A Happy New Year


After 50 years, the new Administration emerged for change, yet the issues to face are countless, and the world is going through a drastic change.
My wish for this year is that greater number of individuals will emerge in government offices, political arenas, business and industry, journalism, universities, science community, NPO, etc., etc. ? people with vision and action.

It is also important to step aside for a moment at times and try to see things from different perspectives, and see yourself.  As I have been pointing out every now and then, trying to see Japan from‘outside point of view’ (Ref.1), from the world or from Asia, is equally necessary.

With high spirits and firm vision of ‘Japan in the global world’, let us start year 2010, the year of great change, making it a year of hope in which each one of us will seek a bright future.

Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi


From Washington DC I took a flight to Dubai.  I was on the same flight 6 weeks ago, and flew to Dubai 3 weeks ago as well.  In total I flew to Dubai airport 3 times, once to visit Dubai and  twice to visit Abu Dhabi in the past 6 weeks.  Two of the return flights were from Dubai to Kansai Airport and another was to Singapore.

The purpose of visit is the same as my some previous ones; to support Khalifa UniversityDr. Elias Zerhouni, the former director of the National Institutes of Health joined our team starting from this meeting and his participation stimulated the discussion.  Dr. Zerhouni, originally from Algeria, moved to the United States after graduating from Medical School, worked at Johns Hopkins Univesity, then was appointed to the Directorship of NIH, the most distinguished and responsible position in medical research of US government.  I have had the privilege of knowing him for these years (in Japanese) and am quite impressed by his wonderful personality.

Khalifa University, which I have been helping, is one of important Projects of the government of Abu Dhabi. I have contacted Dr Zerhouni for his support since I thought that advice from a person at higher position, a person with distinguished and international reputation, who understands Arabic civilization and culture personally, would be very helpful.  It was a great joy when I received his immediate affirmative answer.

The meeting itself took place for only one day, but the discussion was very active and fruitful.  I firmly believe that participation of someone who is familiar with both Western values and Arabic values, who knows how to communicate with both sides is so very important and necessary for this kind of project.

Photo; At the lobby of the Emirate Palace, with Dr Zerhouni. 

Recently, The U.S. Department of State announced the appointment of Science Envoy for Middle East, and Dr Zerhouni was among the three, with Dr. Bruce Alberts, Editor-in-Chief of ‘Science’ and Dr. Zuweil, a Nobel Prize laureate in Chemistry, originally from Egypt.  This is another significant step forward of US Science Diplomacy.

Such rich variety of human resource (Ref.1) without doubt serves as one of the strong core assets of a nation in this global era.  I met Dr. Zuweil several times in the past, and deepened relationship with Dr. Alberts during these 10 years, since he was the President of the National Academy of Science of USA, through many international scientific community works or events, often related to SCJ (Science Council of Japan).

Toyota Cup (FIFA Club World Cup 2009) was being held at Abu Dhabi during my visit.  As I watched in TV later in Tokyo, it was again Lionel Messi (Ref.1) that brought triumph to his team, as you all may know.

Nobel Peace Prize Speech by President Obama, My concerns about Japan


The whole world was watching and paying attention to President Obama’s speech on his Nobel Peace Award ceremony ? what he will say.  After all, there were great controversies about awarding him the Nobel, and USA has just decided to send troops of 30,000 to Afghanistan.

Unlike the days when television was the only live visual media, now we have tools to see the lecture on our computer screen (Ref.1), repeat it as we like, read the text, examine how it is treated on variety of major newspapers of the world, or editorials.

Although the awarding committee’s decision was controversial, and the timing of the award speech was very challenging, I think that the script was very good, very much effort was put in.  I can well imagine the difficulty and effort the President and his staffs made for this.  Especially, President Obama has been pressed particularly hard with issues such as sending additional troops to Afghanistan, its poor economy with high unemployment rates, handling of financial institutions, healthcare policy reform, etc…so challenging that the polls were indicating declines in the support of the President.  In such circumstance, the words of the Leader matters so much.

I happened to be in Washington DC at the occasion. In the Washington Post in its December 11th issue, the President speech in Oslo was well received (Ref.1, 2), as the ‘President of America in wartime’ and the role of USA in these several decades, in accord with the philosophy and ways of thinking of President Obama.  In our age, many people express their opinions through new tools such as blogs, but the weight of the words of the leader of a nation is incomparably heavy.

Articles on the New York Times (Ref.1) can be taken also as good references.

Comments before the ceremony by ‘experts’ on what they thought President Obama should say at Oslo just was also an interesting collection. 

By the way, I found another interesting article on the same day’s Washington Post titled ‘Does Japan still matter?’ .  The message was to ask readers not to forget Japan, a country which is forgotten now.  It ends by saying ‘So far, Japan’s new government has not defined policies that could restore economic growth and lift the country out of its funk. But America should be hoping that it can. And if it wants to regain some confidence, it makes sense to treat Japan as though it matters. Because it does.’

On the other hand, the New York Times of the same day has a column with a title  ‘Obama’s Japan Headache

I am sad – no, worried about a series of unsteady messages from the leaders of Japanese government.  They continue to be insular minded and lack enthusiasm or energy to send out messages to the outside world. However, the fact is that the words of Prime minister or ministers even in many seemingly insignificant occasions are followed and read by the rest of the world, even when they are addressed to domestic audience.  But the problem is that many abroad (or even in Japan) cannot see what Japanese policy makers are actually thinking.  It is dangerous to under-evaluate the impact of the spoken words of the leaders.  You cannot take back what you have said.

The problem lies not only in government.  The other day, a team of guests from a well known ‘Think tank’ in Washington DC visited me and during our discussion they asked me, “Why did Keidanren close their Washington office early this year?”  Does everyone in Japan know this?  I imagine so.  I knew it, too, but was so embarrassed in answering.

Anyway, the age of Internet is convenient but also provides you risks.  Your ability, words, actions, or thoughts will be known to the world often in seconds, and be mindful it is hard to convince people abroad with reasons that work just for Japanese people.  The leaders of this global age, admitting that each has their own situations and problems to face, carry very, very heavy responsibilities.

Conference at the World Bank ? and ‘Let’s work at the World Bank’


On December 10th and to 11th, I joined a conference organized by the World Bank in Washington DC, ‘2009 Global Forum: Building Science, Technology and Innovation Partnership for Building Capacity’

I have been helping plan this meeting since last year (Ref.1)through this year. Dr Peter McPherson (we met this April ) and we wrapped up the session with several recommendations about the role of World Bank in the future.

From Japan, senior councilor Mr Iwasaki of the cabinet administration office and Dr. Ko Ito at JICA gave nice presentations.

The outline of my recommendation was: 1) As is clear from the presentations of two days, each developing country that receives support embrace different priorities (not only poverty, but conditions like primary education, etc), and from variety of stake holders that work on variety of activities for developments, many new model activities to be models could be discussed as emerging successes; Science Academies, Universities, or research centers are implementing their networks, collaborations with embracing developing countries; in the face of the world that is increasingly becoming flat (for instance, cell phones), consider  how to take advantage of this new advances; and the importance of taking into consideration the differences and overlapping of ODA policies of each recipient and donor countries. 2) The great advantage of the World Bank is that it has routes of direct communication to every government thus is able to make mid-long term and focused recommendations. 3) These new kinds of successes presented at the conference may not fit neatly to such public institution as a Bank, but Bank could consider it as its policy to spread this sort of projects. 4) Bank could invite people who carried out these successful projects, or its leaders, to serve as 'World Bank Science Envoys or Ambassadors’. 5) Introduce innovative activities, recognize them as World Bank 'Flag-ship’ model projects, post them on web sites, search for possibilities of applying them at local communities.  By doing so encourage local communities to adapt policies that are practical so as to, in the end, enhance the possibilities of national policies being put into action..

Comments by the participants of this meeting are posted on YouTube for your reference.  I will inform you once reports or websites are ready.

During my stay in Washington DC, I had opportunities to see people such as Ms Izumi Kobayashi, the Executive Vice President at MIGA of World Bank Groups、one of the shining Japanese women (she is hopping all over the world)、His Excellency Fujisaki, Ambassador to the United States of America, and science attache of the embassy, Dr. Inutsuka, Dr. Hitoshi Murayama who is active at University of California at Berkeley and University of Tokyo,Dr. Calestous Juma (Ref.1) of Harvard University, Dr. Ohde of Hitachi Washington DC, and some of senior executives and officials of the National Academy, senior scientists of National Cancer Institute.

Thus, I have been invited for dinner three nights each in DC, by these friends with their friends, thus plenty of time for lively discussions.

The President of the World Bank Dr. Zoelick recently visited Japan.  World Bank wants to hire more Japanese staffs and senior staffs.  I think even working there just as a transfer for a few years provides you a great chance of learning of developing and widening human network.  Also many nice things can happen such as understanding the world movement or advancing your own career and vision for future business opportunities.  If you are interested in research careers, World Bank has a history of nurturing so many experts; Dr. Stieglitz of Nobel Prize on Economic or Dr. Nicholaz Stern of the ’Stern Report’- to name just a few.  How about thinking big, drawing a larger picture about yourself, your company or even your country?  I think this is a very good opportunity.

Thank you so much to everyone who were so kind to me during my stay in Washington DC.

‘Cartels of the Mind’ part 2


By the way, why is it that I did not notice this book ‘Cartels of the Mind: Japan’s Intellectual Closed Shop’ and its Japanese translation until recently?  This concerns me a bit because I have been repeatedly pointing this (closed system of Japan) out to public in my writings, lecturings, and in this blog postings for quite a long time.

Number of people working for universities expressed support for my opinion or at least showed concerns about the problem I have pointed out, but of course I assume that there were also many of those who thought that I was a ‘big mouth’ that annoy them.  I know that quite a number of officials at the MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) were also aware of my discussion.

Perhaps there were very few book reviews and no ads were on the newspapers on this book translated in Japanese.  Mainichi Shinbun, the publisher, might have issued some advertisement on their newspapers, though (I am not a subscriber to it).  It could be that since this book also clearly criticizes the closed system of Japanese journalism, the Japanese newspapers did not have much willingness for book review or advertisement of this book to public.  Does anyone know what really happened?  Well, it could be that I merely overlooked those book reviews or ads.

It seems that Professor Kobayashi at Princeton University was also concerned about this.  He sent me 5 book reviews from USA as below, but said that he could not find any in Japanese.

a. Japan Review.net: Interview of Ivan Hall by Victor Fic, January 26,

b. “Apartheid Japan-Style,” Reviewer: J. Marshall Unger, Professor of
Japanese, University of Maryland, in THE (Times Higher Education), July
17. 1998.

c. “The ‘Keep Out’ Signs on Japan’s Professions,” Reviewer: Robert Neff,
Nov. 20, 1997, Business Week.

d.Review by Raymond Lamont-Brown in Contemporary Review. Oct, 1998.

e. Review by J. Mark Ramseyer (Harvard University) , Journal of Japanese
Studies, Vol. 25, No. 2 (Summer, 1999), pp. 365-368

‘Cartels of the Mind: Japan’s Intellectual Closed Shop’ is without doubt another book that I strongly recommend to you.

Do we still need ‘Kurofune’ to open up our nation to the outside world?  The chances are that ‘Kurofune will not come any more’ ……  It’s so sad.

‘Cartels of the Mind: Japan’s Intellectual Closed Shop’ and ‘Jigyo Shiwake (sorting out operations)’ related to Science Research


‘Cartels of the Mind: Japan’s Intellectual Closed Shop’, 1997, provides critical insights into the insular mind-set of intellectual establishments of Japanese society. The book was written by Dr. Ivan Hall, an American scholar widely considered as one of the leading ‘expert on Japan’ who studied about Japan (B.A. and M.A. at Princeton University, and Ph.D. at Harvard University) and have stayed in Japan for more than 20 years under various titles, including Professor (as well as correspondent, cultural diplomat, professor at Gakusyuin University and a few other universities).  Its Japanese translation (1998) carries a short and straight title, ‘Chi No Sakoku’ or ‘Closed Mind of the Intellectuals’.

The content of this book is as follows:

Introduction: “NORMAL COUNTRY” –Foreign Intellectuals Need Not Apply
1. LEGAL LANDING –The Attorney’s Narrow Beachhead
2. SEGREGATED SCRIBES –The Foreign Correspondents
3. ACADEMIC APARTHEID –The Peripheral Professoriategr
4. PASSING PRESENCES –Scientific Researchers and Foreign Students
5. MANIPULATED DIALOGUE –Cowing the Critics
Conclusion: WAKE-UP CALL –Let the Daylight In

Each fact explained in this book is true, and I concur and support his sharp-eyed points.  Please refer to an article of interview with Dr. Hall, or book reviews (Ref.1(amazon.co.jp, in Japanese),  2 (Amazon.com)),    He also gave a lecture in Japan three yeas ago.(Ref.1 )

The opinion of Dr. Hall is essentially the same as what I have been pointing out repeatedly (Ref. 1, 2, 3 in Japanese) (Ref.4, 5 in English) in this blog posting and elsewhere for a long time. The people with ‘high intellectual levels’ in Japan, university professors are ‘Sakoku (‘closed shop’) (Ref.1 in Japanese, 2 in English ) So naturally universities become deprived of stimuli, thus drawing a wrong vision of future to the students in whose hands our future relies.  A society embracing so many graduates from such universities will suffer from the enhanced spread of ‘Sakoku mind’.  Is this what we want for the future of Japan?  I urge professors of the Japanese universities to be alert and do something about this.

The message of this book resonates with the analysis and opinion of Karel Von Wolfren, a journalist and another ‘expert on Japan’, as expressed in a series of his books such as ‘The Enigma of Japanese Power’ or ‘A False Realities of a Politicized Society (Japanese title: ‘Japan-a system that do not make people happy) ’.

DPJ (Democratic Party of Japan) that took over the administration recently went through ‘Jigyo Shiwake (sorting out programs)’, a very open and simple process of cutting budget off from variety of projects and this became a hot topic.  Doesn’t this remind us of ‘Cultural Revolution’ of China sometime ago?  Nobel laureates, Presidents of the universities, etc. from academia expressed deep concern and criticism about it, but people at large seemed to have evaluated this process positively as providing transparency in understanding the process of policy decision process.  There are, on the other hand, criticisms such as objectives not being clear enough, or the decisions being made in too short a time.  Regarding science and technology programs, there were also discussions about how the large-scale research, the Supercomputer project being a typical example, should be conducted.  What do you think?

I think that in a large-scale research we should include foreign specialists in the discussion right from the start of planning and open our large scale facilities to scientists of the world as part of the strategic collaboration of nurturing human resource (Ref.1) (both in Japanese). In many cases, I hear shallow excuses of secondary importance such as large scale facility projects that affect Japanese industry foundation must be run by Japanese only, or including foreigners is a risk to patent safety.

We need to consider more seriously about how the ideas that change the world (Ref.1) emerge and come into shape or who comes up with those great ideas.  In other words, we should do better on the ways we use our policy planning and funding by the public money.  In this context it was good that the new government made policy making process more open to the public.

Again and as always, I must say that scientific community is as ‘Sakoku minded’ as any other Japanese professional community.

Global Agenda Council


From GEW I flew via Kansai Airport to Dubai.  I was one day late for the‘Global Agenda Council’ (GAC) (Ref.1), hosted by World Economic Forum.

I arrived Dubai very early in the morning, checked in at Jumeirah Al Qasr Hotel, the same hotel as last year, took a quick shower and went off to the conference. I was here at GAC last year (Ref.1), too.

Building agenda through a process of ‘Brain Storming’ by various leaders of the world will, without doubt, increasingly become important in this quickly flattening global age.  While I admit that participating in a number of Councils is intense and tiring, it is still very exciting, enlightening, and rewarding because you learn so much by exchanging different views and thoughts.
However, Future of Japan (FoJ; Co-chaired by Dr. Takenaka and myself but Dr. Takenaka was unable to come to Dubai this time.) was exhausting.  We – Drs. Heizo Takenaka, Yoko Ishikura, myself, and several others – did prepare draft plans in Tokyo but at the morning session in Dubai a drastic change was recommended, became a different story, and we had to re-write.  We worked very hard concentrating to make our recommendations on an agenda of the Davos meeting to be held in January.

After this morning session, everybody kept on being busy attending various Council sesions.  I joined in sessions on Innovation and a few others.  There was an additional joint session with FoJ and Future of China, Future of Korea.  We asked Dr. Ishikura to moderate this session, too, because she is a very good and effective moderator.  Many of the members of the three Councils, Japan, Korea and China, know each other through various WEF conferences such as Davos and Dalien.

Various scenes from the forum are on the web, for your reference.

The FoJ meeting resumed again late in the afternoon.  Mr. Charles Lake of Aflac, Mr. Mitachi of BCG  (in Japanese), and Mr. Tsuchiya of WEF Tokyo Office (Dr. Ishikura was very tired as you can imagine) concentrated for 3 hours to develop a new plan.  I was sorry that Dr. Ishikura had to bear such huge burden that whole day.  Of course everybody was extremely helpful, but I think we should think of better ways of processing our Council paper .  I honestly think so.

After a long day of hard work, we went to the same restaurant as last year,‘Zheng He’ to have dinner and cheer up.  This was a nice change.

Next day, I participated in several wrapping-up sessions and enjoyed them very much.  The forum closed at about 2:30 pm.

西山田中わたし田村近藤さんPhoto1  Marco Poloi in JAL Hotel Photo2

Photo1; At the lobby of JAL Hotel in Fujairah. From left, Drs. Nishiyama, Tanaka, myself, Tamura, and Kondo
Photo 2; At Marco Polo, a restaurant at JAL Hotel in Fujairah

To kill the spare time before our departure from Dubai on 03:45 next morning, five of us; Dr. Akihiko Tanaka of the University of Tokyo (I met him just 2 days before;   Dr. Tanaka is Vice President of Internal Relations),Dr. Jiro Tamura of Keio (One of the authorities on Study of Negotiation, who works together with Dr. Daniel Shapiro of Harvard Law School, who runs Program on Negotiation – a young but very sharp, nice man)、Mr. Kohei Nishiyama, founder of Elephant Design (a fantastic company!), Dr. James Kondo who is leading Health Policy Institute, and myself chartered a car and went to Fujarirah, one of the seven emirates of theUnited Arab Emirates located at strategically important point along the Strait of Hormuz at Persian Gulf.

The travel took about 2 hours one way and the town was not so lively but we enjoyed driving the desert going through rocky mountain arriving at the coast by sunset.  Oil stations, and old mosques were things to see.  The JAL Hotel at Fujairah was pretty nice and we decided to stop by for dinner. It was a good opportunity to get more acquainted to each other (for example, we found out that Dr. Tanaka of politics was an Apple freak for 30 years and his iPhone content was quite something) and we had a good time.

We arrived at the airport by midnight.  I met several Japanese participants at the lobby and climbed into the plane for the return trip.  Thank you all for your good job well done!



GEW -1: ‘Entrepreneur = Change Agent’


Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW), an initiative by Kauffman foundation with strong support by the PM Brown of UK, and is held simultaneously around the world at this time of the year in order to promote Entrepreneurship in the world.  I have been involved in this initiative perhaps because I am known in promoting Entrepreneurship as the driving force for innovation.  GEW got on its track last year with 77 countries participated.  In Japan, Honda foundation, GRIPS, and several other institutions serve working as core organizers with the support from many idividuals and companies and institutions such as Nikkei.  I hear that the participating countries this year increased to 88. A variety of programs were held in Japan during the week of November 16 – 23, as well as additional activities before and after the week.

On 16th, the program at GRIPS opened with my keynote 'Entrepreneur = Change Agent' (Photo above).  My message was that 'Entrepreneurship' must have existed in Japan from long time ago, so there must be a Japanese word for it, and that word would be 'Shinshu no kisho'.  This thought was first introduced by Dr. Mochio Umeda, the author of 'Silicon Valley Seisin (Silicon Valley Spirit)', and I totally agree.  So, 'Entrepreneur = Change Agent' is in Japanese:

 'People full of Shinshu no kisho (entrepreneur)' = 'Henkaku sha (Change Agent)'

This is my message of the keynote lecture at GEW.  Not only the 'Founders' of business and corporate, but all those 'who have strong Shinshu no kisho (Entrepreneurship)' in society or institutions are the change agent.  The principle applies to every sector: industries, politics, universities, governments… People stuck to past experience or examples, people whose thoughts are focused first on excuses for being unable to do, is at the far opposite end of 'Entrepreneurship'.  This is always correct ? historically.

Somehow, many feel the 'lack of entrepreneurship' in any parts of our society in Japan these days.  Mr. Katakai also quoted my points in his recent blog  (in Japanese)

Executives and managements, whether in giant corporations, governments, or universities, are responsible for nurturing 'Entrepreneurship' in their people, making environment conducive to entrepreneurship. 'Organizations full of entrepreneurship' or 'Societies full of entrepreneurship' that embrace and nurture many 'people with entrepreneurship' is the organization, industry, society that promotes innovation.  This in the end will make a 'Nation full of entrepreneurship, thus innovation'.  Just by reviewing these 100 years, you will see that this is true in any excellent company.  Those companies grow and are able to adapt quickly to the changes of the environment.

How many names can you list up who were executives 10 years ago?  I mean the names of those who remain in your memories?  And why do you remember them?  I read this in a recent article in The Economist and I think this is a good point in a sense that this question reminds us the essence that corporate executives need to act to promote innovation in difficult times.

After the keynote, I quickly moved to Canadian Embassy which is located nearby, to participate in the opening day of the 2 days Symposium on Innovation co-organized by 'GRIPS-Toronto University' as part of the celebration of the 80 years anniversary of the Japan-Canada diplomatic relation.  Then I rushed back to GRIPS at lunchtime.

The noon session at GRIPS was a dialogue panel hosted by Prof. Yoko Ishikura on 'Design' with two 'Giants' of design, Mr. Naoki Sakai (in Japanese) and Mr. Ken Okuyama. I think it was a very exciting session particularly to those people in Japan who are strongly focused on technology, the 'monozukuri (manufacturing)' believers  (in Japanese) who tend to mistranslate in their mind the word 'Innovation' to 'Technological invention'.

After this session was the lecture on the philosophy of Peter Drucker by Dr. Ikujiro Nonaka in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of his birth (November 19).  Peter Drucker is regarded as a very special person even in the context of modern history.  Then, I had to leave again for the Canadian Embassy for a panel.

In the evening, I made rounds of GEW at GRIPS, Canadian Embassy, and UCLA Japan Alumni Association.  I must say it was quite a busy day!

APEC Business Summit, Dialogue with Mr. Lee Kwan Yew


IMG_1968 top Chaingi airport

After returning from Singapore on November 6th, I spent a busy week giving lectures and attending meetings and then rushed back to Singapore again on 12th forCEO Summit, a part of APEC, where I was invited to attend.  Quite a number of companies were participating.  As you may see on the web, the program was very nicely organized; there were many speeches and panels by the political leaders of the participating countries.  Of course, the official meetings by the government of each member country are scheduled separately.  It was a pity the President Obama’s arrival had to be delayed, affecting a number of events.  Videos of lectures and summaries (Ref.1) are available for your reference.  

The theme inevitably was focused on current economy status and the policies crafted by each government focusing on the region covered by APEC.  Each leader delivered strong message (how do you evaluate them after hearing and watching the videos?) but I would say that Thai, Malaysia, and Korea were among the most impressive.  Of course the words of Mr. Hu Jintao naturally had strong impact since China is the “engine” country that drives today’s world economy.  Prime Minister Hatoyama also sent out firm words in the ending of the two day conference.  Japan will host the next APEC conference in 2010, followed by the United States in 2011.  I expect everyone in charge of our government to develop, for the coming months, a clear vision of transformation of “Japan in global age” showing high the flag of CHANGE, build a truly good agenda, and carry them out to 2011.

IMG_1952 Hatoyama PM Hatoyama giving speech

Among the panels, the one on Sovereign Wealth Fund was impressive (Norway is the 2nd in the world in size and their investment selection has high reputation because of their criteria that focus on how much clean and green the companies are and to become).  Secretary of Commerce of the U.S. was also very good.  Although it was a great chance for Japanese industries to demonstrate their vitality I regret to say that I saw only few executives from Japanese companies , thus their presence was weak.  However, Mr. Mikitani of Rakuten talked in a good high spirit at a panel.  Enjoy visiting the sites of this meeting.

I would definitely say that the most moving event during these two days was the last panel on 13th, a Dialogue with former Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew  (he currently holds the title of Minister Mentor).  Mr. Lee is now 86 years old, but briliant and just awesome.  His thoughts, understanding and insight of world affairs today, perspective about the future is overwhelmingly impressive.  I was very much moved just like others who were there.  Ten days earlier, he had a meeting with President Obama at the White House.  The moderator touched on this upon introducing Honorable Lee, and from then on everything was dialogue.  Mr. Lee’s response to the questions from audience was also impressively outstanding.  I met with many high officials of Singapore including a few ministers, all having worked with Mr. Lee Kwan Yew, and when asked everybody replied with a feeling of affection and respect saying “A person like Minister Mentor is very rare even in this whole wide world”.  A young Japanese entrepreneur CEO whom I met at the venue told to me ‘I was so moved I had goose flesh !.’

When a nation has a great leader we know it.  Such a nation nurtures great number of leaders.  This is true not only in the field of politics but also in universities, industries, and government offices.  In current Japanese society, it is important that everybody (especially those who are in high positions) reflect their own responsibilities of the posts and think objectively and rationally whether their performances are truly deserve the posts.  You should not come up with any ‘excuses for being unable to do’. The core issue is what to do and act upon it in this rapidly changing global age.

I am truly grateful to the government of Singapore for inviting me to such a wonderful conference.

Asia Health Forum in Singapore


From Abu Dhabi via Dubai airport, I flew to Singapore to participate Asia Health Forum organized by EDB (Economic Development Forum) of Singapore Government; I was a part of its planning discussion session. The venue was a beautiful Cappella Hotel on Sentosa Island.

The member consists of some 15 leading world experts from medical, pharmaceutical, public health and a team of McKinsey, an excellent consulting firm. This one day session began with a welcome by the Health Minister of Singapore , Dr Khaw followed by nearly 40 min discussion session with the Minster. The Minister is fully knowledgeable of the principle, unique historical legacy of Singapore health policy, details of current Singapore health policy and its issues, nonetheless considered perhaps the best service in the world  despite spending only 4% of GDP.

I fully enjoyed the meeting and took a late night flight finally back to Japan after 12 days of around-the-world tour which started from Ottawa.