Japan Wine Challenge Gala Dinner & Charity Auction


I enjoy wines, not as any expert, in contrast to many of you and friends, thus have posted a few times such occasions when they are exceptional. There are also many gatherings for fund-raising charity I join sometimes with my friends.

Last week, I joined with my good friends, Japan Wine Challenge Gala Dinner & Charity Auction; this year’s charity is for the Tyler Foundation, which has been active in helping children with cancer.

I am not an expert of wine, but enjoy good wines as I posted a few times (Ref.1).

We joined around a table with 10 friends, and one wine expert to guide us. It so happens he knows well not only about wines, but also a very good friend of a couple who owns a wineyard in Baune, Bourgogne, where we stayed for three days in March.

Many surprises, old and new friends, and lots of fun conversations over many bottles of wines and a course dinner. Total money raised through auctions and lotteries came around 10,000,000 Yen, which goes to the Tylor Foundation..

We all had a good time.