of a nation because these global talents will become the central working force in any political, economical, or social organization of the country.
  • So, let us together encourage Japanese youth to go abroad for training.  Universities, industries, parents ? in short, the society as a whole, must share this vision.  By supporting youths who take leave of absence from schools to go abroad, we can nurture our ‘human assets’ and create hope for a brighter future for Japan.”

The Asahi Shinbun newspaper, January 14, 2011, page 19

A Recommendation to Take a Leave of Absence From School ? Are Japanese Youth Insular Minded?


Recently, I notice many articles and reports on insular mindset of Japanese youth in Japanese media.  Is this really so?
The other day, I attended a symposium, and here again, the topic was discussed.  I said that my view was a bit different.  The content of my lecture overlaps with my lecture at my Keio SFC class.  Mr. Koiwai at JST kindly summarized my speech well.  The title of my lecture is ‘Recommendation to Take a Leave of Absence from School ? What Are the Characteristics That Japan Seek in Its Human Resource?’  (in Japanese).

People have different views on this issue.  I am not surprised.  For instance, I agree with the view expressed in the article; “The Deceit in ‘Japanese Youth are Insular Minded’” (Ref.1, 2)(all in Japanese).

How are Japanese Universities  (Ref.1 both links in Japanese) (Ref.2, 3 in English) doing in this global age?

Are current employment systems in big industries (such as notifying students that they have been hired in the 3rd year in college) (cf. Pasona case)  good today?  It seems to me that too many institutions are unable to shift from conventional practice.

As I always say, I think the number of people who left Japan as an individual, free from institutions, is very limited amongst the generation of our current university students’ parents. The same, I suppose, can be said with the generation before them.  The majority of people who went abroad for business or for international study were, I assume, supported by their companies or government offices. 

It is so important to encourage and support youth to develop their career in global settings, to help them find things they truly want to do, and to assist in building human networks within this rapidly changing world.  It is our responsibility to help the young who have our future to see, feel, and think about the outside world.  They need to do this as independent individuals, even for just a short period of time.

As I have seen, I think ‘Recommendation to Take A Leave of Absence From School’   (Ref.1,2) might be the best advice.

Welcoming Mr. Akira Tsuchiya and Mr. Daisuke Kotegawa to My Keio SFC Class


I assume that you are aware that I have a class at the Keio SFC campus  (Ref.1, 2) during the autumn semester of 2010. 

Mr. Akira Tsuchiya is a graduate of Keio SFC.  He also studied at the graduate schools at Harvard, Columbia, and Georgetown, has been working for several years at the administrative offices of the World Economic Forum (popular as the Davos meeting), in Geneve and Japan.  I have known him for almost 10 years. We’ve worked together on various occasions.  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend his lecture due to my trip to Doha, but later, he kindly let me know how it went.  The lecture was well received by the students, too.  I assumed this since Mr. Tsuchiya is their senior. He works at a global institution and he talked about his experience first hand.  I would have liked you to see his lecture on video but unfortunately it is only for access within campus because many of the Powerpoint slides used were not intended for public viewing.

The lecturer of the week after was Mr. Daisuke Kotegawa. He is a top-scale, unique, international leader. He is the current Director at IMF, recently having returned from Washington DC, and resigning from the ministry of finance. (I searched and hit many sites on him in Google, but could not find the link just right to introduce to you…) It is hard to find a person like him these days.  One might call him a kokushi, a Japanese term for a patriot who devote one’s life for the good of the nation.  On a side note, he is competent in many languages, and is currently learning Chinese from a private tutor.  I think he is polishing his skills.

The lecture by Mr. Kotegawa was on international finance and was given in English.  He talked about the bubble bursting in Japan 20 years ago, the fail of Lehman in 2008, lessons to be learned from these events, future perspective of Japan and the world, and so on.  It was truly a top-scale talk, just like him.  What he said had a huge impact and a sense of reality because everything was based on his actual experience. He was one of the people in charge of these problems at the ministry of finance at the time the bubble burst, and he was at IMF at the time of Lehman issue in 2008.

It was a good learning for me, too, since I am also one of the many outsiders, just like the students.  Thank you very, very much to these two invited speakers.

A Student Movement to Promote ‘Let’s Study Internationally’, ‘Let’s Experience the World’


Late last year I reported that the Japanese PhD’s who are actively working in the US and who have begun to grow impatient with their Japanese juniors have started to take action to encourage study abroad. 

Their activities were covered by Mainichi Shinbun, one of the major newspapers in Japan.  This is very encouraging.  After all, the most important thing is to let the most high school students, university students, their families, and the Japanese public know what is happening.  This is one of the very important and basic roles of media.

My message here is: ‘Youth, be ambitious!’.

Mr. Saisho’s New Year; From Dhaka


Thus far I’ve posted many reports on Mr. Saisho of Waseda University. He is doing a wonderful job in Bangladesh (Ref.1,2).    Recently I’ve also noticed that Japanese media is reporting on his activities. On January 3rd, an article appeared on the 2nd, ‘People’, page of the Asahi Shinbun Newspaper morning edition.  It kicked off reports on him for the New Year.

I received an e-mail from Mr. Saisho that morning, just as I was reading the article, saying, ‘I was told that an article about me appeared on the ‘People’ column of Asahi Shinbun morning issue although I can’t confirm it because I am in Dhaka now…’

So, I wrote the whole content of the article in e-mail and sent to him.

Mr. Saisho wrote back to me; ‘Thanks for the whole article!  I really appreciate it.  Will go to see Dr. Yunus today and I will report this to him!’

I replied; ‘My Hello to Yunus-san.
We may meet in Davos later this month’

All these correspondence took place in just about 30 minutes. What a small world!

Design Thinking ? A New Movement of the New Age


A Happy New Year!

I wish for a more active mood to emerge in Japan for the year of 2011. I strongly expect it to happen….

Over the past two to three years, I’ve noticed the phrase, ‘Design Thinking’ has spread gradually through the world.  How people interpret this word may differ according to each individual, but basically I think it stands for the essence of wisdom for how to address the very complicated issues of the world.

As I have mentioned several times in my blog, today, the word ‘Design’ is not confined to the dimension of objects or shapes only. It also refers to the act of presenting practical solutions to complex problems by taking into account various ideas from diverse viewpoints.  In other words, we should understand it as a process of ‘Design Thinking’.

I feel that this phenomenon is observed in many areas.  For instance; a scientific approach by the Open Systems Science of Dr. Mario Tokoro of Sony , Graduate School of Design at Harvard, the D School at Stanford, or the i.School  at the University of Tokyo

Design Thinking often uses the process of presenting figures to summarize and clarify issues.  The IdeasLab of the World Economic Forum may be one of such examples that are based on these concepts.  I recently had an opportunity to participate in meetings at WEF in Dubai; Global Redesign Summit (Ref.1) and Global Risk Response Network  (Ref.1). Nice visual demonstrations were prepared by Design, Innovation Council and the like, meant to clearly suggest the importance of showing and visualizing complex ideas and issues for better understanding.

Recently, designers have more opportunity to work in business sectors.  I think this is partly because of the trend I described above, combined with various technologies to present information in visual ways based on the rapid progress of digital technologies.  Examples of such designers would include Mr. Ken Okuyama (Ref.1 in Japanese), Mr. Issey Miyake (Ref.1 in Japanese), and Mr. Kashiwa Sato (Ref.1 in Japanese).
Because they are all international designers, always thinking about the essences of the human mind, they naturally acquire visions to respond to today’s need to create ‘Open and Demand-driven Innovation’.

We have been organizing the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) since 2009, and bearing in mind the trend described above, for 2010, we invited a group of youths to do a workshop under the theme ‘ Impact Japan : Design Thinking’ (Ref.1).  This triggered the foundation of our institution, Impact Japan.  Nikkei newspaper put an advertisement article on its December 29th morning issue about the Design Thinking activities that originated in GEW Japan.

I feel the wisdoms of the world working to adapt to the new age.  Now, how will Japan do this year?

AIESEC Training Camp


Videos of Opening and Closing Session



This is another posting on AIESEC, an organization that supports international internship s which I wrote about once before.

I was invited to give a speech at their training camp in late December at the National Olympics Memorial Youth Center in Yoyogi.  Over the course of a few days, about 150 people participated.  Supporters from industries included Works Applications; (this is an amazing company, I went to see Mr. Masayuki Makino (Ref.1), the CEO, the other day with Mr. Matsuda of LFA several days before.  I will write more about it in another column.), Tanaka Precious Metals Group; (the price of gold is likely to keep rising), and GRAPH (this is a fun company, too.)

Everybody was in high spirits.  During the speech I tried to make the audience feel free to ask questions and I think it helped because people asled question after question, so much so that the 80 minute session of Q&A flashed by.  After the Q&A, the audience divided into 3 groups and continued the discussion with the 3 guests from the companies mentioned above.

From the start of the New Year, I will be helping AIESEC begin a project to spread their activities to the world.  This year, about 300 people went abroad for training and about 60 people came to Japan.  I must say that this is a complete mismatch.  Although they expect to increase the number to 400 for the people going abroad and to 100 for the people coming here, this is still far from enough.

I am looking forward to helping AIESEC increase its reach, as well as increasing the total number of exchanges for the year 2011.

Time With Youth, The Leaders-To-Be of the World



On December 27th, nearing the end of 2010, I had dinner at Sumeshiya (in Japanese), a rather unique restaurant.  Mr. Honjo  (Ref.1) had returned from his trip to Ghana.   I was invited to this gathering by a businessman who helped him during his stay in there. Mr. Honjo was on leave of absence from Keio University during this trip.

Other participants were Ms. Sasaki, an International Christian University student who spent most of her life outside Japan (Ethiopia, Ghana, UK and US); Ms. Mawarida (Ref.1) (in Japanese) an experienced soccer player, university student, and a professional singer; Ms. Kanno, a businesswomen who is working for a Japanese business company (shosya); Mr. Sato, a Todai student who went to Rwanda but returned due to Malaria; a Hitotsubashi University student who stayed only for a short time because he had to catch a bus for Hakata, his home town; two businessmen (one of them lives in Rwanda and is the person who invited me); and Dr. Sahara, my staff (a medical doctor but had been to India this fall, and is planning to go to Scotland for the New Year Holidays).

They all came from very different backgrounds so naturally the conversation became very active.  They kept talking and talking, enjoying the conversation very much? experiences in Africa, hopes for future careers, worries about the future…  Given so many choices, each seemed to wonder what to do.

Seeing them made me confident that these sort of youth were definitely  our human assets. They are who have potentials to be active in whatever arena, be it Japanese enterprises, governments or studying abroad.

Young Scientists Take Action for the Insular-Minded Young Researchers of Japan


On many recent occasions, the issue of the declining numbers of Japanese students who seek international study is being pointed out.  This trend seems to apply to the field of science, also.  In this global age, many Asian young scientists go abroad to study at western universities in the hope to structure better careers.  They know that this will give them better chances to access opportunities that lead to popular international careers sought by future leaders of the world.

Typically in Japan scientists work for 2-3 years as Post-Docs at western universities and then go back to their home institution or lab for permanent jobs.  Going abroad to earn PhD degrees and remaining there to build a career will present unexpected challenges in Japan.  However, this is also definitely a way that will enable one to professionally work anywhere in the world. 

Recently, though, the number of Japanese Post-Docs going abroad for research is declining. There is also a decline in the number of Japanese students who earn PhD degrees overseas , which is low to begin with.  This difference is the most conspicuous difference between Japan and other Asian countries.  In other Asian countries the number of youths going to western countries for higher educations is rapidly increasing.  I truly am bothered by our young Japanese researcher’s inward-guided mindsets..
Unlike the so-called ‘great’ professors in Japanese Universities, there are very few scientists actively working in the U.S. (such as Professor Kobayashi of Princeton University) (Ref.1, 2,3 4) who share the same concern as me. 

The problem is that distinguished professors have certain privileges and have ulterior motives. .  Though agreeing to the overall idea of international education, they will never actually let go of their young scientists for study abroad. This is because they are the ‘useful instruments’ or ‘hands and feet’ of the professors.  I think it is quite obvious that most of the university faculties have insular mindsets  (Ref.1).

The foundation for this mindset is clear when you look at what the profession provides: a professorial position ensures comfort in many ways in Japan. The Japanese society is a hierarchical society that looks up to national institutions and looks down on private institutions.  Increasing the number of academic achievements is top priority for professors, rather than nurturing the students. Therefore, no matter how the university faculties pretend to support international experience, they are actually enjoying their high position within conventional Japanese society. As such, they resist innovation and educational reform just as much as other components of the Japanese social structure. Merely looking at their professional position makes it clear enough where they stand.  I cannot help but believe university faculty care most about their interest.

Do you remember a Post Doc whom I touched upon in my posting a year ago in the context of an occasion where I spoke with Japanese youths working in Boston? I was strongly impacted when a Post Doc said: “What I regret most in my short life so far is that I earned my PhD degree in Japan” (by the way, he earned his PhD degree at a prestigious national university in Japan.  When he sought for advice from his professor, this professor strongly recommended that he studying in a Japanese graduate school…)   I think that his regret was stronger because he was trying to seek an independent career as an individual.

I noticed recently how people are taking action  (Ref.1, 2)  (all links are in Japanese) to address this issue.  They are the few young Japanese who earned their PhD degrees in US, UK, or other western countries, currently working hard outside Japan.  They share the concerns which I have described above.

Dr. Shigeki Sugii 
(Ref.1, 2)(all links are in Japanese)is one example.  Dr. Sugii is trying to reach Japanese youths who might be interested so he may give practical advices on how to earn PhD degree in the US.

Activities to encourage overseas studies include the publication of ‘Studying Science and Technologies at Overseas Graduate Schools (Rikei Daigakuin Ryugaku)’  (in Japanese) and creation of ‘Networks of Scientists (Kagakusha Netto)’  (in Japanese) both in which I was partly involved.  There are also other promotional activities happening in Japan. Still,  it seems to me that these efforts are, first of all, the responsibility of the university faculty: they should encourage youth, advise them to go overseas to learn, offer them more possibilities to choose from, and always be supportive.   The adults should always bear in mind that youth are our hope of making our future better.  The youth are our most precious assets and resource.

Dr. Sugii and his friends organized a symposium last week under the title: ‘The First Symposium on the Careers of Doctors: How to Make the Best Use of Doctoral Degree ? Grab Chances Because Now is the Difficult Time for Job Hunters!’ (Ref.1) (in Japanese). Dr. Kitazawa, President of JST , and I were invited to deliver keynote lectures. (However, to my regret, I had to leave the site right after my speech because I had an appointment with Mr. Saisho.)

Dr. Sugii is currently working for UCSD but is planning to move to A*STAR in Singapore  (Ref.1) next year.  I like it.  I hope and expect to see more and more young Japanese scientists go overseas to work in international settings.

I ask all adults to help youth see the whole world, create more opportunities for first hand experience, encourage them to participate in such opportunities, and give great support so that they may grow into good leaders of the global world.

This world is huge and it is there for the youth who earnestly pursue their career.  As the proverbs says ‘‘If you love your child, let him/her travel (kawaii ko ni wa tabi wo sasero)’