Bibliotheca Alexandria is said to be the oldest library in the world (B.C. 300 to 400 era). It was an open academy which gathered various acquaintances and scholars from across the world (of those days) and made them interact with each other (What an insight to recognize it’s true value!). Having been reconstructed six years ago, it is now rapidly growing as digital library including wonderful activities. Nowadays, young generation is making full use of it under the excellent leadership of Mr. Ismail Serageldin.
Lectures and panels were held at the United Nations University at Aoyama on October 4th in memory of the 1st anniversary of the set up of the library’s Japanese Web site. Dr. Helal, Minister of Higher Education and Science of Egypt, Mr. Serageldin and the Ambassador His Excellency Abdelnasser were present for the ceremony. Since I was acting as a director, I addressed the ceremony. Dr. Takahashi, the first director had also participated in the panel.
In the afternoon, there was a follow up meeting of the Health Systems of Global Health, proposed by Japan in the Lake Toya G8 summit. Excellent members gathered with Mr. Keizo Takemi as the head, and we will work to shape the system’s foundation before handing it over to Italy which will be acting as the host of G8 summit to be conducted next year.
In the midcourse, there was a session called "Patient University" (the link is in Japanese) organized by our NPO, Health Policy Institute, Japan, focusing on GE HealthCare and NGOs assisting the patients. I also expressed my greetings and talked about "Why NGO has grown?" Such a common process will support "civil activities." Thank you all for your hard work.
It was a long Saturday.