From Washington-Part1: High hopes for Obama and his “outstanding” cabinet choices


I have spent New Year’s in Washington for the past three years.  But the atmosphere this year is completely different.  The wave of hope and expectations for the new president Barack Obama is growing even more in Washington as he has so far picked an extremely smart, top-notch team of cabinet members and advisors. 

He has assembled brilliant scientists to advise him on science policies.  Steve Chu, a Nobel prize-winning physicist and Director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, was chosen to be Secretary of EnergyLawrence Summers who is currently the Charles W. Eliot University Professor at Harvard University was named to head the National Economic Council.  Obama’s Science Advisors include Harvard physicist John Holdren, Harold Varmus, a Nobel laureate who ran the NIH and is now President of Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and MIT genome professor Eric Lander.  The former president of the ICSU Jane Lubchencho will head the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.  The team is made up of top academics who have actively been speaking out about climate change and other environmental issues.  They are all highly respected and trusted people within scientific circles.  It’s a very impressive roster. 

Confirmation congressional hearings will begin one after another this week.  I have heard that contacting the nominees is strictly forbidden as it could be viewed as government post hunting.   

With these appointments the direction of the Obama administration’s energy and environmental policies seems pretty clear.  Meanwhile, in Japan the only top-notch or great thing (?) seems to be technology.  Nothing gets done in politics, finance, industry, government, media, and academia because of continual wrangling with vested interests or those resisting change.  All you hear about are reasons why something can’t be done.  If this continues, I am very worried that we will be left behind from the rest of the world.  I am waiting for a new and different trend to emerge in Japan too.      

Over the last couple of days Obama has announced parts of his economic policies.  A feeling of pride seems to be spreading among the American people over having chosen a great leader at this difficult time and turning point in the world’s history (At least that’s the sense I get from talking to the people around me.) .  They are gradually starting to feel confident that they can overcome problems together even though it will take time to realize the goals.  The challenges are enormous, but I can sense the will of the nation or the American mind that is striving to be the leader of the world.   

I wish a new trend like this would emerge in Japan.  Do you feel it coming?  It is so frustrating. 

However, once the Obama administration is inaugurated it does have a mountain of problems to climb.  The US economic woes, the war on terror in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the Gaza conflict etc.  Not only are they extremely complex problems, but they also demand urgency. 

Japan has its hands full with domestic problems. Maybe it is fortunate after all that it has less influence and faces lower expectations from the rest of the world?  I am not sure if that is really okay.

A new national vision


On January 1st, I posted a column titled “National vision of Japan- in start of the New Year”.  There, I mentioned about my two lectures on December 8th and 11th, which touched upon a national vision which I would propose, from my own point of view, “to become an exporting country of food and clean energy by 2003”.

“The Nihon Butsuryu Shinbun (Japan Physical Distribution Newspaper)” January 1st edition, printed an abstract of my lecture on January 11th which appeared under the title of “Let’s become a net-exporting country of food and energy”.  (Since I haven’t read this draft prior to printing, I made some minor changes in particles and words.)

●“Introduction” Professor Kiyoshi Kurokawa at the National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies (GRIPS) gave a key note lecture on December 11th at “Eco products 2008” held in Tokyo (by the auspices of Japan Environmental Management Association of Industry, and Nikkei Newspaper).  He pointed out straightforwardly issues of Japan and energy problems to survive this global age.

■Monozukuri (item making) in Japan is vertical in structure from the beginning to the end.   The cell phone sales in the world is 3 million per day, and 40% of the share is taken by Nokia, followed by Motorola, Samsung (15% each), and Sony Ericsson of Japan (9%) finally appears at the 4th place.  But recently Sony is overtaken by LG of Korea, so the sales are not good at all even though Japan is standing as a Monozukuri country.  The good news however is that 65% of components are still made in Japan.  It’s because of the quality.  If we are to survive by making components, we must be like Intel.  Japan is patiently working to fill the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th contracts, but isn’t this because Japanese people do not know how to make stories, lack imagination, or world view?

●Countless useful technologies are at hand

■In energy problems also, the key is how to utilize the strength which Japan already have.  Water, forests, hot springs etc are natural resources that exist from the beginning.  Of course, we do have some weak points such as earthquakes… Why not use those natural resources as energy?  Take electricity for example ? is the current apportion of thermal power 65%, water power 10%, and atomic power 25% good enough?  Don’t we want to impress the world by coming up with some good idea?

■Atomic power might be good for the time being, but even in a huge country like America, they are having difficulty in getting the laws passed for disposal of the nuclear wastes.  People are so sensitive about those things.  Scientists say that with the technology today it is unthinkable that accidents will occur, but who can be so sure?  How about the possibility of terrorism?  (I added this.)  I would like to stress that Japan has so many technologies for not using nuclear power although we have ability to shift nuclear technologies to overseas.  For example, we already know that just 2% of the solar energy falling to the earth is enough to manage the energy needs of the whole world.

■I hear that some companies are fighting against the shift of current light to LED and other less power consuming devices, but I suspect that they are manufacturers who don’t produce LEDs and so on.  Similar problems exist also in aluminum sash industry, and I think Japan is the biggest consumer of aluminum sashes among the developed countries.  It is ridiculous to use aluminum for windows if you want to insulate heat because the material transmits heat so quickly.  Vinyl chloride or wood is much better.  Is it again just because of the opposition from the aluminum industry?  World is changing, so we’d better not make ourselves fall behind.

●“Let young people draw pictures for the future”

■I suggest that Japan set a goal to be a net-exporter of food and clean energy and this is possible, from my point of view, by 2030 if we really try.  Draft a 10 year plan, list missions for each 5 years and make a road map.  Have people evaluate the achievement constantly.  I don’t care who will work on the plans – government offices, think tanks, or whatever, but people over age 45 should stay out of this because it is a picture for the future. (people laugh)

■We have come to a year of turning point.  It is 150 years from the publication of “On the Origin of Species” by Darwin.  The most important message in this book is that in the long history of survival, it is not the strongest, not the wisest, but the one which has adapted most to the changes in environment of that age that has survived.  Today, environment has changed drastically.  Are we, the Japanese, going to keep on walking behind others?

Above are my points.  What do you think?

Ridiculous? Then, I suggest that you read the last 5 lines of my column of January 1st.

National vision of Japan – in start of the New Year


Last year was such a disastrous year.  How would America tackle the economic crises with its new president, I wonder?

Climate change is the major issue now for every country, and Japan must think seriously about its energy policy also.  At the time of Prime Minister Fukuda administration, a special meeting for this issue was set up with president Okuda of Toyota as the chairperson to prepare a draft for the Toyako summit. Current administration is too occupied with other things, so it seems, that even works on Kyoto Protokol is halting.  I understand that they cannot help it, but we must not take a wrong way.  This is in a sense an opportunity for Japan.

Below are the handouts I’ve submitted to the meetings. URLs are given below.  Here, I expressed part of my views on energy policy towards a low carbon society.  What do you think? (The papers are in Japanese only.)

 ・Handouts of the 2nd Meeting with Prime Minister (April 5th )
 ・Handouts of the 3rd Meeting with Prime Minister (April 22nd )
 ・Handouts of the Committee of Agriculture, Liberal Democratic Party (Chairperson, Koichi Kato)

Through those handouts, I hope you can see that the national vision of Japan as I think is “To become an exporting country of food and clean energy by 2030.”

Draft a 10-year plan, and the first and second 5-year plans to go with it.  Disregard the traditional system of policymaking, and write a cross-ministry/government first 5-year plan of “Mission, Strategic roadmap, Annual Objectives” with the participation and help of lots of people from academic, government, and industrial sectors.

By doing so, the Ministry of Finance would be able to set up more innovative budget plans and backup policies for the structural reforms.  Of course, it is important to inform people about the progress on regular basis, as well as to keep the process open and transparent.

Since this is a long-term future plan, the work is for people at age 45 or younger.  Of course, include non-Japanese as well as all sorts of hearings.

Those were my core message in my 50 minutes’ keynote lecture on December 8th (Mon.) on energy policy at a conference held under the auspices of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy as well as a meeting on eco-products hosted by Nikkei on December 11th (Thurs.).  Both were attended by nearly 1,000 motivated people.

Do you say it is impossible by 2030?  Then, who could tell a year ago, that Obama would become a president?

This national vision is a matter of politics and will of people.

“Yes, We Can”, it is.

Now, what do you think will be of Japan and the world in the year 2009?

Visits of passionate young people


Recently, I received mails from 2 groups of young people seeking for advice.

In the morning, 5 university students (mostly from Keio University) came to visit me. Each of them was passionate, seeking for advice about their possibilities and career amid this global era. We discussed a lot, about what is happening in the world, the reason for my message and what can and should be done.

Towards the end of their visit, William Saito and Michiko Sugita came (recently, I’ve been to Kyoto with them), so I introduced them to the students. William and Michiko definitely have “out of the box” background. I’m sure none of the students could have imagined such a career in any people around.

Kurokawaandstudents_20081Photo1: the 5 students from the morning visit and Mr.Saito (next to me) and Ms.Sugita (left)

In the afternoon, likewise, a group of six young passionate people came. This group was led by 3 sophomores from Waseda University. They traveled to Bangladesh this year and were shocked by the terrible difference of its situation as compared to Japan, so during their short stay, tried everything they could think of to be of any help. They also knew about the Grameen Bank and were eager to bring change to the situation as well as to Japan. So after coming back, they worked hard to gather information at universities etc., but no satisfying response was given. It was when their motivation was growing even stronger that they came across my blog, and that’s why they sent me an e-mail saying that they had to see me.

20081216c6lPhoto2: the six students in the afternoon.

They all had some knowledge about “Social entrepreneurs”, but since it is a career new to Japan, they didn’t quite know what to do. We talked and discussed about topics like you see in my blog, and by the time they left they were nicely high spirited.

In short, these young people are aware of primordial issues, but they don’t know how to deal with them or even where to begin. Everything is in a mist. Of course, they get lost. Since those primordial issues are something way different from what has been taught or from any social values of Japan which they had taken to be a common sense, it is only natural that they are at a loss. However, on the other hand, a good number of young people and future leaders of the world are taking such paths (Peace Corp, Teach for America etc.) at the beginning of their career, and this kind of first step is now quite popular.

I advised them to begin by seeing and listening to the speech of Steve Jobs from Apple (links). I already got reactions from some students by e-mails.

Because I use “blog”, a “means of web age”, as the tool for sending out messages, getting to see such young people is so easily possible. Isn’t it wonderful?

I shall be seeing them from time to time.

Jet Li in TIME


Do you know Jet Li? He is a very famous Chinese Kunfu master and one of major film stars and I am one of his fans. I have reported on his new life through One Foundation.

Recent TIME Magazine provides an article ‘The Libaration of Jet Li’.

Such activities initially know to limited circles, the make a major coverage by global media as happened for Bill Gates on his ‘Creative Capitalism’ as you may see in my earlier report .

The world is continuously moving and often initiated by a few individuals. It would be important not to be blinded, but know what may be happening out there. You cannot be blinded what is going on. Yes, you live in a connected world.

My article on “Mainichi Forum” December 2008 edition


The following article of mine was carried on the December 2008 edition of “Mainichi Forum” in the section titled “Views”.

A “Community PTA Anyone Can Participate” at elementary school can improve regional unity ? Academics and college students should volunteer

Family health is important for individual health, while community health is necessary for family health. This is the basic idea I have strongly advocated as the chairman of the government’s New Health Frontier Strategy Conference when we compiled a report called the “New Health Frontier Strategy” last April.

The report identifies among its top priorities health of children, women, and the working-age population and increasing the healthy life expectancy of the elderly. What I stressed in particular is to review the role of family and strengthen regional communities in order to promote health with a focus on preventive measures. Increased urbanization, nuclearization of families, the declining birth rate and the advance of women’s role in society is making it increasingly difficult to pass knowledge and skills forward to the next generation in domestic life and child rearing, as well as culture and tradition. The weakened family is now on the brink of collapse. As a result, some young parents don’t know what to do when their child’s temperature suddenly goes up and rush to emergency rooms. The fundamental problem is that basic skills to raise children are not being passed on due to the collapse of family.

Just as a firm root and trunk are necessary for strong branches and leaves to grow on a tree, vibrant families and regional communities are important to be at the foundation of sound individual health policies. Discussions that lack such a broad vision will result in lousy policies.

In urban society, it is important for regional communities to complement weaknesses in families. In Japanese communities, however, a sense of unity is unfortunately diminishing both in cities and rural areas. A disconnected community puts people at big risk if anything should happen. On the other hand, a unified community creates a greater chance for neighbors to notice when something is wrong with an elderly person living alone. There is also more cooperation when disasters strike. Developing a strong community is essential in nurturing family bonds.

In Europe people have traditionally gathered at public spaces in their districts or local churches where they share their beliefs. We, however, don’t have such places in Japan today. So, I would like to propose the use of the 22,000 elementary schools around the country as community gathering places. Schools are usually located in areas that are relatively easy for anyone to reach because children as young as first graders commute. They can serve as centers of community where elders, young people and mothers in the area can congregate at their free time. This can take off heavy responsibilities placed on teachers, giving them more time to focus on teaching classes because the people who have gathered can look after the children too. Schools will in essence have a running “Community PTA Anyone Can Participate”. If a child becomes sick the mother can seek advice from other mothers on what to do, or may be able to find somebody they met there to look after the child. Naturally people may talk about their doctors of preference, and this will result in local physicians becoming part of the community too. Local governments can provide mini-bus services going around the district picking people up and delivering them to school. They should also support voluntary community activities that continue on the weekends.

Inside this community, many adults will be looking after the children’s well-being and food. Some elderly people may even scold kids at school for not eating breakfast in the morning. Having this kind of relationship with other community members is important for young boys and girls, especially since there’s a recent increase in children who have never been scolded before. Even outside of school, there will naturally be more people calling out to the kids on the streets. This will help improve their attitudes and behavior because they will be conscious that others are watching them. Parents can feel safe to leave their children at school until around 6 pm, knowing that they will have a wide variety of things to do such as study, read, exercise and play under the supervision of many adults. It will also give teachers more time to focus on their work and may improve their relations with parents.

A sense of unity can contribute to preventive care

Women(and men) who have grown up in nuclear families don’t have much contact with their siblings or grandparents and hardly have any experience in holding babies or lulling them to sleep until they get married and have children themselves. These women can receive support and a sense of security from the community, as many people will try to help them on a daily basis when they see that they are pregnant. This will contribute to developing a brighter society. Separately, people in the community can help each other by casually sharing episodes like how they quit smoking or overcame the Metabolic Syndrome through exercising. In this way, adequate preventive care will be promoted in the community not through a top-down government policy, but through a sense of togetherness.

There are nearly 500 public health offices nationwide, but a sense of unity seems to develop more in areas where their staff or nurses actively reach out to the community. So, it is important for members of these facilities to interact with local residents on a daily basis.

Another point I have advocated is for university faculty and staff members and graduate and college students to volunteer at local elementary, junior high or high schools for about 20 hours a year (including weekends). By teaching alongside school teachers, graduate students and university faculty can develop confidence in their specialty areas while learning how to teach children. Another incentive for graduate and college students to volunteer would be to offer them teaching certificates. Many students may develop a desire to become teachers after volunteering at the schools. The education arena could change dramatically if a system is implemented to hire such people as teachers, even if they are in their 30s. Such flexible work styles and career paths would also strengthen the school-based regional community. Centers of community like those at elementary schools can also be set up at junior high and high schools, kindergartens, facilities for the elderly, and hospitals. Local governments should support such programs that will help form communities that anyone can participate.

There is a movement that is likely to positively influence the formation of regional communities. It is called social entrepreneurship and is spreading around the world. One example in Japan is a non-profit organization called Florence that supports working women. It is a day-care center specifically for sick children and operates on a membership fee which amounts to several hundred dollars a year. The center has a registered person from the local community look after a child who falls sick or, in some cases, dispatches a local doctor to their homes. This bottom-up style of management is a “social business,” and the founder is called a “social entrepreneur.”

Communities are not imposed from above by local governments, but we create them. In Japan we need to form local communities where people of different generations can interact, or else the lack of connection in both urban and rural areas could lead to the country’s collapse. So, it is “Back to Basics” in both public health and medical care. I would like to emphasize again that all health policies should be based on underlying principles that will create community health and revitalize family strength.

From Bellagio. “G8 Summit and Global Health” shifts from Japan to Italy


I came to Rockfeller foundation Bellagio center located besides Lake Como in Northern Italy.  It is October 29 today and there was a snowfall several days ago.  Regret to say that the weather is not too wonderful.

Photos 1-4:  An overview of Lake Como seen from the meeting room in the center.


Early this year, our “Think Tank,” Health Policy Institute co-hosted “Global Health Summit” with World Bank to help draft agenda for the Toyako G8 Summit by a process independent from government. To see if the same kind of mechanism can work in Italy, we invited several people concerned to discuss on its possibility and find ways.  Aside from the official transition from Japan to Italy as the host country of Summit, this is an independent action of our Think Tank for continuing the agenda which we helped in coordinating.  Policymaking process that involves Multistakeholders is such a trend in this “flattening” world, that the attitude of government on how to handle this is apparently the target of evaluation in any government today. See, for example, “Transparency”.

Bellagioetable01Photo 5:  Dr. Linda Dorment, delegate of the Rockefeller foundation, myself, Dr. Kondo and Mr. Banno of the Health Policy Institute at the meeting.

President Yamamoto of JCIE presented a report (Ref. 1) which JCIE prepared in collaboration with ministry of foreign affairs and other related ministries.  He also joined in the discussion. In a global era like today, nation’s politics does not work effectively without taking into account the activities of Multistakeholders with global networks or related NGOs.  I have already pointed this out in my keynote lecture of this year’s G8 Environment ministers’ meeting. I am planning to listen to various opinions in the course of exploring the possibilities of participating in the policymaking process of Italy.  Tomorrow, I will be heading to Rome.


One more comment on health care reform


Lately there has been vibrant movement towards health care reform. But what I think matters the most are the policies at the basis of the actions. It is inevitable that people and parties concerned make comments from their own positions. That is the natural process of politics.

At the same time, however, it is extremely important to discuss policy based on historical background and provide a medium to long-term vision. Government plans tend to become short-sighted.

When I offer my comments on this blog or in books or newspapers, I always try to maintain a broad perspective because I feel that there is a lack of opinions on policy like that.

Recently the Yomiuri newspaper ran a large proposal for health care reform (October 16 morning edition). Following the proposal, it carried an article entitled “Health care renaissance No.4479, Opinions on the proposal from those working in the field: Start with improving efficiency of the medical system” on November 21(page 21), which includes my comments. The following are the main points in the article:

■Many doctors working in the field responded to Yomiuri newspaper’s health care reform proposal, which we ran on October 16. In a four-part series, we will introduce some of the opinions we received as well as those from experts.

■We proposed to counter the doctor shortage by strategically planning the distribution of physicians. There is a noticeable shortage of doctors in rural areas, emergency medical services, and specialty areas such as pediatrics and obstetrics. In order to eliminate such inequalities, we proposed to strategically allocate physicians by setting fixed numbers for geographic distribution and specialty mix.

■The distribution plan would begin with young doctors who just finished their first two years of residency after specializing in medicine at university and who are about to embark on the second half. We proposed that university and core hospitals in the area, the medical association, and local government should set up a municipal organization in charge of allocating the physicians. The allocation would be based on the preference of the doctors, but they would not always be able to work at their first choice if that specialty or region fills up. Some doctors after reading this proposal sent in opinions, saying “Doesn’t this go against the rights to have “freedom of choice in occupation” and ”freedom of living location” that are guaranteed in the constitution?”

I think the discussion has set off on a great start.

■Regarding this point, Professor Yoshitaka Wada of Waseda Law School has commented that “It will be difficult to legislate municipal physician distribution, but it should not be a problem if the medical world itself works out a framework for distribution. By designating a fixed number of doctors for each specialty area, the current imbalance can be corrected to provide an adequate specialty mix of physicians.”

■Vice-director of the Saitama Prefecture Saiseikai Kuribayashi Hospital, Dr. Hiroshi Honda who has also written a book issuing a stern warning about medical equipment says, “I can understand the idea of strategically allocating doctors and believe it is feasible.” He says that even if physicians end up in their second choice in a rural area when their first preference in the city has filled up, they would learn a lot from gaining experience in remote areas. He adds, “However, it should not be a one-way ticket to a rural area. The system should allow doctors to work with the security of knowing that, after a fixed period of time, they are guaranteed to return to a university hospital where they can earn specialty qualifications.”

■Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa, a doctor of internal medicine and professor at the National Graduate Institute of Policy Studies, also supports the strategic planning of the distribution of physicians. However, he points out that “Before deciding on the adequate number of doctors for each geographical location and specialty, it is indispensable to improve the efficiency in the current system providing health care.” For instance, he says, local doctors and nurses can work regularly at core hospitals in the area to provide 24-hour emergency medical care. This will help prevent emergency patients from being bounced around hospitals. In addition, he says, university and other hospitals should focus on inpatient care, while it will be more efficient for local private practitioners to participate in outpatient treatment if necessary. Dr. Kurokawa goes on to say, “There are fundamental laws for most important areas like education and the environment, but not in health care. It is high time to set up fundamental health care laws and stipulate the ideas of reform.”

What do you think? Yomiuri newspaper is doing a great job. The journalists in charge of the piece should be very happy if you send in your comments too. I hope everybody will participate in the process of policy-making as much as possible.

Global Entrepreneurship Week, NPO nurturing young entrepreneurs


Kauffman foundation is a foundation devoted to Entrepreneurship.

From November 17 to 23, the foundation orgnaized  “Global Entrepreneurship Week” involving about 80 countries of the world to promote global understanding of entrepreneurial spirit and actions. Japan hosted two meetings, each in Tokyo and Kyoto, under the initiatives of Honda Foundation, GRIPS where I belong, Asia Productivity Organization, etc. By the way, Honda prize awarding ceremony was held a day before the Tokyo meeting. Official language was English for all meetings.

The meeting in Tokyo was opened with a lecture, followed by a project named “Elevator Pitch”.  Participants must “sell their idea(s) or project(s) to an angel investor in 30 seconds in an elevator which they happened to meet”. Three teams were selected from nearly 40 applications by screening of video presentations, and each presented as a team of three persons. The winners of the game were Asia Pacific University and Akita International University. Students from Akita were all females and no Japanese was included. Let me point out that those two universities are exceptionally internationalized compared to most of other universities in Japan.

To illustrate how "internationalized" they are, for example, 50% of 5000 Asia Pacific University undergraduates are from overseas and half of the courses are offered in English.

At Akita International University, T-score of students is over “80” at the time of admission, as I was told. It is a small university but with full liberal arts education. All students are required to reside in dormitory during their junior year, will study for one year at overseas universities during their enrollment, and 40% of the students in campus are international students because of this student exchange program. All courses are basically given in English with exceptions of elective language courses such as Japanese, French, etc.

In Kyoto, the venue was Ritsumeikan University. The lecturers here were also energetic and I enjoyed very much.

Photo: At Kyoto University. Kid entrepreneurs participated, too.


Photo: At Kyoto University. Kid entrepreneurs participated, too.


Next day, at Kyoto University clock tower in the midst of university festival, there were presentations and booth exhibition hosted by NPO Center for Entrepreneurship Education. It’s topic was businesses targeting on practical local ecology, and even primary school children were participating. Visit the Web site of the event (in Japanese but photos are nice) to catch the idea of its atmosphere. They were quite entertaining and also a good opportunity to understand the unique and interesting ideas those children and students have. I even thought that some of them already had potentials of flourshing just with a little help from existing corporations. Apparently, this kind of event provides a wonderful education and good experience for young people. I hope you will extend support for those activities.

Ms. Kikuko Harada, the leader of this NPO is doing a good job. Your support and personal or institutional donations are welcome here also. I urge you to visit its web site. The children looks nicely high spirited and motivated, don’t they?