In a recent panel I participated ?perhaps about 20 panelists — 6:4 for Japanese and non-Japanese, heated discussion went on how to combat climate change. Several Japanese corporate and policy leaders claimed that Japanese energy technology is most efficient and they worked very hard with ‘Samurai spirit’ to improve energy efficiency after ‘oil crisis’ of 1973 Middle East War and insisted that innovative technology is the key to reduce carbon emission.
But others, both Japanese and non-Japanese, argue that this is not enough and insisted that rules and regulations including ‘carbon cap and trade’ must be implemented. Japanese side insists ‘sector approach’ leaving best practice in the world for each sector to pursue.
It seems EU and even US seem moving toward ‘carbon cap and trade’ in addition to various mandatory policies in addition to innovative technology. Unless Japan takes it own initiative, she becomes just a follower of new world rules and could be singled out from this kind of business.
On video-screen, the translation appeared as ‘Samurai Worrier,’ which should have been ‘Samurai Warrior.’ An American noticed this error, but said gently this may not be an error and rather sending a correct message. Sometimes, translation may convey the true meaning of what is being said.