'GLOBE' is an eight-page long special brochure created by the Asahi Shinbun, a widely distributed newspaper. Twice a month on Monday mornings these stylish brochures appear and cover various topics of the world. As you have read in one of my posts on GLOBE (Ref.1, 2), I was invited to write some articles for them.
The title of my article was "Why University of Tokyo is Poor in Producing Nobel Laureates – Blame Goes to the Easy Going Conditions of the '4 Lines Professors' " (in Japanese) . The term '4 lines professors' seemed to have been a catchy expression, and the editor received many comments from the readers. However, my primary message was to 'Make the Best Use of Human Resource' – one of my core themes which I have been writing about repeatedly in my website.
Another nice thing about the 'GLOBE' is that everything is On-line. (in Japanese)
On Sunday, October 17th, I was invited to 'GLOBE LIVE 2010' (in Japanese) held in Tokyo to celebrate its 2nd anniversary (the 1st anniversary took place in Nishinomiya, the western part of Japan…). The venue was packed with guests.
The programs were fantastic (in Japanese); the guests were interviewed, there was a performance on the piano by Mr. Takatsugu Muramatsu, (Ref.1 in Japanese) and during intermissions, songs were sung by Ms Miu Sakamoto. The interviews started with myself, followed by people such as Mr. Atsushi Ogata, a multi talented film director 、Mr. Dai Fujikura (Ref.1), a composer, Mr. Steve Yamaguchi, (in Japanese), (Ref. 1 in Japanese), (Ref.2) , Ms. Sakie Akiyama (in Japanese), (Ref.1 in Japanese), (Ref.2), Mr. Hiroshi Watanabe (I have introduced him to you as one of the '7 samurais') . It was a breathtaking list of talents of which I am humbled to have been included. These people are all introduced in the GLOBE, so please see their web site. The host of this event was Ms. Maki Nomura of Asahi Television (in Japanese) ,and editors of GLOBE, Asahi Newspaper.
Overall, the production was conducted nicely and with good tempo. I fully enjoyed this event. Thank you to all who participated.
(I removed the sentence about the reception because it seemed “anti-climactic and to derail attention from the event itself)
Below are some of the blogs commenting on this event.
. http://legendokiki001.at.webry.info/201010/article_1.html
. http://changemylife.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-10-17
It would be great to have English version On-line report on 'GLOBE LIVE 2010' . I am looking forward to seeing it.