On the morning of the 25th I departed Narita for Zurich via Frankfurt, arriving at Davos late at night.
On the 26th, I participated in the early morning sessions. The IdeasLab is always interesting and thought-provocative, so I participated in the session of ‘Design for the New Reality’. Here, Dr. Yoko Ishikura, Dr. Kohei Nishiyama (he was the discussion leader of the ‘Product Design’ panel), and Professor Toshiko Mori of Harvard University (at ‘Scarcity-driven design’) were the participants from Japan. As for myself, I joined the discussion with Adam Bly because it seemed interesting and I have had discussions with him on ‘Innovation’ for several years at GAC. Dr. Bly is apparently developing quite an interesting new domain. It is both stimulating and enjoyable to join in a panel based on presentations with higher perspectives.
Please visit Dr. Ishikura’s blog also.
I participated in several sessions, as well as the closing event of the day, the GAC dinner. The majority of the people had participated in recent Dubai meeting so we had good conversation. Lawrence Summers and Amy Chua were the two super special guests. Please refer to Wikipedia for their backgrounds. I assume you all know Mr. Lawrence Summers. He is currently a professor at Yale University. Ms. Amy Chua published a book early this year that has become a trendy, if not controversial topic. These two guests made our discussion so interesting. It was a privilege to be able to exchange a few words personally with Ms. Chua after the dinner.
The title of her book is: ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’. She writes about raising her two daughters as a Chinese mother. Her opinions and actions triggered quite a discussion among her readers.
Ms. Chua writes about the rules that children are ‘not supposed to, not allowed to’ do.
? attend a sleepover
? have a playdate
? be in a school play
? complain about not being in a school play
? watch TV or play computer games
? choose their own extracurricular activities
? get any grade less than an A
? not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama
? play any instrument other than the piano or violin
? not play the piano or violin
There are more important rules. I haven’t read the book yet, but she said, ‘In a sense, it’s like a Jewish mother of 20 years ago’. She is quite a personality.
No wonder people have a lot to say about her rules.