From Davos-2


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Weather is beautiful again today.

Meeting as a whole is on the web site – from varieties of sessions to reports.  Enjoy them with ‘clicks’ when you have time.

Participation of young Japanese people from industrial sector is increasing steadily and becoming notable.  Their words and presence are positive and I am glad about that.  Since people of the world thinks that industries of Japan are represented by "Keidanren," it would be even better if young people increased more to liven up the place and impress the presence of Japan.

This year’s meeting has very different atmosphere from previous meetings because of market meltdown and the prospect of economy’s continuing downfall.  People argue a lot about why finance relations are not punished for creating problems, when other industries will, as a matter of course, be given penalties should they put defective products into market.  "Greed," "Loss of Style" may be the keywords.  I heard much talk of this sort going on at personal levels.  In the Gaza issues panel (see Webcast), the prime minister of Turkey stood up before the panel was over and left for home protesting that he was treated unfairly compared to President Perez of Isreal in terms of the allocation of time for speech, and the (bad) timing of speech.  I haven’t seen that scene in person, but naturally it was a hot topic and judging from media reports, people in Turkey are paying much attention as seen in the frantic welcome at the homecoming of the prime minister.  After watching the Webcast, what is your impression and opinion?

Dsc00533_4peoplePhotos2~4: Breakfast meeting. You might know some of them.



On 30th from 7:30am, I was invited to a breakfast meeting of "friends who worry that Japan is vague to the eyes of people in the world because it sends too little information," as they called it (Photos2~4).  It is so moving.  I think many of Japanese participants were told something like this, at least in private situation.

I also had opportunities to have lively discussions with various people, such as Mr. Okabe, Editor in Chief of Nikkei, Mr. Hayashi, Chairman and CEO of JETRO.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to see each other in Japan because everybody is busy.

Dsc00537_2_japanese Photo5: Mr. Okabe, Editor in Chief of Nikkei (right) and Mr. Hayashi, Chairman and CEO of JETRO

As for myself, I had panels on Day 2 and Day 3.  I fully enjoyed them, making lots of new friends at the same time. 

I think part of the panels may be viewed at the website of Davos Meeting (29th, 30th, and the final day).

From media, Mr. Funabashi, editor in chief of Asahi Shinbun newspaper, Mr. Okabe of Nikkei newspaper, Mr. Fujisawa of NHK television, etc. were present.  Ms. Waki (residing in London) from Reuter is also working actively as reporter every year recently.

Global health


One of the pillar activities of our NPO “Health Policy Institute” is “Global Health” and the word repeatedly appears in various ways in this site. Activities on Global Health are promoted with the collaboration of many people in the global world, such as the World Bank, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, government and also governmental organizations.

These activities are so called “civil society” activities, and I think we were able to contribute to last year’s Global Health Summit, TICAD4, G8 Summit etc. through the promotion of this movement. Please “search” in this site as well. 

In the world, there are many people who are in unbelievable misery. I was able to take part in one of the projects about this. As I have reported, it is a film documentary series called “SURVIVAL” produced by Rockhopper with the cooperation of Imperial College, BBC and the Gates Foundation. The series is now completed and you can see them on the web in English, Japanese, German and French. I am also sending a message which is written in Japanese, but I am actually speaking in English. This is a bit strange.

My interviews


In a recent interview 2050: The Odyssey Begins (The Japan Journal January, 2008), I made my view crystal clear of the challenges of Japan and its responsibility as a global citizen nation. Otherwise, Japan may be buried as a forgotten quiet and retracted islands.

Another quotation of my comments by Mr David Dickson also appeared in Science and Developoment Network almost a few days ago.

Yes, Japan has to face the reality of the globalization and share its fare responsibility despite of her own huge internal resistance and problems. Yes, we can do a lot more, if the policy frameworks are set just right and with good leaderships in every sector of the society.