This is another posting on the‘Global Change Maker Program’ which you may be familiar with by now. This program was organized mainly by the undergraduate students of Waseda University, with the help of their supporters. Now at last its first project ‘E Education’ is going to launch jointly with Grameen Bank led by Professor Yunus.
Dear youths and students, why not consider participating in their activities this summer?
Below are the details. I urge you to raise your hands. Actually, I have seen participants from the last year and saw how they their eyes were opened to the world and have become motivated and some are already in ACTION. This is truely a wonderful project.
Their web sites are;
2. etc.
And see the video at ‘YouTube’.
In my web site, see postings of;
June 6th, 2010
April 14th, 2010
June 29th, 2009
December 19th, 2008
This year’s program is from August 18th to 29th. See below for details. Join them and go out to see the world!
Dear everyone who expects to become a driving force of the world 10 years from now.
+ Global Change Maker Program +
12 days’ exciting program for you to learn and experience how to change the world
For details/applications ⇒ ⇒ ⇒