I arrived at Toronto on April 21st. It is my 3rd visit since last May and October. This time it is for the annual meeting of American College of Physicians (ACP). Although I am the Governer of ACP Japan Chapter (Ref.1) , I had to be excused these several years because of my tight schedule and I am very thankful that Dr. Ueno, the Vice Governor who attended there in my place. I came back to this meeting after some time, but it turned out to be a wonderful opportunity to see lots of old friends and new leaders. Such encounters are truly nice and heartwarming.
Although Japan Chapter is the only Chapter of ACP outside the Americas our activities are being observed and known by the organization including the head office. In fact, we were awarded honors for two consecutive years this year. I think this is very much the result of the hard works of committees on activities of women physicians, professionalism (in Japanese), and young physicians who lead the clinical educational projects in an effort to increase the number of memberships of residents and students.
This year, 7 new fellows (FACP) were welcomed, Dr. Kobayashi, the new governor elect of Japan Chapter, was appointed to Master (MACP), and Dr. Teramoto, Chair of the Board of Regents of Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, was awarded Honorary Fellow. I had a great time participating in the ceremony and sharing time with these people. By a sheer coincidence, I was able to meet also with a few young Japanese physicians who ‘jumped out’ from Japanese ‘Ikyoku system (hierarchical system of physicians organized by the head professor)’ and currently working actively in the United States. A poster by a resident at Kameda Medical Center was chosen for the poster session. These activities were awarded also. Dr. Ohara who supervised this resident doctor also participated. I was delighted to see all these things happening.
Programs included many topics related to practice, education, residency training in relation with the challenges that clinical practice face today, and each participant was very hotly involved in every session. In the opening, Dr. James Orbinski working for Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontiers) delivered a wonderful special lecture ‘Equity and Global Health’ which moved the hearts of everyone who listened.
Finding a short free time between various committees, receptions, programs, I managed to visit University of Toronto to have a brief conversation with the President, Dr. David Naylor. It’s been a year since I talked with him last time. (Since my appointment was at 5pm on Friday, the last of the week, we enjoyed a lively conversation over a small drink.) Also, I met senior faculty of the Munk School of Global Affairs to discuss collaborative projects with GRIPS, been to MARS to talk about the progress of our new Global Health Project with Dr. Peter Singer (I am involved in this, too. We expect to have official press interview on May 23rd), to Gairdner Foundation to seeDr. John Dirks (Ref.1).
As I talked with these people, I touched on the topic of Asahi Newspaper’s (Shinbun) ‘Globe’ special feature on ‘Canada’ which I have written about in my last posting. It is such a waste, ‘Mottainai’, not to have this wonderful special feature of Asahi Shinbun translated into English.
All through my four days’ stay at this charming city of Toronto, the weather was wonderful. I went to the CN Tower, too. Please enjoy the views from the top of the tower.